
I just, just had to put this here. Sorry.



Almost right after Junhyung left, Min-ah also reached back home.
It had been a tiring night for her.
The dinner was fine, she thinks, but she couldnt get Junhyung out of her mind.
All the times that she spends with Kikwang, all of them, she had a hard time going through them.
And to make it seem easier, she always imagines Kikwang as Junhyung and she’s guilty for doing all that.
She dont know much longer she can say no to Junhyung.
Actually, she dont even know why she’s doing this.
Maybe its how she feels her conscience killing her as long as she’s with Junhyung?
She dont even know anymore.


Seeing Min-ah walk back into the gates of the house, Kikwang lay his heavy head on the wheel.
Min-ah had been a really nice date everytime but she had never wanted to take it a step futher.
Kikwang doesnt want to seem pushy and impatient but he’s insecure looking at how persistent Junhyung is.
He’s afraid that Min-ah would give in one day and go back to Junhyung.
He loves her. He honestly does.
He had never had this pure feeling for another ever.
He likes the thought of liking a girl and how he feels happy at the sight of her but he thinks it back, whats the use of all these fuzzy feelings when there’s no way that she’s gonna return all the feelings he has for her?


Kikwang stepped on his gas and drove off, not knowing where to go or what to do now.
His mind is a blank. Knowing that he’s not a really good drinker, he decides to just go to some random park and sit alone.
He needed space and peace to think things through.
Things like if this is what he wants.


Does he wants to continue holding on to Min-ah who obviously will show no interest in him?
Is this what he wants?
Looking at the woman he loves suffer, is that what he wants?


” Stupid fool. What were you thinking forcing her to love you like that? ”

He snickered at him and hit his own head while laughing, in pain.
While laughing at his own stupidity, his tears flowed down.


” But I love her. I really love her. I love her. ”

He kept repeating to himself, his crying now much more obvious that ever.
He don’t want to chain her to him and let her feel pain like this.
Neither does he want to let go.
He don’t want to just let go of this chance to show what he can give to her.


He know he can give so much more to Min-ah.
He knows he love her better and much more than Junhyung does.
And he needs to show that even if he was gonna let Min-ah go.


He got up from the bench he had been sitting on and lazily walked back to his car without really having a plan in mind.
A plan to make Min-ah look at him for once.
He knew too actually that Min-ah don’t look at him for him.
The spark in her eye was fake.
He knew it at a glance that it wasn’t for him.
It was definitely for Junhyung.
The spark in her eyes, he knows it so well to know that it wasn’t meant for him.


Junhyung lay on his bed staring into the ceiling without much thoughts.
His mind was all filled with Min-ah anyway.
He thought of what Bom said to him.
And all he could think of was to get back what is rightfully his.
Min-ah’s love.
She shouldn’t have came to Seoul on the first place.
It was all for him that she’s here.
If she hadn’t come, their love would still be fine even if they’re far away.
Their long distance relationship is far better than if they’re close but alot of drama had to happen.


While his head was in a mess, his heart in pieces, his doorbell rang.
He was not in a mood to go to the door at all.
All he really wanted to do was just lay on his bed, think of Min-ah and cry his damn lungs out.
He had never felt this much love for a woman before.
Someone that had known him since birth will know it even from afar.
The gleam in his eyes, the sincerity in his smile after meeting Min-ah was all shown.
He was a whole different person.
Different than the cold, violent Casanova everyone thought he was.
He was still thinking of what Min-ah did to him that changed him this much and the ringing of his doorbell still continued.
By now, he’s ing pissed.


But when he opened his door and he sees Kikwang at his door, he felt even more angered.
Yet, he invited Kikwang in his home.
What got into him?
He don’t even know.
What he does know is that he wanted to know why would Kikwang want to do this to him.
The both sat on the couch looking at nothing else but the ground, both not knowing what to say.
Then Kikwang spoke up.
 For once, Junhyung listened to what he have to say.


” She loves you. I don’t know what to do now. I don’t even know why I’m here. “