Chapter 9

Life As A TS Trainee

Mary's POV~ Luna-it's me. 

I was walking to the bus stop when I saw Jonghwan standing there, kicking his toe to the ground. 
"Oppa," I shouted out his name and ran up to him. "What are you doing here?"
"I thought I'd see you off today," he said with a smile as I smiled back. The bus came and we both got on. "You being a trainee now, I can't see you as much as I want to now."
"Sorry," I said with a pout as he chuckled and pinched my cheeks. "I'll make it up to you by buying dinner tonight."
"Instead of buying, you're cooking," he said with a smirk. 
"But you know I can't cook," I said as he shrugged saying he didn't care. "Fine I'll just make ramen."
"Yah! I come back from the U.S and all you're to cook for me is ramen?" he asked in disbelief as I giggled. 
"You came back a week ago and halmeoni already made you a special meal," I replied. 
"Fine be that way," he said and crossed his arms. "You're still buying me dinner."
I laughed and ruffled his hair, "Still the childish Jonghwan I met."
He smiled and looked out the window. 
"What are you going to do today anyways?" I asked as he shrugged. 
"Once you get off this bus, I'll go take a run down at the Han River then pick up Youngjin at the day care since halmeoni will be home late," he said. 
"How do you know she's coming home late?" I asked as he grinned. 
"She told me and wanted me to take care of you two while she was out," he said. "Going on with my schedule today, after picking Youngjin, we'll pick you up and head out for dinner. Just the 3 of us."
"Sounds like a pretty busy schedule for you," I said and soon the bus came to my stop. "I'll see you two tonight then."
I waved him goodbye and got off the bus to see Hana walking to the building. I ran up to her and poked her sides, making her jump. 
"You scared me Mary," she said with a cute pout. I laughed and apologize. "So how are things with Daehyun and composing?"
"It's good. He's an amazing singer, so I feel like a burden because he's so good. We've got our music done too," I said as she nodded. We walked into the room and saw the groups dispersed. "Have fun."
She narrowed her eyes at me knowing I was being sarcastic. I knew she hated working with Himchan, but she had no other choice. I met up with Daehyun in the recording room as he was singing along with the music. I sat down next to him and just listened to him sing. 
"How's your voice today?" he asked, turning off the music. 
"It doesn't feel dry today that's all I know," I said as he smiled. "Let's get started."
We practiced for hours and I was losing my voice again. 
"Mary, lets take a break," Daehyun said as I nodded. "Your voice isn't getting any better."
"No, it's fine Daehyun-ssi. I'm able to sing, I just need a break," I said with a soft smile and drunk my water. 
"I don't want to doubt, but I just don't think your voice will recover after awhile," he said concerned. "We have everything down. We don't need to practice anymore."
"No buts," he said with a soft smile. "I trust you. I'm sure you'll do great once we're on stage."
I obeyed him and we played around in the recording studio for the time being. We made up random songs that don't even go well together and just had a good time with each other. 
"Oh~ it's time to go," I said, excited to meet up with Jonghwan and Youngjin. 
"You're going home already?" Daehyun asked as I nodded and slung my bag over my shoulder. 
"Training is pretty much over," I said and walked to the door. "I'll see you tomorrow Daehyun-ssi."
I ran out the door and saw them there already. Jonghwan waved me over and so I ran up to them as they were on the opposite side of the street. 
"You ready to go?" he asked, taking my bag from me. I nodded and we walked to a restaurant. I sat next to Youngjin as he sat across from me. 
"So what did you do today Youngjin?" I asked as he pulled out his coloring book and a different one. 
"Hyung and I finished coloring angry birds, then we went to the store and he bought me a new coloring book," he said showing me all the colorful pages and the new book full of different animals. I smiled and ruffled his hair as a waiter came up to us and took our order. 
"How's your voice?" Jonghwan asked as I had told him about everything that's happened this week. 
"It's still the same, but it did get worse today," I said, helping Youngjin put his straw in his drink. 
"It still hurts? You're forcing yourself too much," he said, concerned. 
"Oppa, don't worry about me. I can take care of myself," I said and stirred my straw in my soft drink. "Besides, Daehyun's helping me with my vocals so I should be fine."
"Are you sure?" he asked as I nodded. "I'm trusting you Mary."
I smiled and our food came. We began eating as Jonghwan helped feed Youngjin. 
"Noona, ahh~" Youngjin said and held his spoonful of dumpling soup to my mouth. I happily ate off his spoon and feed him as well. 
"They look like a real family."
"They're too young to be parents."
"But they're so cute together and they're son is adorable."
Jonghwan and I laughed at the elderly couple that were having a conversation about us. Jonghwan turned to look at them and warmly smiled. 
"We're not married or anything and this child is her little brother," he said as they both made an 'oh' face. 
"See, I told you," the elder women said as the man just gave her an 'I don't care' look. "Are you two perhaps dating then?"
"NO!" we both shouted at the same time, making them laugh. 
"Kids these days don't know anything," the women said and gestured us to keep eating. I felt my face blush and ate silently when Youngjin tugged my sleeves. 
"Noona, I have to pee," he said while crossing his legs. 
"Jonghwan, can you take Youngjin to the bathroom?" I asked as he nodded and took Youngjin' hand and they headed to the bathroom. I continued eating when the same elder women from earlier was talking to me. 
"Say, now that I look at you more clearly, you look a lot like my friend's granddaughter. Is your grandmother perhaps Choi Sumi?" she asked as I was shocked and nodded. "Chinja?!"
"Yes I am," I said as she widened her eyes. 
"Uwah~ you're gorgeous! You've grown so much! The photo your grandmother showed me was probably years ago," she said while pinching my cheeks. I giggled and smiled as Jonghwan came back with Youngjin. "Then this must be Youngjin."
"What's going on?" Jonghwan whispered as I mouthed, "I'll tell you later."
"He's so handsome," she said and pinched his cheeks too. 
"Noona..." he said as if he was dying. 
"Youngjin, be polite and say hi to halmeoni's friend," I said as he did so, in a not so polite manner. I poked his side and gave him a warning glare. 
"Does your grandmother know you're out this late?" she asked as I nodded. 
"She's working overtime anyways," Youngjin said when the elderly women furrowed her eyebrows. 
"Overtime?" she asked as we nodded. "She's not working overtime. We both left at the same time, which was 2 hours ago."
"Excuse me?" I asked with an eyebrow raised as she nodded. I looked to Jonghwan as he was just as confused as we were. "We'll be taking our leave."
I grabbed my bag and paid for the meal at the front desk and took a taxi home, to get there faster. 
"Noona, is halmeoni lying to us that she was working overtime?" Youngjin asked as I bit my bottom lip and stared out the window. 
"She told me she was working overtime and that she wouldn't be coming home til midnight," Jonghwan said while furrowing his eyebrows. We reached my house and I walked in to see my grandmother sitting in the dining room alone with one light on. 
"Halmeoni," I softly said as she was shocked to see me, like she's seen me for the first time. "I thought you were overworking tonight?"
"Something came up," she softly replied as I knew there was something going on. I then noticed multiple bottles of medicine on the kitchen counter. 
"What's all that?" I asked walking to it when she grabbed my wrist. 
"It's nothing Mary. Go get some sleep, you have training tomorrow," she said and walked to the bottles, shoving them into a bag and took it with her to her bedroom. 
"Noona, what's wrong with halmeoni?" Youngjin asked as I let out a sigh. 
"I don't know," I replied and smoothed his hair back. 
"Hey, what do you say we do another sleepover?" Jonghwan then asked him as Youngjin happily nodded. I looked up I him as he gave me a soft smile and picked him up, taking him to my bedroom. I followed behind, but stopped in front of my grandmoter's bedroom door. I hope you're healthy...
I let out another sigh and headed into my room. Jonghwan read a bedtime story for us and soon Youngjin fell asleep in his arms. Jonghwan fixed his position and laid comfortably next to Youngjin on my bed. 
"You going to join us?" he asked as I shook my head. "C'mon and sleep with us. Don't you remember we used to do this when we were kids? Sleep together in the same bed?"
"I remember it all," I said with a smile, remembering the memories. "But now that we're grown, we'll have a misunderstanding."
"Tch, you act as if I'm going to do something to you," he said with a soft, husky chuckle. "Come and get in bed."
I rolled my eyes with a smile and scooted next to Youngjin, as he was pretty much separating Jongwan and I. I caressed Youngjin's face when I felt Jonghwan's hand on mine. He sent a tingly feeling in my skin and I felt my heart pound faster than usual. I looked at him as he smiled and slowly closed his eyes. We held hands to sleep, like the old times, as I snuggled closer to Youngjin. 
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Chapter 34: cute story but i had wished for more idols and drama..P.S i feel really really really sad for jonghwan
Chapter 34: such a cute story :) by the way you have nice grammar! it's kind of sad that it's over already, but I loved it nonetheless :)
Chapter 34: Oww so cute <3 ^^ Nice story ^^
Chapter 34: Waaahhh good story!! ^_^
IloveInfinite7 #5
Chapter 34: Luv this story!
Chapter 29: To be frank, I really hope that Mary and Daehyun can be together.. they are so compatible....
Chapter 26: That's really sad....
Chapter 21: the doctor is mary's father?? wow
bobaliciousjenny #9
Chapter 12: Poor grandma... I hope she's okay. Anyway 화이팅-.^
Chapter 9: hm.... i hope her grandmother is ok i ^ i