The Truth.

Trust me, love.

” Junhyung , I’m going for practice today , don’t wait up for me . ”

Min-ah said as she kissed Junhyung goodbye .


” Yah , no . I command you not to go . You just got to school and you’re already thinking of dancing ? ”

” I’m fine . Geez , it’s not like I broke a bone or something . ”

” Thats exactly what I don’t want to happen . ”

Junhyung stubbornly said .
The first day that Min-ah got to school after her admission to the hospital and she’s already ready for dance practice .


” I’m fine , Junhyung . ”

She laughed as she assured him .


” I’ll wait up for you . ”

Junhyung finally gave in , kissing her face all over .


” Yahyahyah . Stop it . It’s ticklish ! ”

She giggled .


” I love you , you know ? ”

” I know , Junhyung . I love you too . ”

She replied as she gave him a quick peck on the lips before going in the dance studio .


” Yah , where have you been ? ”

One of the dancers asked .


” Y-y-yah , what’s wrong with your face ? ”

Another joined the conversation .


” Oh , I fell down some hard stuff that kindda cut through my face . Haha . ”

She tried to lighten the atmosphere .
Everyone gasped in disgust and moved away from her .
Min-ah sighed and move to the corner .
She wished Kikwang was with her but she remembered that she wanted to avoid kikwang .


It’s not that she hates him that much but because she doesn’t want him hurt .
Yeah , maybe because he talks to Hyun-ah does piss her off , she doesn’t want Kilwang hurt .
She knows Kikwang likes her and if he continues hanging out with her , he’ll end up broken and she doesn’t want him torn .


” Hey , long time no see . ”

She turned to her side and there was Kikwang , much to her suprise .


” Oh , hey . ”

” Is your face getting better ? ”

He asked .


” Ah , ye . ”

Almost too awkwardly , she nodded .
She thought that maybe if she don’t talk to him , he’ll go away and he won’t get so hurt hanging out with her who is in love with someone else .
Pheww , such a complicated story .


” Oh , well . The two lovebirds . ”

That irritating botching voice chirped .
Hyun-ah never gets tired does she .


” So I guess you’re with Kikwang now right ? So I’ll take Junhyung from you , thankyouverymuch . ”

Hyun-ah bowed to both Kikwang and Min-ah .


Then it struck to Min-ah .
Wait , Hyun-ah was the one who hurt her , so she must have seen who saved her right ?
Sure , it won’t be too reliable but who knows ?


” Wait here . ”

Min-ah told Kikwang as she stood to catch up with Hyun-ah .


” Hyun-ah-yah . ”

Min-ah called out softly .


” Who saved me from you ? ”

Min-ah asked her eyebrow raised .


” Why do you think I thank Kikwang and you ? I don’t understand how these men can fall for a dumb like you . ”

She spat and walked all model-ly away from where they were .


She stride back to where Kikwang was and pulled him to stand .
He looked at her confused at her actions .
She stared at him for another minute before pulling him to the corner of the room .


” Say my name . ”

Min-ah asked Kikwang .


” Huh ? ”

” Say my name . ”

She repeated patiently .


” Min-ah ? ”

He said confused .
She remembered that voice calling her name .


” You stupid fool . You stupid , stupid fool . ”

She breathed as she hit his chest continously .


” Yah , Min-ah , what’s wrong with you ? ”

Kikwang asked pretty shocked at what’s happening .
Is she okay ? He thought .


” You stupid . Why did you save me ? ”

She asked in between her sliding tears .
She avoided the man who helped her out in the end .


” Because I’m a fool , like you said . So hit me somemore . Please , hit me somemore and wake me up . I try to wake myself up but I can’t . Maybe you can . ”

He blurted , angry .
But he wasn’t angry at her .
He was angry at himself .
For loving her like this , when he shouldn’t .
He pulled her hands and motioned her to hit him even harder .


” Don’t like me . Please . ”

Min-ah begged him .
She couldn’t see him suffer because of her like this .


” Do you think I want to like you ? ”

He yelled clenching his fist earning glares from the all around the studio .


 Great , now the whole dance team knows I like Min-ah . Just great . *

Kikwang thought as he walked out of the now stuffy studio .
He walked out of the school still angered at himself .
He hit himself on the head much , it felt like his whole head could fall off . 


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Aww<br />
So Kikwang let Minah go :'(<br />
Ah well, congrats to Junhyung :D<br />
Update soon!!
Poor Junhyung :'(<br />
It's good that he's such an understanding person :D<br />
Update soon!!
Aww<br />
May the best man win :D<br />
Update soon!!
FanficLover96 #4
Kikwang, just let Min-ah go!! :)))
I hope Kikwang and Junhyung don't get into a fight...<br />
I don't really mind who she gets with right now as long as she loves him :D<br />
Update soon!!
xoRynoa #6
Awhhhh! So sad, they both care so muh about her ;( I also think that she's changed them, in a good way that is! Update sooon<33
xoRynoa #7
Awhh, unnie Park Bom's so nice (= Update soon!
fightingme #8
sorry..haha..I'm not intending to pressure you...<br />
Wow<br />
Bom is such a wise woman :D<br />
Update soon!!
fightingme #10
this fc is just fantastic. I love how Minah and Junhyung are together.<br />
Please let it be Junhyuuung!!!!