Chapter 8

Life As A TS Trainee

Daehyun's POV~ Secret-Lalala

A week has gone by already, Mary and I have been writing separate lyrics from a boy's point of view and a girl's point of view. We haven't decided yet if it was going to be a dance song or just a simple ballad. Honestly, we weren't as organized as I thought we'd be. 
"Daehyun-ssi, do you think this makes sense?" Mary asked as she handed me her paper of what she wrote. I fixed some stuff and handed back to her as she just blinked at it, then her eyes lit up. "Wow, this is actually pretty good."
I smiled and continued writing my lyrics. I could feel her leaning over me to take a peak, so I moved to the side for her to get a better view. 
"Mary, what kind of music genre should we use?" I asked while biting at the end of my pencil. 
"I personally like ballad songs with emotions in it," she said as I nodded in approval. "I like a soft piano melody."
"Same here, but my piano skills ," I said as she shrugged. 
"I too, but if we put our heads together then we'll get something," she said and we began organizing where the lyrics should go and who should start off first. I looked at the others as they seemed to be doing fine except for Youngjae and Jihye, they were pretty much arguing about what the lyric should be about. I bet they didn't even have a single word on their sheet of paper. Jongup and Eunmi on the other hand were awkward around each other and I knew he knew nothing about writing lyrics; all he could do is dance and take orders from the hyungs. Zelo and Hyemi seemed to he doing fine, the only thing is they're both only 16 and can't really write something good. Himchan and Hana looked like they were doing alright too, except Hana seemed to be doing most of the work. Yongguk being the best lyric writer in this room was already done writing his. I looked at Mary as she bit her bottom lip, thinking about the lyrics. 
"Do you think we could change the chorus up?" she asked as I gestured her to do so. I really didn't care honestly, because she was a pretty skilled writer herself. "I could sing the first verse and the first chorus then you'll sing the second verse and chorus. We could split up the bridge and harmonize for the 3rd chorus, how's that sound?"
"Perfect," was all I said as she gave me a satisfied smile. 
"We'll have a key change once the first verse is done, unless you want to stay constant?" she asked as I shook my head. 
"It'll be better if we do a key change," I said and we wrote it all down onto our paper. "All we need now is music."
We both went into the recording studio and played with the piano for a bit when an idea popped up. "That song you were humming for me at the playground, do you mind if we use that?"
Her face tensed up and I knew what she was thinking. She didn't want to use it because she was waiting for her co-partner who also came up with the tune, but the only thing is she doesn't know is it's me. I didn't want to force her, so I said, "We don't have to use it. We could use something else."
I played with the piano when she sighed and said, "I doubt I'll be ever to meet him again, but we could use it."
"We don't have to if you don't want to. Don't pressure yourself and wait until he comes," I said as she gave me a faint smile and shook her head. 
"It's fine with me," she said and played it on the piano. "I think the lyrics match the song perfectly too."
I honestly felt bad that I put the pressure on her, "Are you sure about this Mary?"
"I'm positive Daehyun-ssi," she said with a smile and played the song. "Let's give it the title One Year Later."
"That's perfect," I said and sat next to her, humming the lyrics to it. We made a few change here and there, but overall it was really good. 
"This is better than I expected," she said with a happy smile. "I just wish he was able to hear it."
He's hearing it all right now. I smiled and we then began singing it all. It went well, a few cracks here and there from her, but I thought it was cute of her and laughed. 
"Why are you laughing? Am I not good?" she asked with a pout as I shook my head. 
"I just find it cute how you make that facial expression when you make a simple mistake," I said as she blushed. "Don't worry, you'll be able to do it. Just believe in yourself."
She smiled and we continued to sing when she was slowly losing her voice, which wasn't a good sign. "You're forcing it out. Don't overwork yourself and get a drink of water. We'll continue tomorrow, but if your voice worsens then we'll have to stop."
"It's fine Daehyun-ssi, I'll be able to sing tomorrow," she said with a weak smile and cleared . We began packing our stuff up and walked to the bus stop. She kept touching , which worried me. 
"Are you going to be okay?" I asked as she nodded. 
"I'm fine, don't worry about me," she replied and got on the bus. We went over a few things in the lyrics and the music itself, adding a guitar melody and some drum beats to it, making it into a pop ballad. Our stop came up and we got off. I was making it a daily routine to walk her home every night, it didn't seem to bother her too. 
"Drink a lot of water Mary and if your voice still hurts then we can stop and let Jay know," I said and waved her off once we reached her door steps. I walked to the dorm and saw Yongguk and them awake. 
"I'm surprised you guys aren't asleep yet," I said as they didn't care about my presence and watched the movie Constantine, Yongguk's favorite movie. 
"Hyung, are you and Mary having some sort of scandal?" Zelo asked as I rolled my eyes. 
"What scandal?" I asked and went to the fridge, pulling out a water bottle. 
"Youngjae told us everything you told him," Yongguk said and for the first time he had his eyes off the TV screen. 
"What exactly do you mean by everything?" I asked while glaring at Youngjae. 
"He told us that Mary's your first love," Zelo said in a playful tone. 
"The teddy bear you have in your room is hers huh?" Himchan asked as I felt my face heat up. "He told us about the first time you two met and your promise you made with her."
"Youngjae, you're so dead," I said through clenched teethes and was going to go after him when Yongguk got up and held me back. 
"There's nothing wrong with him telling us. We'd find out sooner or later anyways, so don't go raging out on him," Yongguk said and released me. "How's it going with her anyways?"
"It's good I guess. She still doesn't remember me, but slowly she will," I said and joined them. "We've got our song done too, but we still need to work on some things. Also, her voice is breaking; she's forcing herself to get the high notes."
"Why don't you just teach her then. You're a pretty good singer too and you sing pretty high," Jongup suggested. 
"I already did, but it takes time to level up in vocal ranges," I said as they nodded. "Well, we'll see how it goes tomorrow."
"Oh hyung, Youngjae also told us that you still sleep with your bunny blanket," Zelo said and this time I really ran after him around the dorm. 
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Chapter 34: cute story but i had wished for more idols and drama..P.S i feel really really really sad for jonghwan
Chapter 34: such a cute story :) by the way you have nice grammar! it's kind of sad that it's over already, but I loved it nonetheless :)
Chapter 34: Oww so cute <3 ^^ Nice story ^^
Chapter 34: Waaahhh good story!! ^_^
IloveInfinite7 #5
Chapter 34: Luv this story!
Chapter 29: To be frank, I really hope that Mary and Daehyun can be together.. they are so compatible....
Chapter 26: That's really sad....
Chapter 21: the doctor is mary's father?? wow
bobaliciousjenny #9
Chapter 12: Poor grandma... I hope she's okay. Anyway 화이팅-.^
Chapter 9: hm.... i hope her grandmother is ok i ^ i