Unable to Go Through With It

People Change and Happens

Two weeks have gone by and Ji Yong still has not put out for Seungri and he is starting to get more handsy. Ji thinks that Seungri is starting to fall or, is still, in love him. But, then again, he isn’t sure he can know that after what happened. Because after all, Ji Yong has not forgotten everything that Seungri did. Ji Yong knows that Seungri loves physical contact and it’s only a matter of time before he starts expecting more than just kisses. Good thing right now he is too focused on making Ji happy. Ji Yong knows he is going to start pressuring him.

He didn’t tell the group they were back together, he had told Seungri that after what happened between him and Seung Hyun he didn’t want to get the group involved in their relationship. Seungri was so set on pleasing him he didn’t argue with him that time either. It was better this way at least Bae and Daesung still acted normal towards him. Seung Hyun avoided him, Maybe he still hated him. Seung Hyun’s relationship with Seungri wasn’t any better either. In fact they couldn’t even look at each other

It’s Tuesday and Ji Yong knows he has to do it soon so he decides today. He gets into his car and drives there. He knows there is a chance it won’t work but he has to try. He promised himself he wouldn’t step down from this.

 Ji Yong knew he was alone. Ji knocked again, when he opened the door he jumped on him kissing him on the mouth with his eyes closed.  If Ji slowed down he knew he would back down. Ji wasn’t sure Jong Hoon would allow him to continue either.

Ji deepened the kiss and Jong Hoon stood surprised but he didn’t fight him off. Soon he too started to move and he let his hand travel up Ji’s shirt. They clumsily traveled to what Ji Yong assumed is Jong Hoon’s bed room. He laid Ji Yong down on the bed and kissed him. They both striped to their boxers as their hands roamed each other. They were pressing against each other. Jong Hoon separated to breath then started on Ji Yong’s neck. He brought his lips back up but hesitated a little. It wasn’t bad, the kiss. But there was no feeling of love to it, it was a task. And just as that thought entered Ji’s heart he couldn’t continue. He wasn’t some or that would sleep with someone for revenge. He stopped his actions and pulled away. Jong Hoon looked confused until he understood why and he too looked ashamed.

“I’m so sorry I –I thought Seungri...”

“Don’t worry about it Ji Yong I understand. It’s not all your fault I did it for comfort, I shouldn’t have responded either.

“But I did it for revenge, Seungri he hurt us both I wanted to hurt him, I thought you would too. You know how it feels like. He made me feel so worthless. I thought you would want to, too. I didn’t even take into consideration that you wouldn’t or how you would feel I’m such an … ”

“   Ji Yong breath,” Jong Hoon said as he turned to his side to look at Ji take a deep breath, “now tell me about this revenge.”

“I just wanted to let him know what it feels like to have someone cheat on you, I thought you would too. I begged him to take me back only so that I could cheat on him. But…”

“ but you couldn’t right, Ji Yong, you’re a better person than that, I knew it when I saw how hurt you were by his betrayal, but tell me how the hell did you end up being the one begging?"

“Long story.”

“Well you are already here so tell me.”

Ji Yong told him about the texts and everything that happened. Somehow he could talk to Jong Hoon because they were in the same boat.  They have both been hurt by the same person.

“Seungri is such and ,”

“I know right”

“At least the loves you”

“What?” what makes you think that?” Ji Yong asked confused as to why he was being told this by the person Seungri cheated on him with.”

“Yup, I don’t think the realizes how bad he messed up but when he went after you that day, it was clear that he loves you in a messed up kind of way. I say messed up because you shouldn’t cheat on someone you love. You should really think about your next move if you still love him, Ji Yong”




“He cheated on me twice, I won’t ever forgive him and I can’t just let go and let him believe its ok.  I still need my revenge even if it’s not like this tell me what would you do?”

“Jong Hoon took a deep breath, it's pathetic, but actually believe if he loved me I would take him back. But then again he only used me once if he did it twice I'm not sure..."

There is a long silence consisting of Ji and Jong Hoon staring at the ceiling.

“You know you don’t have to really sleep with me you just have to make him believe you slept with me or cheated on him.”

Ji Yong thought about it for a while, “How would I do that?”

Well we can display affection in front of him …”

Just then the door opened

“Hey I’m home can I borrow that…”Lee Hong Ki stood wide eyed at the door then quickly closed it and called out from the other side, “I’ll just get it later!”

“Or we can let him spread the rumor”

 Ji sat up in panic, “just how big is his mouth?"

“He’ll tell the group, CN blue too. He won’t tell your group directly. At most, he'll tell Seungri. And a few actors but none of them take him seriously after he tried to spread a rumor about Jang Geun Suk and his hair stylist.

Ji Yong relaxed a little, “good.”

“We still have to make it look real.”

“I’m going to your next concert we can, you know pretend there, I can't wait to see his face"

"Perfect,” Ji Yong said but he was still worried about this affecting the group, “but I don’t know how the group will react, I’m afraid that instead of leading them to success I’m ruining them.”

“If they are as understanding as you said Bae was I’m sure they’ll understand besides it shouldn’t be their problem. its  just between you, me and Seungri.

“It’ll be fine,” Jong Hoon reassured him as he dressed himself.

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Working hard to get another chapter out :)


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vododoll #1
Chapter 26: Waaa i love Gtop in this storyyyyy
Chapter 26: Awww the ending was the sweetest thing ever! Awww I just can't stop awwing. (Awwing: not an actual word, just my feels taking over.)
lrvip052012 #3
Chapter 26: Oh god I just rolled around the bed giggling with joy :-D I'm so happy for this chapter!! Thanx
JiYongnaekkoya #4
Chapter 26: Omo you ..such a teas ..why did you leave it here ..ahhh ..so die for your next chapter ~~~ more moment between them please ..just talk and drink is enough ..I love it slwww like this ..their relationship look so cute now
shimmy143 #5
Chapter 26: ohmy. hahahaQ seunghyun is spazzing out like a fangirl. ahahha! :)
Chapter 25: Thanks for the update!!
omo they're so frustrating.... they know they love each other they even confess but GD hasn't enough self confidence to trust...... Aish he should just let go & trust his own heart....
lrvip052012 #7
Chapter 25: :'( aww I really hope they can finally drop their pride and they can finally start moving forward with their relationship little by little they seem to be getting there
Chapter 24: Gosh Seungri is a brat but that doesn't mean that TOP is! !!! GD don't be stubborn ... reason rarely win over heart because we can control reason but not heart! !!
tarepandasan #9
Chapter 24: Gahhhhh I'm hating Seungri so much right now for causing Ji all this pain and making him completely terrified of even the idea of having a relationship with Seunghyun =(
Chapter 23: Yatta update!!! Thank you!!
Hehehe what will be TOP move now?