” Do wanna go out for dinner with me tonight? ”

Kikwang asked hopeful. He’s been trying to really get Min-ah.
He had been collecting courage from time to time to face Min-ah and be able to tell her that he loves her.
But as of now, dinner was all he managed to say.


” Eung. ”

Min-ah didnt want to agree but when she see his face, fulfilling what he wants is the least she could do.


Kikwang secretly peek a look at her every time he could and all he saw was an unhappy woman.
He didnt want her to be unhappy.
He couldnt deny that when he found that Min-ah broke up with Junhyung, he was over the moon.
He was too happy in fact.
All he could think of was that Min-ah was finally up for grabs.
He got closer to her with only one thing in mind, that is to heal her wound and love her.
To his happiness, Min-ah didnt push him away but she also did not open up her heart to him.
She was always with him but her mind was always somewhere else.
And all he could learn to do was to be patient.
He thought that maybe Min-ah needed a little bit more time to forget Junhyung completely.


For Min-ah though, she is definitely trying her hardest to forget Junhyung but she couldnt no matter how hard she tried.
Even if she didnt think of him for a whole day, there’s bound to be one point of time that Junhyung would call, text or wait for her outside her house.
And when that happens, all her efforts to throw him behind her seem to fail.
She couldnt just forget him like that.
Not after all she did to be with him and after all she and Junhyung had done together.
Its never simple.


While both Kikwang and Min-ah were spending their time having dinner at one of the popular restaurants up town, Junhyung, as drunk as he was refused to go back home.
He sat on the sidewalk where he last saw Min-ah, his eyes never leaving the road, secretly praying that by the time Min-ah comes back, she might love him again.


At first, when Min-ah said all these painful words to him, Junhyung felt pain and every other hurtful feelings.
He even thought that maybe Min-ah and him were really over.
But he couldnt live on even if he were to keep that in his mind.
He couldnt stop himself from crawling his way back to her.
He had grown too attached to her. He could never live without her.
So much that despite all the words that Min-ah scream at him, he could never leave her.
He dont even feel hurt anymore, instead he felt good when Min-ah scream at him, he felt like Min-ah acknowledges him.
That was enough.
 Her screams at him was enough to last him the whole day.


But tonight, when he saw her smile like that to someone else, he couldnt hide his pain anymore.
He couldnt even lie to himself how broken he felt.
He even went as far as begging Bom to help him out to bring Min-ah back to him, to no avail.