

Junhyung was contemplating whether he should or not just give up on Min-ah.


She’s not coming back to you.
But its okay, I love her.
No, it’s not. She don’t love you.
She does, I trust her.
Trust her on what? Face it, she’s not yours anymore.
She don’t need to be mine for me to love her. I’m hers.


He was asking and answering himself.
He was almost crazy.
He was talking to himself again when his doorbell went crazy with continuous ringing.
Whoever who was at his door sure isn’t a patient dude.
And he was ever ready to screw whoever’s face who was disrupting his thoughts.


” I can’t do this anymore. “

Junhyung sighed.
These days Kilwang has been coming over frequently.
It’s almost like they’re best buddies when they’re not at all.
And like always, Junhyung just leave the door open indirectly letting Kikwang in.


Junhyung lay down on his couch and Kikwang pulled his leg up on the sofa.
From a stranger’s point of view, these two might look like two deprived men who are in need of drugs or something.
It was quiet in the house, only the sound of their breathing was heard.


” I can’t do this anymore. It’s stupid. She loves you. Not me. ”

Kikwang sighed.


No. Not really.
Kikwang could actually do this.
He could love her until whenever.
He could keep loving her even if she doesn’t love him.
He’s Kikwang anyway, he’s capable of that.
But he don’t want to do this anymore.
Not because he’s tired or because he gives up.
He can do this forever but it’s because he knows this won’t go anywhere as long as Min-ah loves Junhyung.
And it’s pretty obvious that Min-ah would keep loving Junhyung.


Yes, it’s always Kikwang whom Min-ah choose but it wasn’t because she favored him more.
Whenever he’s with Min-ah and he sees her smile, he knows it so well that it wasn’t a smile meant for him.
It was the smile he used to envy whenever Min-ah looked at Junhyung.
That smile wasn’t his, and that made him realize she wasn’t his.


He can keep loving her, he can.
But he won’t because he knew it himself that she wasn’t happy.
Yes, this isn’t like Kikwang at all.
Kikwang would never stop until he gets what he wants.
This is different because I love her, he keeps telling himself.


Letting Min-ah go, it isn’t simple for him.
He didn’t expect it to be.
He knew it would hurt this much.
But if this pain could give Min-ah happiness, if it meant for her to keep that smile on her beautiful face, then it’s okay with him.


Behind those short words he told Junhyung lies so many more.
It wasn’t as simple as it sounds.
It wasn’t just Kikwang giving up because he thinks it’s stupid.
It’s because he knew this I going nowhere and it’s hurting Min-ah as well.
If there is one thing he could do, he would never hurt Min-ah.
If it was in his power, he’d do anything to make her any happier.
And letting her get back with Junhyung is the least.


” I’m not doing this anymore. She’s all yours. I’m done. ”

Kikwang flatly said before letting himself out of Junhyung’s house.


I love her. God, I love her.
He let himself say before letting his tears fall.
He promised himself tonight would the last of his mourning for Min-ah’s love.
Those words he said, it wasn’t as simple as it seems.
It took him so much to able to say all that.


I can’t do this anymore?
Really, who is he kidding?


Junhyung on the other hand was still trying to process what Kikwang said.
Then he smiled.
He really did, this time he knew he had Min-ah in his hands.
And it was enough to cure the pain in his heart.
No matter what’s gonna happen, he’s gonna get Min-ah back.
He's never gonna let her go now, this chance, he'll do anything to get her back.
