Telling A Lie

People Change and Happens


Seung Hyun could still hear the shower running. Contrary to what people believed Ji cried once in awhile. Seung Hyun would know when he heard the shower at night or when he was upset. This time it was past the time Ji usually spent crying and turned of the shower. 
Seung Hyun got up and sneaked into the Ji's room. Ji's bathroom had no lock. He slightly opened the door. He looked around only to find Ji on the floor. His cheeks were still moist from his tears. Seung. Hyun came in and slowly turned of the shower. He defiantly didn't want to get caught. 
He was about to walk out but then thought that he might get cold.
He pulled one of the clean towels from the rack but put it back because  Ji would know someone saw him. He hated not being able to comfort Ji. Maybe that was why he resented Bae. He knew that as best friends they shared many secrets.
The next morning............
Ji Yong woke up with swollen eyes laying on the bathroom floor. The shower was off. He couldn't recall turning it off though. Maybe he had just forgotten he had.
Ji made his way into the kitchen. He paused when he saw that Young  Bae was making breakfast. He and Bae had argued about Seungri before. He took out a clean dish towel and made himself an ice pack for his swollen eyes.
  Bae sighed, " are you really going to let him push you around."
" I don't know what you are talking about?" Ji said as he avoided looking at Bae. 
"You do know I doubt The  whole building doesn't know after last night."
Ji Yong tensed up. He really didn't need this right now.
" Bae came up to him and put his hand on Ji's shoulder," you did nothing wrong you can't let him guilt trip you, Ji. He is in the wrong not you."
" but he said...."
"I heard what he said but you put in your all for this relationship while he simply gave up. Manager called and Seungri went back to Japan this morning. He's not the same Seungri a before, Ji. People change. You Know I'm behind you whatever you decide. I've got your back ever since we became friends."
Ji hugged him as tears rolled down his face," I don't know what to do anymore Bae."  Bae watched Ji cry he didn't usually cry so this was bad. Bae had only seen him cry two times since he knew him and that had been when they were thirteen or fourteen.
" I can tell you what I think you should do but I can't force you. I think you should end that relationship for both your sakes. And I think you should tell him."
" I can't he'll be disgusted. You should have seen the way he looked at me last night."
"Some times I think you are blind Ji. Are you sure you don't want him to know?"
"No," Ji hugged him tighter and Bae patted his back.
"So he is the one you kissed and cheated on Seungri with?" Seung Hyun's deep and angry voice came from the kitchen entrance.
 Bae could see Ji try and form words. 
" Ji did....." Bae began but was interrupted  by Ji.
" Yes, Bae- I kissed Bae."
Bae was surprised at Ji's lie but he would not give him away.
He was to busy thinking. To notice when Seung Hyun  threw a punch at him. He fell backwards. Ji ran to him, "Bae are you ok? I'm so sorry."
Ji got up and pushed Seung Hyun away.
" how could you do that I thought you were the decent one but Seungri was right you are just as bad or worse than him."
 Ji watched Seung Hyun walk out of the kitchen. 
" Ji started crying and Bae got up and hugged him.
" I'm so sorry"Ji kept repeating
"It's ok ," Bae kept repeating for Ji.  
'Good thing it's just a bruise that can be covered up,'  Bae thought. 
Seung Hyun stared at them hugging. He's anger caused him to clench his fists. He would not believe it if he was not seeing it. He spoke to ask if Bae was the one Ji kissed. The answer was the one he dreaded. He knew that Bae and Ji were close but he never imagined this. He walked toward Bae and punched him. What hurt the most was the fact that Ji  ran to his aid. After saying some bitter words Seung Hyun walked out of the kitchen and to his room. He grabbed his keys. He would go to his villa for some time maybe forever.
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Working hard to get another chapter out :)


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vododoll #1
Chapter 26: Waaa i love Gtop in this storyyyyy
Chapter 26: Awww the ending was the sweetest thing ever! Awww I just can't stop awwing. (Awwing: not an actual word, just my feels taking over.)
lrvip052012 #3
Chapter 26: Oh god I just rolled around the bed giggling with joy :-D I'm so happy for this chapter!! Thanx
JiYongnaekkoya #4
Chapter 26: Omo you ..such a teas ..why did you leave it here ..ahhh die for your next chapter ~~~ more moment between them please ..just talk and drink is enough ..I love it slwww like this ..their relationship look so cute now
shimmy143 #5
Chapter 26: ohmy. hahahaQ seunghyun is spazzing out like a fangirl. ahahha! :)
Chapter 25: Thanks for the update!!
omo they're so frustrating.... they know they love each other they even confess but GD hasn't enough self confidence to trust...... Aish he should just let go & trust his own heart....
lrvip052012 #7
Chapter 25: :'( aww I really hope they can finally drop their pride and they can finally start moving forward with their relationship little by little they seem to be getting there
Chapter 24: Gosh Seungri is a brat but that doesn't mean that TOP is! !!! GD don't be stubborn ... reason rarely win over heart because we can control reason but not heart! !!
tarepandasan #9
Chapter 24: Gahhhhh I'm hating Seungri so much right now for causing Ji all this pain and making him completely terrified of even the idea of having a relationship with Seunghyun =(
Chapter 23: Yatta update!!! Thank you!!
Hehehe what will be TOP move now?