” You came here to tell me that? ”
Junhyung snickered.
Sure, he did invite Kikwang in but that doesn’t mean he’ll be treated Kikwang like a princess.
How could he?
A person who took his own love from him was right in front of his face, how could he even think straight?
All that’s running in his mind was just the infinite amount of desire to punch that pretty face of Kikwang’s.


Before Kikwang could answer to that, Junhyung got out of his seat and trudged his way to his refrigerator.
He reached out to the bottled of soju lined up and carried out four bottles out to the couch.
He passed two to Kikwang and kept two for himself.
This was just amazing.
It never occurred to any of them that a day where they might be having a drink together would ever come but it did.
And it’s surreal.


” I’ll fight for her. You too. Both of us fight for her and she’ll pick who she wants to be with. ”

Kikwang muffled after a couple of shots down his throat.
Junhyung was drunk but he was not deaf.
He heard that and he nodded, a smile slowly crept up his face.
This is a chance and with this chance, he’s never gonna lose.


Then it happens.
The tight fight for Min-ah.
Both of them doing all they can to get Min-ah attention.
They’ll fight for her to eat with one of them, get home with one of them.
It was almost crazy at one point of time.
But it always end that Kikwang was alway the winner.
Min-ah always chooses Kikwang over Junhyung.
But it had always been like that, she did that not because she loves Kikwang, it’s because she cannot just simply be with Junhyung without loving him unconditionally again.
Sure, she might have spent a lot more time with Kikwang since she was always with him but her mind was always on Junhyung and it was just too ironic.


It was painful for both men to love the same woman.
It would be simple for them to just give it up and just find some other girls and they had thought about it countless of times.
But no.
None of them can just forget her like that.
It was tiring, true.
But it was better to love her like this than to not love her at all.


Min-ah too was tired.
She didn’t want to do this anymore.
Sure, she could.
She could just ditch Kikwang and go of with Junhyung just like before but right now, she can’t do that.
Not after all that Kikwang had done for her.


But in the end, there’s always one who gives up.
And one of them both who promised to fight for Min-ah gave up.
The other never did. He kept going all in for Min-ah.
He sacrificed everything in his power for her.
She meant just the world to him.
He was always there for her at every point of her life.
Only just in the shadows.
He was somehow afraid to come up to her in time.
Instead, all he does was to watch over her without her notice.


When they graduated and he saw her carrying her bouquet of flowers getting hugs from her parents, he wanted so bad to run up to her parents and tell them how much he wanted to marry her.
But he didn’t.


He followed her to the same college, same university.
Taking same courses as her but always, he was able to hide.
In these long period of time, he saw how she really lived and she saw her in relationships with different men.
But none last as long as his with her.
Up to their work life, he kept loving her.
Knowing that she doesn’t know his loving, he still keeps loving her.


You know everyone will have this one day when they’ll find their strength and get back on track to fight for what’s theirs.
Well his days came pretty soon after that.
He quit his current job and applied for one at the exact place Min-ah was working in.
He was really hard on about this.
He’s ready to get Min-ah this time.


Maybe Lady Luck was on his side because he got the job and the table right next to Min-ah.


” Junhyung? ”

The sweetest voice he’s heard called his name.
He didn’t need anything else.
The fact that she remembered his name alone was enough to make him smile.
That voice calling his name made him realize that this is worth it.
This whole time he was looking out for her, it was worth every single second. 


I hope this longer chapter would make up for the late update.
I havent had the best of luck.
I had actually finish this whole story.
Sad thing is I wrote it in my phone and my phone crashed and everything got restored.
All the 100+ stories i wrote in my phone, WOOSH, gone.
I almost killed myself if not for my friends pulling me back from the road.
Dont even get me started on the other reason that made me wanna die, Jun's and whatshername relationship.
You might be fine with him being with whatshername but I just, I just can't.

2PM's 10 point out of 10 is playing in my iTunes.
This is so irrelevant to how depressed I'm feeling right now.

And guys, give me a lil' bit more time to get back and running in this fic.