credits: [email protected]


” Junhyung, what are you doing here? ”

Min-ah’s voice asked Junhyung.
He longed to hear that voice and listening to it calling his name, was heaven.


” I work here. ”

” You do? Such a coincidence. ”

For you it may be, for me this is courage.
He told himself and smiled at her in return.
He want to continue to be able to speak freely with her but he couldn’t deny that there was an awkward atmosphere between them.


” You wanna grab lunch with me later and catch up with each other? ”

Junhyung boldly asked.
He didn’t know what got into him but he just couldn’t wait to get to know the person she is now.
Sure, he’s always there looking out for her but he doesn’t really talk to her at all.


Nah, not really. He just wanted to get back the feeling when you eat with the person you truly love.
He missed Min-ah more than anyone could and thats much more true than anything else


” Sure! I’d love to! ”

She happily replied with a smile Junhyung loved.
That was the smile she gave me when we loved each other, he reminisced.
It was that same smile that gave him much more happiness and courage than it already did.


She showed him to a restaurant not far from where they are and they sat themselves comfortably.
They ordered their food and sat in silence.
He missed her, he wanted to just scream that out but he couldn’t.
Not because he don’t want to, he don’t know how Min-ah feels about him anymore.
It pisses him even more when he can’t even tell her he loves her still.
Really, it was frustrating for him.


” How are you? ”

Min-ah asked him.
I’m great right now because I’m with you, he contemplated if he should say that and decide not to.


” I’m good. You? ”

The rest of lunch was spend talking about things simple like this.
Like how he was and how she was.
It was rather boring how simple things were.


It’s okay, it’s good to take things slow.
He thought and planned on what to do next.
He didn’t want to burden Min-ah so he decided that he would slowly get her love back again.
He didn’t care what it took, he’s gonna love her like he did again.
With her returning that love as well.


It wasn’t easy for Junhyung though.
Min-ah is very beautiful and elegant woman, men all around wanted her and he as a friend, couldn’t do anything to stop that and he felt like killing himself.
He hated when someone tries to hit on Min-ah and he could only stand there as clench his fist tight.
He wasnt the kind of guy who would do that.
If his girl was hit on, he would come up and punch that ’s face down.
But the thing is, she isn’t his anymore.


He hated how she had to stay behind to do more work than she should.
She’s a perfectionist and she do things until it’s really at top-notch condition.
It’s good to be like that but it really anger Junhyung as well.
He wanted to be able to help her.
Maybe just ease her with loving words or buy her coffee and get a kiss.
But he can’t. She’s no longer his.


It’s simple things like these that makes him think if he would ever get her back again.
She’s now in the eyes of every man.
Anyone could come up and grab her and he didnt want that to happen.
But Junhyung wasn’t that brave high-schooler anymore.
He’s change.
He don’t know why but he grow up to be a man of fear.
Maybe it’s because Min-ah left him so he fear of many things.


He was afraid that Min-ah could never return the feelings again.
Actually, that was all he fears.
He was afraid that she could no longer love him.
No other complex reasonings.
Just that.