Ch. 36


okayyyyy updating..................


Sleeping really peacfully felt great. Warm and cozy, you just dont want to get out from bed. "Chunji get up," he shook the boy who was curled up under the covers. Watching the boy wriggle on the bed but was still asleep. "Get up will you," shaking the boy harder.

"Hmmmnngh..." opening his eyes slowly he sat up. Chunji was still tired, rubbing his eyes he yawned wondering who was it that woke him up.

"Good you are up, go brush your teeth..."

Chunji was still half asleep, or more likely mostly asleep. He was still rubbing his eyes that decided to stay close and wont open. He barely even heard the other mystyrious voice that he still doesnt know who it belonged to. Sighing, he gently pulled Chunji out of bed and as soon as he got out of bed he collapsed. His legs werent cooperating figuring that they were asleep also. Chunji looked up to see who but his eyes still wouldnt open fully. He was still sleepy and his vision blurry. He helped Chunji up and dragged him to the bathroom, "Brush your teeth..."

Nodding Chunji walked to the sink slowly. He grabbed it and turned the water on, eyes still closed. "Chunji, that's not the toothbrush, that's the toothpaste." Chunji placed it down and grabbed another thing, "that's a hair..brush?" wondering why Chunji would have a hairbrush. 

Chunji whimpered as he continued to rub his eyes, "Tired...."

Sighing, he went to grab Chunji's brush and setted it for him, "Go 'ahh' knowing you, you are probably gonna brush your face..." 

Chunji yawned, "Ahh...." the mysterious person who Chunji has yet to find out was brushing his teeth. 

After a few minutes, certain that he brushed every inch of his teeth he stopped, "Rinse your mouth..." he shook the boy lightly who was dozing off.

Suprisingly, Chunji was able to rinse his mouth, with just a couple hundreds spills of water, other than that he succeeded. "Hmmnngh...." Chunji was still very much tired and badly wanted to go to sleep. His eyes were still heavy but opened a bit. The vision wasnt good but after a few seconds of rubbing his eyes, he found out who the person was, "L.joe?"

"Go take a shower..." he demanded.

"My room... how-"

"Shiki-san told me..." he cut Chunji off, "now go take a shower..."

"Why...." Chunji eyes was closing again.

"Because we have a long day ahead of us... now go..." he looked at Chunji who looked like he was dozing off. He then smirked an idea forming in his head, "Or do you want me to take you a shower.... say nothing if you agree..." of course having no idea what the other said, figuring that he was half asleep, Chunji said nothing, "I'll take as a yes...."

He started to lift Chunji's shirt which suprised the other as his eyes were opening once again, "Wh-what are you doing..." his eyes struggling to keep open.

L.joe chuckled as he leaned in closer to the other's ear, "Taking you a shower of course. It was your decision after all, and dont worry.... I'll make you extra clean.


After the shower, Chunji was fully awake now. Glaring at L.joe with his face all flushed, "Y-you didnt have to clean th-there..."

He smirked, "But I wanted you to be extra clean.. anyways are you done..."

Chunji nodded, "yea... why are you waking me up so early?"

"Lets go..." with out answering his queation he grabbed Chunji's hand hand leading him outside.

"Are you going to eat breakfast with us?"

"No, you are going to eat breakfast with me..."

Chunji was confused, "What, why, where?"

"To the human world...." was the only answer L.joe gave him.


L.joe sighed as he turned around to give his lover a kiss. Chunji gasped, and L.joe started to move his lips. Having no idea what to do, Chunji just mimicked L.joe's every move. Few minuted later L.joe pulled away leaving Chunji gasping for air, "We are going to the human world for our first date..." he replied which turned Chunji's cheeks red.


As L.joe was draaging his lover down the street, Chunji was nervous. He doesnt know the first thing about a date, 'Date! Date? Date.... okay I am going on a date! My first date.... what do you do on a date? How am i suppose to act..... what do i do.... Shiki-san hasnt explained this to me yet!!!!! Do I-do wh-what if I mess up... that wont be good... will he hate me if I mess up....' water started to grow in his eyes at the thought of L.joe hating him, 'I-I dont want him to hate me.... I-I'm not ready for this... *sniff*...'

L.joe bit his lips, trying to keep himself from laughing. He intertwined their fingers together, lighly squeezing it, "It's okay Chunji, on a date... just act like yourself. There's nothing you need to worry about, and you wont mess up.. figuring that I'll already know how you'll act... and if you do, I wont hate you. Trust me, you already made me fall for you so it's impossible for me to hate you...."

"Y-you didnt fall..." Chunji voice got a bit higher, "did you?"

L.joe chuckled, "Nevermind...."

"But.... if I act like myself, then isnt it the same as hanging out?"

L.joe laughed, "Just go along.... "

Chunji nodded, "O-okay...."

'How cute....'

After a few minutes of walking Chunji was too curious, "Where are we going... I'm hungry."

"Here..." L.joe stopped in front of a certain cafe that Chunji should know.

His eyes lit up big, "Enchanted dreams!!!! I love their strawberry cake!!!"

L.joe chuckled, "Your going to have cake for breakfast? Whatever lets go.." he shook his as he dragged Chunji inside.

Chunji was too excited, he absolutely loved this cafe. They sat where Chunji originally sat when he came the other two times. Chunji was jumpy and excited. L.joe chuckled at his lover's cuteness and noticed that people were staring at them girls and boys. He flashed a smile to the group of girls which squealed in return making L.joe chuckle and glaring at the boys who were obviously looking at Chunji. He looked at Chunji who was across from, he was clueless to his surroudings of course.

Chunji was too busy looking through the menu to notice anything even L.joe. Then he frowned, he couldnt order his favorites anymore, they were too girly to get. He looked at the things he could get and he pouted, he didnt like any of those things, or more likely he just so badly wanted this one thing that he didnt want anything else, 'Aww i cant order anything girly anymore...' L.joe laughed while Chunji pouted.

"What would you like to order," the waitor came.

Chunji looked up and smiled. It was the same waitor who served him the last two times, "Hi.."

The waitor chuckled as he smiled back, "Well hello there cutie, you look like a girl I know. Do you by any chance know Chunsu?"

Chunji nodded, "Yes, I''m Chun-OW..." Chunji rubbed his leg and glared at L.joe who kicked his leg with teary eyes, so it didnt look as scary as it shouldve been.

"Are you okay," the waitor asked as he looked who Chunji was staring at.

L.joe glared back at Chunji, then turned his glare at the waitor which was much much worse. "Yes CHUNJI.... are you okay, what happened, are you hurt?" he stared at his lover.

Chunji looked confused, "B-but y-OW..." Chunji whined as he rubbed his leg again from another kick he got from L.joe, once again, "hurts...."

L.joe glared back at the waitor with such and intense stare which frightened him, "Chunsu is his cousin," L.joe replied, "and he's fine.."

"O-oh.. okay, they do l-look really alike, a-anyway.. what would you like to order.." 

"A plain muffin and bubble tea..."

Chunji sniffed as he wiped the tears away, "Try their cake, it's good.."

L.joe sighed, "And I'll have a... chocolate..." he looked back at the menu, "....double fudge cake.."

He nodded then turned back to Chunji, "And you.."

"Umm...." Chunji looked at the menu. He was sad that he couldnt order what he wanted. Sighing he turned to the waitor, "I'll have a croissant, bubble tea, and red velvet cake..."

Nodding he looked back at them, "Okay, your order will be here in a few minutes," he left.

Chunji turned to L.joe, "Why did you kick me? Twice!"

He shook his head, "What were you going to tell him?"

"That Im Chunsu....." he gasped when he finally realized, "oh... s-sorry.." he wouldve found out that Chunji was crossdressing if Chunji had told him.

"No worries, I stopped you didnt I?"

"Th-thanks..." he muttered under his breathe. Sighing he realized something, "Wait, why am I having bubble tea for breakfast?"

"Why are you having cake?"

"B-because I love cake!" Chunji glared at him which somehow ended in a pout. L.joe laughed which made Chunji glare more harder or in L.joe's eyes pout more harder, "W-why are you having bubble tea and cake?"

"Because I love bubble tea and you made me get a cake..."

"Huh," Chunji looked at him with wide eyes which looked really adorable, "you love bubble tea.."

L.joe chuckled as he nodded, "Yea, I do.."

Chunji stared at him in awe, really delighted that he finally knew something L.joe likes or loves, "You love bubble tea..." Chunji muttered.

"Yea, but I love you more..." L.joe laughed, "that was so cheesy..." 

Chunji turned red. This was a new experience with L.joe and for himself. Chunji clutched his chest as his heart was beating really fast. The waitor then came back with the food, "Here are your food, please enjoy. Oh and Chunji, tell Chunsu to give me a call sometimes.."

Chunji nodded and when the waitor left he looked at L.joe, "How is Chunsu suppose to call him if I'm Chunsu..."

L.joe shook his head, "Just eat...."

Chunji shrugged his shoulders. He took a bite out of his croissant and squealed, "Wahhh... this is so good, I have to learn how to make this!!!"

L.joe smiled, "I'm glad you are enjoying this..."

Chunji froze, seeing L.joe smile like that. He thought that this was his first time seeing L.joe genuinly smile at him. L.joe looked at him, "Are you not enjoying this?"

Chunji gasped, "N-no, i am having fun really fun.."

L.joe chuckled, "Okay okay, just eat...."

Chunji finished his croissant and took drink out of his bubble tea. He then took a bite out of his red velvet cake, "Hey this is good."

"Yea, this isnt cake bad," L.joe said as he took a bite out of his own cake.

"So you like your cake L.joe?"

"Yea, want to try," Chunji nodded. L.joe took a piece, "Say 'ahh'.."

"Ahhhh..." L.joe fed him the cake and heard girls squealing. L.joe glanced to his right and noticed they were being watched by the group of girls, and by a few other people.


As Chunji swallowed it he shivered, "Too much chocolate! Bleh... way too much chocolate," he took a long sip from his bubble tea. L.joe laughed. Chunji took a piece from his cake and held it out for L.joe, "My turn, you say 'ahh'..."

L.joe raised his eyebrow and shrugged, "Okay.." he let Chunji feed him the cake and again heard squeals frim girls. 

Chunji somehow was to oblivious to notice. He pouted, "You didnt say 'ahhh'..."

L.joe shrugged, "You dont have to... the cake is good.."

Chunji face brightened up, "It is?"

"Yea, do you like it?"

Chunji nodded. He looked down at the cake, it was really good but Chunji couldnt help but feel dissappointed. He really wanted the other cake. L.joe looked at him then turned around, "Waitor!"

"Yes," a waitress came, "what can I help you," she had a hint of pink in her cheeks as she looked at L.joe.

"Can I have the strawberry shortcake and a surpirse...uh... the really girly looking and sounding sundae, the one with lots of colors and sparkles, or were those sprinkles..."

She nodded understanding what he was saying, "Your girlfriend would lo-" she turned thinkng he was with a girl but was shocked when she saw a guy, "U-um... you know that those are.. uh..."

L.joe sighed, "Yes I know.." 'I can humiliate myself for one day right? Just two most girly things I ordered... no biggie...'

She blushed furiously, "O-oh... okay, um one cake and a sundae coming up.." she quickly left before she started squealing.

Chunji looked back and forth at those two confused, "Wait, why are you ordering those?"

"Those are for you, you dont seem to want that cake very much so I ordered another one for you, and a sundae..."

"But those are.... for girls.."

L.joe just stared at him, "So, if you like them.. then get it.."

"But how did you know?"

"A hunch... pass me that cake if you arent going to eat it..."

Chunji passed it to him, "Th-thanks..."

"No problem..." 

A few minutes later she came back with the food. Chunji eyes lit up and he quickly grabbed his cake and took a huge bite. He bit his lips from squealing like a girl, "Thank you soo much...." he looked at her with his big eyes.

She turned red, "Y-your welcome...." she turned to L.joe, "and have a nice day..." she left after that.

Chunji looked at L.joe, "And thank you sooo much L.joe you are the best! Here," Chunji got a piece of the cake and held it out to feed L.joe, "try this..."

L.joe chuckled, "Fine.." and took the bite.

"Is it good? Is it? Isitisitisitisitisitisit?" Chunji was a bit jumpy as he waited for L.joe's answer, "that is my favorite cake!!!"

"Yes, very sweet," Chunji nodded in agreement. "But I've tasted sweeter..."

"Really, what?"


Chunji turned red, "Y-you tasted me!!?!? When?"

L.joe smirked, "Do you not remember when I've marked you... multiple times.."

Chunji checked his body, "You marked me, where?"

He shook his head, "Nevermind, just eat..."

Chunji finished his cake leaving the strawberry for last as he took the sundae, "Wow, I've never had ice cream for breakfast before.."

"Ive never had cake and ice cream for breakfast before either..."

"L.joe, share this with me, it's too big..." L.joe nodded. Chunji took a bite, "This is soooo good, I love this cafe!!!"

"This sundae isnt half bad..." L.joe agreed. "Here," he scooped up a spoonful of ice cream, "I'll feed you.."

"But that's too big it all wont fit..."

L.joe raised an eyebrow, "What did you say..?"

"I-I said it's too big, and it all wont fit in my mouth..." L.joe snickered and Chunji stared at him in confusion, "what? What's so funny..."

"Just eat.." he kept feeding him the ice cream sometimes feeding himself but mostly feeding Chunji who didnt question why. L.joe noticed the strawberry on his plate. He took it and bit it.

Chunji gasped, "M-my strawberry..."

L.joe held out the other half of strawberry, "Here..." Chunji was confused but shrugged and ate the strawberry.

"So, lovers feed each other a lot?"

L.joe nodded and motioned Chunji to come closer. Chunji did and L.joe met him halfway and placed his lips on Chunji's. Chunji gasped which was perfect so L.joe stuck his tongue. Chunji moaned a little as the others tongue swirled in his mouth. L.joe placed the strawberry he had in his mouth into Chunji's but not all, just half of it. He pulled away and looked at Chunji who was blushing madly.

Chunji sunk in his seat a bit trying to calm his beating heart. He looked to his left trying not to look at L.joe but flinched and looked to the ground instead. "What's wrong Chunji?"


He looked at what made Chunji flinch and understood why. He chuckled, everyone in the cafe was staring at them, everyone. "You okay?"

"It was the girly stuff we ordered, I know it!" Chunji mumbled to himself.

"Hey look Chunji.." he took the cherry that was now at the bottom of the bowl. There were two that was connected by the stem. He ripped it apart and popped the cherry in his mouth. He took the seed out and placed it in the bowl.

Chunji was confused, "Um, everyone can eat a cherry L.joe..."

"No, not that," he placed the stem in his mouth and a few seconds later he took it out and it was in a knot.

"Woah, how did you do that....?"

"It is said that if you can tie the cherry stem in a knot in your mouth then you are a good kisser, but you have to be fast.."

"I-I want to try.." Chunji took the other cherry and ate it. Then placed the stem in his mouth.

L.joe laughed as he watched Chunji focusing so hard to tie the cherry stem. He was struggling quite a bit. "Chunji, it's okay you dont have to do it..."

Chunji was concentrating but he couldnt do it. He choked and started coughing, "Ack.."

"Chunji, you okay?"

"I-I swallowed it..." he was coughing harder.

"Here, drink your bubble tea," L.joe handed him the bubble tea and Chunji took it drinkng it. "You okay now...?"

Chunji nodded, "Y-yea... I am fine.."

"Okay, lets go.... we still have lots to do. We stayed here longer then i expected.." L.joe placed the money on the table.

Chunji nodded, "Wait, why are you paying?"

"Because I the guy," he dragged out the cafe.

"Oh," he took a sip out of his bubble tea but choked when he realized something, "w-wait, I am a guy too..."

"No, you are the girl.."

"What... but I'm a gu-"

"We are heading to the mall okay?"

"Okay," Chunji's face brightened forgeting what he was going to say.

At the mall, they checked out all kinds of things. L.joe dragged him to the clothes section, "let's find you some new clothes..."

"Me? Why me?"

"Trust me, you will need them for later..."


"Hmmm...." L.joe picked out a shirt and smirked, 'This'll look arousing on him... but to showy..' he shook his head and picked out another shirt, 'cute.. not his style... too bad boy...' picked out another shirt and gave disgusted face, 'Ugh... couple's shirt.. what the hell! I am not good at shopping at all....but have to find something...'

"Um... do you need help L.joe..." Chunji asked sipping his tea.

"No," it took him a few minutes to find the right one, 'Perfect.... now for pants.... got it...' he turned towards Chunji who was drinking his tea, "Chunji, we are going to look for shoes, come on..."

Chunji nodded and followed him. As they got there, L.joe immediately started to look for shoes. "L.joe, do you need help?" Chunji asked again.

"No," he looked at every shoe to find the right one. When his eyes landed upon a pair boots he smiled, 'Found it...' "Chunji," he turned around to see him trying to get the bubbles out from the bottom.

Chunji looked up, "Hmmm?"

L.joe took the tea from him, "Here, wear these," he placed the clothes in Chunji's arm.

"M-my bubbles...."

L.joe pushed him in a changing room that was near the shoe place and threw the empty tea but with a few bubbles left away, "Go change..."

Minutes later Chunji came out, "The jeans are too tight..."

L.joe smirked, "Very cute, shows your body shape.... and yea, those are tight jeans... now change back..." (Very sorry, i especially hate and at detailing clothes so use your imagination).

Chunji's jaw dropped then huffed, "Fine..." it took longer for him to change back because of the pants but he eventually got it. He stepped out and L.joe grabbed everything and went to the counter. Chunji followed.

L.joe payed for the clothes and once he did he took the tags out and threw it at the trash. The cashier and Chunji looked looked at him confused. "Chunji, we are heading to the bathroom," he dragged Chunji to the bathroom.


When they got there L.joe gave him the clothes again, "Change back into these..."

"What," Chunji couldnt believe this.

"Just go..." 

Chunji sighed as he once again change back into the clothes. He came back out after he was done, "There..."

"Good," he took Chunji's original shoes and clothes and was about to throw it away.

"Wait wait wait!!!! What are you doing?" Chunji asked as he took back his old clothes and shoes frantically.

"Throwing them away..."

"But.... I like these...." he hugged them and looked at L.joe terrified.

L.joe sighed and looked around. When he was sure there were no cameras or people he snapped his fingers and the clothes and shoes dissappeared, "It's back into your room..."

Chunji sighed in relief, "Phew... come on, i want to check out some stores.." he grabbed L.joe and dragged him into another store in the huge mall.

L.joe groaned, "I thought we were done...."

They went into multiple stores checking things out and buying a few things. It wasnt bad as l.joe thought it would be, but he still hated the mall. They walked around the accesories part of a store, Chunji looking at some things. L.joe stopped when something caught his eye, "Hmmm..." he grabbed it and went to go buy it.

"Hey L.joe look," Chunji turned around but saw that he was gone, "L.joe...?" he looked around and walked around to look for him, "L.joe? H-he didnt leave me right...?" he walked around some more but still couldnt find him.

"Hey look a pretty boy..."

Chunji jumped at the sudden new voice and turned around to see a group of three guys walking towards him, "Um....." Chunji was slightly trembling.

One smirked, "You lost...."

"N-no..." Chunji cursed at him mentally for stuttering, "j-just looking for someone..."

"Aww, you arent scared are you," another guy said, they were surrounding Chunji.

Chunji gulped, "N-no..." his voice got higher.

They laughed, "Well look who's trying to be tough..... your really girly looking you know that.." one guy from behind grabbed his waist. 

Chunji tensed, "Pl-please let go..." Chunji was on the verge of tears desperately trying to hold it back. He didnt want to seem weaker, but he was terrified, he was never ganged up like this.

"Aww... why not come with us, you'll have fun, I promise...."

"I-I cant... i have to g-go.." Chunji was trying to escape from his grasp but was failing.

"Come on, it will be f-AUGH..." the guy from behind was pulled harshly to the floor, "What the hell..." he looked up to see a very angry looking L.joe.

"L.joe!" Chunji ran and hugged him.

L.joe glared at the other and his intense stare felt gravely dangerous, "I suggust you all run," his voice changed too.

The others just mumbled some cursed words as they backed away leaving. Chunji sniffed, "Where were you? Dont ever leave with out telling me..."

"Sorry Chunji..." he pulled him away wiping the tears from Chunji's eyes, "I brought you something..." he placed a beanie hat knit on the others head, "cute.." (and again, use your imagination for designs)

"A hat..." Chunji touched it that was on his head.

"Yea, come on, lets get out of here." As they existed the mall, L.joe cheered, "Finally, we are out!"

"What now..."

"We head to the movies...."


"You'll see..." he dragged Chunji to the movie theatre.

"Cool!" Chunji stared in awe, "Are we gonna watch something?"

L.joe nodded, "Yea, a funny movie... first some snacks.." L.joe bought some popcorn, soda, candy, etc. "Do you want anything else that i didnt buy.."

"Umm..." Chunji looked at his eyes widened when he saw what he wanted, "that strawberry cheesecake.."

"They have that here!!" he turned to look and there it was, "Holy they do, but they never did before," he sighed, "that cake please..." 

Chunji happily took it, "L.joe you are paying too much..."

"Dont worry about it..."

"Um... am I suppose to hug you now?" L.joe raised his eyebrows and Chunji blushed, "a-as a lover..."

L.joe chuckled, "Chunji, just be yourself, dont do things you are not comfortable with, now come on the movie is starting.."

They walked in and sat down. Throughout the comedy movie, Chunji wasnt laughing much. He didnt understand it, their movie was mostly filled with questions that Chunji asked like, what's happening, why did that happend, why is that person doing that, how is this funny, I dont understand, I dont get it, was that a joke, etc. L.joe looked over to Chunji who was staring at the screen confused.

After the movie movie was over they went outside. Chunji didnt understand it at all but L.joe was dying of laughter mostly because of Chunji's question and his behavior. "I dont get it, why did he put it in the other guy if he was screaming in pain saying it hurt and it was too big," Chunji questioned.

L.joe laughed harder, "Chunji... you make it sound really dirty," he was trying to catch his breathe.

"But... I DONT GET IT!!! HE SAID IT WAS TOO BIG AND IT HURTS SO HE WAS SCREAMING TELLING THE OTHER GUY TO TAKE IT OUT..." Chunji screamed in frusteration. Other people stared at him whispering. L.joe was laughing so hard he was going to collapse. "Stop laughing, I dont get it..."

L.joe caught his breathe and forced himself to stop laughing, "Okay, lets just go home... it's getting dark..."

Chunji stood there, "Um..."

"Chunji," he looked back at him, "what's wrong..."

"Am I s-suppose to kiss you now..." his face red.

L.joe eyes widened, he was taken back by this question. He chuckled and intertwined their fingers, "You dont have to push yourself Chunji, come on.." he started dragging him home. L.joe had to admit, he really had fun on this date. Chunji stopped and L.joe looked back to see him fidgeting, "Chunji?"

"Um...." Chunji inhaled and quickly pecked L.joe's lips. L.joe was shocked, he felt his heartbeat racing which never happened to him before. Chunji gulped, "Um.... I really had fun on my first date, it was exciting and i experience alot of new things. Spending time with you was really special thank you L.joe, I really do love you," L.joe couldnt belive the words coming out of the other's mouth. It all sounded so familar, but was really happy to hear them. Chunji inhaled again, "A-and I love the boat too...."

L.joe raised his eyebrows, "Boat? What boat?"

"I-i dont know... I just recited everything they said in the movie..."

L.joe then realized where he heard those words from, it was from the movie. He bursted into laughter at Chunji's cuteness. Chunji squeezed their hands, "B-but what I said was true, except the boat part, I dont have a boat.."

"I love you too Chunji.." he leaned in and kissed Chunji passionately. "Now come on, I have one more surprise for you.."

As they got home L.joe opened the door to find everything dark. "Wh-why is it dark," Chunji whimpered. As soon as L.joe closed the door the lights and everyone jumped out.


Chunji's eyes widened and the sight before him. Confetti was thrown everywhere and there lots of balloons and streamers, "It's my birthday, I have a ...birthday..."

Niel looked at him confused, "What is he talking about," he whispered to Shiki.

Shiki cleared his throat and looked at Chunji who was too busy looking at the decorations on the other side, "This is the first actual celebration for his birthday, he never knew when his birthday was..."

Everyone stared at him in shock, "Why..." Changjo whispered.

"He never knew his birthday that's just crazy!!" Niel shouted in a whisper. Now that Niel thought about it, all those years he has been friends with Chunji, he just found out yesterday, which made him feel guilty.

"Well, um... on the day when his parents decided to eat him... it was on his birthday..." Ricky said.

Everyone was speechless, "That's just horrible," Cap muttered.

"Yes, that's why I have always been afraid to tell him his birthday, afraid that he'll remember. But on this day, we always do something special so he celebrates it without even knowing," Shiki said.

"What are you guys talking about," Chunji came over and asked them.

"Nothing, happy birthday Chunji," Niel hugged him very tight.

"Yea happy birthday!" Ricky joined them.

"So, how did your date go," Cap asked.

L.joe immediately started cracking up. Changjo looked at him terrified, "Cap, I think he's dying!"

"Why is he laughing," Ricky asked Chunji.

Chunji just shrugged, "I dont know... hey, can you guys tell me how is this funny. A guy sticks it in another guy who screams in pain saying that it hurts and it's too big..."

Changjo started cracking up while the others eyes went wide. L.joe started laughing harder and Niel's face went red. "Changjo is laughing, how is it funny.." Chunji asked.

"Wh-where did you hear that," Ricky asked.

"It was in a movie..." he looked at Niel, "how is that funny? Niel, why is your face red?"

"WHAT DID YOU GUYS WATCH, ?" Niel shouted.

"What's ?"

They were interrupted when there was a knock on the door. Sharamiki went to go open it. Shiki sighed in relief. "Shiki, it's A.." she said.

"A?" Shiki asked, "why is he here?"

She let him in and she shut the door, "Hello.."

"What's wrong A?" Shiki asked.

"There's a visitor..."

"A visitor," Shiki said and he repiled.

Sharamiki looked worried, "Oh my... wonder who it could be..." there was another knock on the door, and everyone turned to stare at it.


lolololol i love ending things like this!!!!!!

this is a long chapter....

but i am done...

so enjoy...

^^ and plzz check out my new fanfic ->

its called Why is it always....

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i am sooooo sorry i have been busy alot lately so ill try to update as soon as i can


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talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show-stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before
Read this again and again. I miss you and chunjoe too. T.T
even if you told me not to....
Happy Birthday~!!
Chapter 37: Reread this story for the two times again ♥♥
TakeshimaTaki-desu #5
Chapter 37: favorite part was when A looked at Jinsung with a motive and him rejecting A right then and there! nyahahahahahaha

i like this one too, author-san! ^0^
TakeshimaTaki-desu #6
Chapter 33: Chunji is the hugest cry baby ever! haha
TakeshimaTaki-desu #7
Chapter 25: i was laughing sooooo hard!!!!! nyahahahahahahah
TakeshimaTaki-desu #8
Chapter 24: awwww L.Joe acknowledged his feelings already, but Chunji's siblings are closing in on him!
TakeshimaTaki-desu #9
Chapter 20: i love Ricky's character here! hahahahah not the shy and innocent one we're so used to seeing in fanfics! wao! ^^