If Only You Knew

Multi-one-shots! :)


The day I was born my mother felt that giving me a strong name would make me strong. She was right, I never let anything get in the way of what I wanted, but I was more open and vulnerable when it came to attempting to have a love life.

Growing up I was really close to our neighbor's younger son, JungShin, we constantly competed with each other (both our families are very...ummm what's the word "well endowed", so we had a lot of competitions).. It was kind of like that whole girl next door type of relationship, or so I though..

When we reached our early teens he started dating this really mean girl that would hurt him at every turn. (Once he bought the girl a diamond necklace, she dumped him the next day, they got back together, she cheated on him, blammed her cheating on him and kept it up for a good year or so...she didn't deserve someone so wonderful) well back to the point... I was always there for him, he even taught me how to kiss. (<3)

It wasn't until we were 16 that I had met his older brother, JongHyun, who happened to be good friends with my brother, boy was that guy a a major flirt. I avoided him so much, that I hardly saw JungShin, so I kept visiting doing my best to be with him uninterupted. When I was 17 JungShin said we couldn't be together as often anymore, he was getting to distracted from his studies... I was so happy he was being dedicated to his work but at the same time, heart broken... I still persued him in the hope that he'd change his mind someday. (Luckily, I met Sandeul the same day)

On his 19th birthday he bailed on me to go on a date with a friend of mine. On my 19th birthday Sandeul took me out all day, at night I was suprised by an at home dinner between me and JungShin, I was told it was very important and my future depended on it, I was happy thinking maybe he'll ask me out, or do something romantic... that was until his older brother and his older brothers friend joined us. They began questioning me about who I liked and if I was seeing anyone. I thought it was just so that JungShin would know for sure I was the right choice...

That's when he asked me to marry his brother, he wanted him happy and to be happy his brother needed a cover. When I asked about it, his brother and his brother's 'friend' interlocked their fingers and explained to me their relationship. They trusted me not to tell about the offer. Knowing I never would because JungShin would be crushed, I agreed to think about it. His brother and lover, MinHyuk made the room awkward by hugging and kissing me until I couldn't breathe, as if I had already agreed. Let's just say within an hour I said maybe yes, under the condition that all of us lived together. (Not always a good idea)

At least I can say what I did wasn't selfish... When I asked JungShin if he had gotten me a birthday cake, he scratched his head letting out his cute chuckle telling me he had forgotten it was my birthday. (you'd think he would remember, but he always forgets)... His brothers boyfriend, MinHyuk, had apologized and taken off this blue sapphire, sterling silver bracelet that had the stones cut to look like dolphins and handed it to me, saying that even though he hadn't known me for long that he hoped I would accept his birthday gift to me. (lucky for him I love dolphins) I accepted and immediately put it on, letting it glimmer in the lights.... (me being an idiot I told him I loved the color sapphire and loved dolphins) he then took off a silver dolphin ring, where the dolphins are designed to kiss each other, gave it to me and I have yet to take it off.

So I hope that's enough history, now let's get started with the Week of the Proposal...

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SHE'Z <3<3<3