Trust me, not him.

Trust me, love.

Kikwang, on the other hand, was still in school, sitting at a particular corner that he always had been at.
A place he goes for a peace of mind.
He sat there and realized that the whole time, he's been thinking about one thing.
He had won many things over Junhyung but it was all only because Junhyung hated long arguments, like ones they have and thus Junhyung always let's Kikwang wins and he acknowledges it.
Now, he wants to get what that belong to Junhyung in a more manly way.
He doesnt want Junhyung to give it up easily.
Kikwang wants a fair fight.
He wanted to win Min-ah over.
The whole time he's sitting, he had been thinking of Min-ah.


Junhyung had already sent Min-ah right infront of her door and have no other reason to keep staying, standing with her by his side.


" Junhyung, you can go now. "

She said laughing.
She knew he doesnt want to go and he doesnt want to leave either.


" Do you want to eat out for dinner with me? "

She doesnt want to tell him that she had to work at night.
Eventhough Bom is her friend, it kills her conscience to live in Bom's house without giving a rent and so, she's working to earn some rent and pocket money.


" Umm, i'm not that hungry. Futhermore, i've got some schoolwork to work on. "

She hated lying to him but she had no choice.
If she were ever to tell him that she's working so she can continue to stay in Seoul to stay with him., he's gonna feel responsible and he would wanna pay for everything.
Thats why she shuts the up to him.


He knew she was lying.
He knew from the start that she's hiding something from him.
Still, he told ehr goodbye.
But instead of going back home, he stayed , hiding somewhere near her apartment to see what's happening that's eating so much of her time.


She got into the house and realized that no one was home.
She puts down her bag and got ready to go to work.
Because of the disturbance from Kikwang, she got home later than she planned and sha had to rush to go to work.
She showered and changed into some other clothes, only to change it at work later.
She's got a job in a restaurant.
She got out of the door and walked down the streets, not knowing that not far behind her, there's Junhyung who's following her.
She went into a restaurant.
It was a popular restaurant and had numerous chains all over Korea.


Junhyung stared at her as she walked into the restaurant.
Looking at how she's dressed, she looks like she's gonaa work there.
But she cant.
She mustnt.
The restaurants belong to Kikwang's family.
She's helping Kikwang built his trap herself.
He needed to go inside to talk Min-ah out of working there.
He's more afraid of losing her than she is of Kikwang.
Junhyung quietly got into the restaurant and tracked Min-ah down.
He found he but she was too busy to notice him ata ll and because of that, he waited for her shift to be over.
Right after she was dismissed from work, he came running to her.


" Min-ah, youre working here? "

She was shoked to see him.
Ofcourse, she was, wont you be too if you were her?
She was thinking of ways to cover up the fact that she's wearing the restaurant uniform but she cant make up any.
At this point of time, he pulled her aside into a deserted street.
He held both of her cold hand in his warm fist.
He blew on her hand occasionally and smiled at her angelic face.
He wanted to be angry but how could he, looking at her beautiful face?


" Please, Min-ah, dont work there anymore. Please? "

" Why? "

She asked quite wideeyed.
He came towards her and pulled into a hug.


" Please, Min-ah, dont work here. "

He practically begged her.
She was curious as to why he was so firm agaisnt her working here.
She didnt find anything wrong with this place.
Its not like a brothel and it pays good amount and the work wasnt too tough.
So whats making him ask her to quit?
Thats all she wanted to know.


" Kikwang owns this place. Dont work here anymore. Please. He might hurt you. "

Junhyung said looking deep in her eyes.
He really couldnt let her work here.
All thats on his mind is Kikwang hurting MIn-ah.
He cant afford her getting hurt or losing her t any cost.
He waited for an answer saying that she'll quit.
But it never came.


" Junhyung, trust me. I wont get hurtor anything near to that. Youre here right? He wont do anything to me. "

Min-ah said, confident.
Junhyung wasnt buying that from her.
He had been patient thus far but if she's being stubborn, he couldnt let this go on.


" Min-ah, listen. Quit. After what he tried to do to you in school just now, i cant trust him at all.

Junhyung said louder.
He had neevr spoke as loud as thi to Min-ah before.


" Junhyung, you dont have to trust him. Trust me. "

Min-ah replied to him calm and soft.
How could he continued to beg her to quit when she's speaking so sweetly to him?
As much as he doesnt want her to continue working here, he had no choice but to agree to her decision.
He trusted her, he doesnt want to doubt her.


He kissed her forehead and smiled.
He told her he trusted her.
He walked away ith her to send her back home.


Behind the wall adjacent to where they were, was Kikwang.
He heard everything.
He was anticipating the moment when Junhyung fidn out that Min-ah is working in his restaurant.
He was anticipating when he'll cream at her and they'll have a fight but they didnt.
He didnt think Junnhyung would react that way.
He thought of celebrating Junhyung's and Min-ah's breakup that night but they didnt and instead of being dissapointed like he should be, he thought of Min-ah.
He thought of how Min-ah's soft voice sounded melodious to his ears.
He recalled Min-ah's calm way pof confronting to problems that comes her way.
Somehow, after tonight, it makes him wants her more.
It made him greedy and impatient to steal her away from Junhyung.
His smirk plastered on his face as he imagined Junhyung's face when Min-ah comes to him.

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Aww<br />
So Kikwang let Minah go :'(<br />
Ah well, congrats to Junhyung :D<br />
Update soon!!
Poor Junhyung :'(<br />
It's good that he's such an understanding person :D<br />
Update soon!!
Aww<br />
May the best man win :D<br />
Update soon!!
FanficLover96 #4
Kikwang, just let Min-ah go!! :)))
I hope Kikwang and Junhyung don't get into a fight...<br />
I don't really mind who she gets with right now as long as she loves him :D<br />
Update soon!!
xoRynoa #6
Awhhhh! So sad, they both care so muh about her ;( I also think that she's changed them, in a good way that is! Update sooon<33
xoRynoa #7
Awhh, unnie Park Bom's so nice (= Update soon!
fightingme #8
sorry..haha..I'm not intending to pressure you...<br />
Wow<br />
Bom is such a wise woman :D<br />
Update soon!!
fightingme #10
this fc is just fantastic. I love how Minah and Junhyung are together.<br />
Please let it be Junhyuuung!!!!