” Kikwang-ah , mian , I have to go now . Maybe practice again tomorrow ? ”

She asked hopeful .
Though she was in a rush , she hopes for Kikwang to teach her again like today .
Somehow , she seem to understand Kikwang’s method of teaching better than their dance instrustor .
Kikwang nodded much to Min-ah relief before she ran out the hallway to search for Junhyung .


Junhyung on the other hand had been waiting for hours and he was getting bored and when he’s bored , he do alot of retarded stuffs .
He started saying rhymes to himself , faster and faster each time , trying to entertain himself .
To no avail .
He decided to sleep at the bences when he heard a voice he knew too well talked to him .


” Oh , my Junhyung’s rapping eh ? ”

Hyun-ah baby talked as if trying too hard to make herself sound cute .
She sat herself beside Junhyung and reached for his hand .


” This is the hand I missed the most . ”

She whispered as she pulled Junhyung’s hand which is already in hers , close to her chest .
Junhyung denies it but he felt his heart beat faster .
And he hated himself for that .
It took him a bit more to react , to pull away from her .


” Yah , Hyun-ah . I’m attached . It’s like you’re attacking on a married man . ”

Junhyung tried to sound mature .
He doesn’t even know what he was saying .
Married man ? Tsk , what a joke .
He inwardly laughed at himself .


Junhyung didn’t know but Hyun-ah was actually affected at the word attached .
She doesn’t mind married man , because she knew it got nothing on her but the way Junhyung said attached was like he really mean it .
She recalled that when Junhyung was with her , he never wanted to acknowledge their relationship .
It’s almost like he’s ashamed and right now , his act of saying that he’s attached , it kills her .
Hyun-ah was so hurt that she just leaned in and kissed him ever so passionately .
To heal her pain and to make herself believe that she deserve Junhyung too .



Min-ah searched all around school , everywhere .
Except for the field benches .
She thought it would be the least likely place .
But she saw shadows and she decides to go and find out .
She was in a rush to find Junhyung and so her steps were rushed and light , almost inaudible .
When she saw Junhyung and Hyun-ah kissed , she was shocked beyond words .
She wanted to just break down and cry but she didn’t .


She , instead , stood there still , her arms crossed , as if waiting for a boring movie to end and go home .
She trusted Junhyung her whole heart so she believed that they had nothing to worry about .
Even so , she is still abit too jealous about what’s happening .
In fact , she was counting seconds , only at her fifth count , Junhyung pushed her away and ran off .
But his sight caught Min-ah .
He went towards her , guilt-stricten .
While Junhyung was walking towards her , all she thought was it took Junhyung five seconds to push away .
It’s painful , but she have to put up with this .


He stood in front of her , quiet .
Not even saying a word , suprising Min-ah .
She thought Junhyung’s gonna beg her for forgiveness .
Maybe not .


” Lets go . I’m starving . ”

Min-ah said killing the awkward wall between them .
Junhyung could only nod weakly .
He was still in shock at what Hyun-ah did .


Honestly , he did loved Hyun-ah the last time .
But now he loves Min-ah . He didn’t know what he’s gonna do .
Part of him wants to go to Hyun-ah after the kiss and part of him wants to stay with Min-ah .
His conscience was killing him .
He knew the one he loved is Min-ah but there’s something pulling him back and it’s not Hyun-ah alone .

Their relationship grew to be distant , much different then the way they were before .
And it killing them both .
They dont want things to continue like this but neither knows what to do and simply like this, the time they spent with each other grew lesser and lesser , with Min-ah spending more time dancing , with Kikwang . \




I deeply apologise for the latelatelate update.
Havent been the girl with the most time on her hands lately.
And my exams started and my life and I have to study 24/7 to convince my mom to let me go to a concert to see Bigbang, so yes, my life is jampacked and veryvery ish.
I will strive hard to update and stuff so please be patient with me.
Once my exams are over, (BANZAI!) I will definitely try to finish up this story for you y subscribers.

Im a little bored so Imma write somemore.
Daaaaaaaaaaaaang, love that man.
Should I make a story on him? (hinthint)
And I need three As and no Fs in my results to go the concert with Bigbang in it.
I dont think i could get those grades anyway.
Should just give up.


Anyway, to you y people,
