Moving fast, huh?

Trust me, love.

He asked her while walking down the streets when a chilly gust of wind blew past them .
She shook her head and pecked his cheek , an act of gratitude that she learned he loves .
He hugged her even tighter and asked if she wanted to go have a hot drink before going home .
Though it was late , she didn’t want to refuse him and so she agreed .


” Ahjumma , two cappucinos please ! ”

Junhyung hollered from his seat after both him and Min-ah had been seated .
Much to Min-ah’s suprise , Doojoon , one of Junhyung’s friend , emerged from the cash register and stride forward towards her and Junhyung .


” Yah , yah , yah ! Who’s the ahjumma ? You little .. ”

He didn’t continue what he was going to say when he realized that Min-ah was there too .
Instead , he calm down and collected himself as he politely greet her .


” OH , Min-ah-sshi . Welcome . I bet this man didn’t tell you I own this cafe . Anyway , anything you would like would be my treat . ”
He winked at Min-ah as she giggled .
She had always find Doojoon really attractively humorous .


” And for you , all your orders’ bill will be doubled . ”

Doojoon childishly concluded much to Junhyung’s dismay .
Junhyung pouted for awhile before bursting out in laughter .
In fact , all three of them laughed .
After getting their share of cappucinos , Doojoon left them both alone .
He knew , Junhyung wanted to spend as much time as he can with Min-ah .


” How long are you gonna stay ? ”

Junhyung asked worriedly .
He was anxious if Min-ah is going away soon .
He hadn’t had spend much time with her yet and he sure needed to hang out with her more .


” I’m staying till I graduate . ”

Min-ah replied normally while Junhyung jumped in his seat hearing her say that .
He was physched that she’s staying for another year .
He wanted to just jump on her and kiss her till the night end .
He had never felt any happier than this before .


Before going back into Bom’s house , they stood outside the gate for approximately ten minutes just looking at eachother .
Last time , it used to be really awkward but now , they knew themselves how much they needed each other and they needed to remember each other’s faces for the night .


” Ehemm , you two lovebirds ain’t coming in or something ? ”

Bom yelled from the window . Min-ah blushed and turned red .
Junhyung just shrugged his shoulders and smirk .
Min-ah decide that it was time to go in and she turned to go off .
That is , before Junhyung pulled her into a hug .
It lasted for another five minutes before they broke apart and smiled as they waved their hands to eachother .


” How did you two meet ? I thought you said you didn’t want him to know that you’re working . ”

Bom asked suspiciously as she squint her eyes to make it seem as though she’s a detective .
Min-ah laughed at her cute friend and almost so casually she answered to Bom .


” I got busted . ”

She said casually and made her way to the bathroom to get a shower .
After that , she lay on her bed , only to fall asleep a minute later .


Junhyung was still walking home at that moment and he eyed on a jewellery shop in the midst of the crowded street .
He made his way in and a pair of rings caught his attention .
It was plain and simple , silver in colour and the first thing that came to mind was Min-ah .
He and Min-ah hadn’t been together for long and he remembered that their 100th day was coming .
His lips curled into a smile as he paid to for the rings .
100th day is a big deal for couples in Korea and these rings , he thought , would be perfect .
He smiled all the way home .


He looked at his watch . 10pm .
Usually at this time , he would be webcamming with Min-ah .
It’s too early to sleep , he complained to himself .
He wanted to webcam with her again but thinking about how she just came back from work , he couldn’t be so selfish and deide to dismiss his thought .
He got into his empty apartment and sighed .
He is from a welltodo family and had been living independently ever since he started highschool .
He believed that independence is the first step to being a man .
Futhermore , living with his parents felt like this anyway .
His parent were never at home .
It used to bother him alot but it doesn’t matter now .
He has Min-ah now .


As he lay on his bed , trying in best to fall asleep .
Min-ah beautiful face came to his mind .
He gave up sleeping and sat up .
He wanted to see Min-ah badly .
He hated this feeling of missing her so bad .
Then an idea got to his mind .
He reached for his laptop and turned it on .
He smiled at his wallpaper .
It’s Min-ah .
Like an fool , he started talking to the wallpaper , laughing and smiling alone .
Love made him into the fool he is now .


” Min-ah-yah ! ”

Min-ah heard someone called her .
She turned around to see Junhyung catching up to her .
She giggled and waited up for him .
He wanted to wrap her around him but she backed away , much to his suprise .
She told him to move back and not to walk so close to her .
She didn’t want people to look .
They’re were already some who were looking .
He sighed and moved almost two metres back .
His head hung low and both his hands were in his pocket .
He wanted to just scream that Min-ah’s his girl .


School for Junhyung .
It always had anyway but today was the worst .
Min-ah is so close to him but he can’t even come near her or anything .
It really made him angry .
He isn’t such a patient person but Min-ah herself said that she want it to be this way , he had no other choice .
Min-ah’s words are commands for him .
All he could think of the whole day was that Min-ah’s in the same class as Kikwang and he couldn’t imagine what’s happening at right about now .


Min-ah’s class was asked to go in pairs for their science practical and guess what ?
Kikwang was with her .
Min-ah ignored him at first but Kikwang is persistent .
He kept talking until Min-ah notices and talk to him in return .
That to him was an accomplishment .


” Min-ah , how about today , we go to the library to discuss this out ? ”

He asked her .
Ofcourse , she disagreed ad told him that they could just do it some other time or do it in class alone but Kikwang , being the very persistent person that he is , didn’t buy that and made up excuses and reasons that they should do it later in the afternoon .
Actually , Kikwang wasn’t interested in the discussion at all .
All he was thinking of was how Junhyung would burst in anger when he sees Min-ah with him .
He was so happy that he almost blew his cover by laughing on Min-ah face .


Kikwang send Min-ah all the way to the schoolgate later that day .
Min-ah rejected his offer but Kikwang was grateful enough that he was able to bring her this far .
What’s left was …


” Min-ah . ”

Junhyung choked voice called out to Min-ah when he saw her with Kikwang .
It pained him , really .
He wanted to just rushed up front and present Kikwang a busted lip but he held his anger in .
He didn’t want Min-ah to see him so violent .
What pained him even more was that he didn’t even spend time with Min-ah at school and here she is with Kikwang .
He really wanted to scream it off but he couldn’t .
He loves her too much to scream like a eup maniac in front of her .
Instead , he glared at Kikwang , earning a smirk .
But Kikwang left that .
Junhyung was going to move in closer to Min-ah but once again , he was pushed away .
He didn’t understand it now .
Why is it that when she’s with Kikwang she doesn’t push HIM away ?
If she’s afraid of attention , Kikwang is also popular .
So what’s wrong ? It bothered him .


Only after walking out of the school premises and far from sight of many people , she motioned for Junhyung to walk by her side .
He did but he was quiet .


” Why are you so close to him ? ”

Junhyung managed to ask , soft .


” He’s my lab partner . ”

At about now , Junhyung was bursting .
What ? A lab partner now ? That guy is moving fast .
That’s all in his mind .
He’s getting paranoid if Kikwang will be successful at taking her away from him .
He wanted to just run to Kikwang and kill him .
But yet , unlike what he is , he nod his head and continued walking .
He himself don’t know what’s going on with himself .
He isn’t usually like this .
In real cases , he would actually teach Kikwang down and hunt him till he surrenders but now , he didn’t .
He respected the fact that Min-ah and Kikwang were lab partners and he trusted that apart from that , nothing else will happen .
He trust her his whole heart .


She went home and rest for awhile before making her way to work a little later .
She was dead tired but she didn’t have a choice , she had to work .
She closed her eyes for another minute and got ready for work .
Waving goodbye to Bom , she walked down the road to the restaurant slowly , taking her time , as though counting her steps .
Almost fifteen minutes later , she finally reached the restaurant and changed into her work uniform and went on to collect orders from the customers .
Absorbed in her work , she didn’t realize who just walked through the door .
Junhyung did .
She went forward towards him , suprised , not knowing whether she should be happy or not .


” What are you doing here ? ”

” I can’t force you to quit so I’m here to accompany you through your job . ”

He stated a fact and smiled .
Yes , she is thankful but it didn’t feel right .


The Junhyung she knew isn’t the kind of person who would just work .
Junhyung isn’t the kind who would spend his time doing tiring stuffs even if he has the time .
He’s a lazy man and she knows that .
He would not use his time this way .
And with the thought that he’s doing this for her , her heart fluttered and she can’t help but just smile .
To stop him from staring at her too long , she grinned and passed an empty plate into Junhyung opened arms .


” Heyhey , wait up . I’m not yet a certified worker . I needa go the interview first , so wish me luck . ”

He smiled as he say and kissed her cheek .
She looked away to avoid from being caught blushing .
He turned to walk to meet the owner .
The one he knew was Kikwang .

Nevertheless , he knocked on the door so politely .
He needed this job and keep a look out for Min-ah .


His heart hasn’t been at rest these few days .
He knew very well how Kikwang works .
He couldn’t sleep thinking of what Kikwang might do .
It’s not that he doesn’t trust Min-ah , he’s just worried about what Kikwang might do .


” Come in . ”

He heard the voice he hated so much tell him .
He rolled his eyes thinking this is gonna be the last of him listening to a jerk’s command .


” Ah , Junhyung . What a pleasant suprise . ”

Kikwang sarcastically said as he motioned Junhyung to come in .
Kikwang knew this was gonna happen .
He knew that one of these days , Junhyung will come .
He knew Junhyung way too well .


” Give me a job . ”

” Why ? ”

Kikwang replied with a smile , as if trying to say that he’s a superior .
Junhyung wanted to just get up and let his fist kiss Kikwang’s face but he held it in and instead smiled .


” I just need a job . ”

” Ah , really ? ”

Kikwang’s really testing his patience .
He took a deep breathe and asked Kikwang one more time , telling himself if Kikwang’s continuing to be a jerk , he’s gonna just start a fight .


” Sure . You’ve been my buddy for so long , so why not , huh ? ”

Kikwang finally said much to Junhyung’s annoyance .
* Ay , who’s buddy is he ? * Junhyung thought .
* This is for Min-ah . This is for Min-ah . * He repeatedly said to himself as he bowed politely and left .
Once he got out of that room , he punched the wall .
He didn’t knew it was this tiring to lie . 

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Aww<br />
So Kikwang let Minah go :'(<br />
Ah well, congrats to Junhyung :D<br />
Update soon!!
Poor Junhyung :'(<br />
It's good that he's such an understanding person :D<br />
Update soon!!
Aww<br />
May the best man win :D<br />
Update soon!!
FanficLover96 #4
Kikwang, just let Min-ah go!! :)))
I hope Kikwang and Junhyung don't get into a fight...<br />
I don't really mind who she gets with right now as long as she loves him :D<br />
Update soon!!
xoRynoa #6
Awhhhh! So sad, they both care so muh about her ;( I also think that she's changed them, in a good way that is! Update sooon<33
xoRynoa #7
Awhh, unnie Park Bom's so nice (= Update soon!
fightingme #8
sorry..haha..I'm not intending to pressure you...<br />
Wow<br />
Bom is such a wise woman :D<br />
Update soon!!
fightingme #10
this fc is just fantastic. I love how Minah and Junhyung are together.<br />
Please let it be Junhyuuung!!!!