Min-ah had been avoiding Kikwang for days now and though she doesn’t want to , she felt like it was wrong to be near him .
Her trust in him is slowly fading away .
She knew Kikwang was waiting for her at the front gate so she went back home from the front feeling all tired and sick of her life .


Withe the music blasting in her ears , she looked down on the ground as she walked and hummed a tune .
She was going to turn into the corner of the street when she felt a rough hand pull her behind a wall .
At this moment , she hates herself for not taking any martial arts lesson .
She tried to turn to look at who it was but she wasn’t strong enough so she stayed put .
Much to her own annoyance .
Min-ah thought that the mouthcovering would end there but when a van pass by , she was pull along into it .
Inside the dark humid van , she realises , this is not a joke and that’s why she tried to scream .
Maybe the guy who kidnapped her is a mindreader or something because before opened , he pushed a hankercief into and covered her eyes with another piece of cloth .
The ride was long and bumpy and she couldve sworn her aches .
She wanted to attempt fight back but sadly , she can’t .
The grip on her arms were too strong .
She was pulled and carried into a room and she sat naively on a stool in an emptied room .
She started squirming in her seat , trying to gain as much attention as she could .


” Who are you ? ”

She managed to say after the hankerchief was pulled off .
The man who kidnapped her opened the cloth covering her eyes and she almost killed herself with shock when she saw who was with that guy .


” T-t-taecyeon ? H-h-hyunah ? ”

Min-ah asked curiously .
She knew Hyunah was angered by Junhyung and her relationship but she didn’t thought that Hyunah would go to this extend .
Looking at Hyunah’s expression , it doesn’t look like Hyunah will go easy .


” Hey . ”

Hyuna hollered to Min-ah from where she is .
Min-ah saw Taecyeon smirking and she got afraid .
She was thinking of rebelling but looking at the duo again she thought maybe just staying still might push back her death time .


” Why are you doing this ? ”

Min-ah asked loud hoping to sound brave if she could .
She saw Hyunah moved forward towards her and she cleared , panicking .


” Because you’ve got Junhyung when ou shouldn’t . He’s mine . ”

 Hyunah whispered to Min-ah as she trailed the knife down Min-ah’s flawless face .


” Yeah , he’s mine . ”

Min-ah spoke up .
She is afraid , much more than she ever was but she loves Junhyung and if this is the only way she can make this obssessed Hyuna wake up , fine , she’ll do it .


” Eh ? What ? ”

Hyun-ah innocently asked as the knife in her hand got gripped tighter and scrapped down the side of Min-ah’s face .
Blood trickled down her pale face as Min-ah bit her lip in hopes that the pain will lessen .


She was hoping for somekind of help but when she saw Taecyeon’s smirk , she felt like this is the end of her .


” You know , I wonder , why does he likes you so much . Is it your cheeks ? Or your nose ? Or your fake s ? ”

Hyun-ah sarcastically said as she effortlessly made a line of blood down Min-ah’s body with the knife .
When she says cheeks , the knife passed Min-ah cheek and all the way to Min-ah chest .


The pain was almost unbareable .
The wound wasn’t just a small cut , it was deep and blood way flowing out so easily , with each second that passed , Min-ah found it harder and harder to breathe .
She wanted to beg Hyun-ah to stop but she can’t even bring herslef to speak .
 Her energy was decreasing so fast .


Just before her eyes closed , she heard someone call her name in worry .
She felt someone hold her in his arms .
She felt safe and managed a smile before all see saw was black .