” Weren’t you the one who took me from there ? ”

She asked Junhyung getting more and more frustrated that she didn’t know who risked his life to save her .


” Huh ? Took you from where to where ? Are you okay , love ? ”

He asked her worriedly .
Maybe she hit her head hard on something .


” No , I’m okay . ”

She pushed his hand away in frustration .
Why couldn’t she remember who helped her ?

She stayed for three days in the hospital and her face was scarred .


” I have never seen you any more beautiful than this . ”

Junhyung exclaimed in awe as her softly trailed kisses down all her wound .
She giggled softly at his ticklish kisses .


” I need to bring you to my parents and tell them how much I want give them grandchildren now . ”

He teasing joked earning playful hits from Min-ah .


” Yah , erase those dirty thoughts . ”

She laughed when she saw Junhyung giving her his failed seductive faces .


Outside her door , almost too dramatically , was Kikwang who saw everything , from the kisses to the faces tha Min-ah laughed at .
He wanted to stop the pain in his heart but he didn’t know how to .
He can’t deny he loves Min-ah now because he does .
No matter how much he tries and tries to throw whatever he feels towards Min-ah , the more it builds up .
He’s sick of how he actually cry at night when his heart beg him to stop loving Min-ah .
He had never cry .
How could he cry for Min-ah ?
Even he wonders .


He walked out the hospital entrance dragging his heavy , stubborn heart .
As he walks away , he sings softly to himself , trying to make himself feel better .
He brings up his clenched fist and force it open .
In his palm , sat a beautiful necklace that he was planning to give to Min-ah .
Maybe not today , he thought as he forced a smile .


These days , Junhyung had never love Min-ah as he had the last time .
Those scars on her face made him treasure her , made him want to protect her .
Now , even if she’s going to cross the street in front of her place , Junhyung will rush to her side and make sure she’s fine .
He’s overprotective .
He can’t afford if Min-ah ever get admitted with the kind of condition he last saw her in .


When he found out Min-ah was sent to the hospital , he was staying out late with Beast .
When he got the call , he panicked .
He didn’t even think of what to do , he just ran to the hospital .
He wanted to thank whoever that helped her with all he could but he couldn’t find the hero .
All he could do is stay by Min-ah side .
Seeing her connected to all the needles , he never felt so helpless in his life .
It pained him so much to see the woman he loved most suffer like that . 





Sorry for the hiatus!
I had to go on course for a whole week and I didnt even have time to turn on my com.
It was from 8am all the way till 8pm.
And each time at the end of the night, im totally shagged!
I'm superb sorry!

Yes, even silent readers. ♥