Ch. 3


Niel and the other two were waiting for Chunji again, but apparently he's late again. Niel kept walking back and forth, trying to keep himself busy, while the other two just stood there. Few moments later Chunji arrived apologizing. "Chunji, how late do you eat your breakfast? I mean I haven't seen you at the cafeteria all since.... ever."

"Oh..... I eat breakfast, with Shiki-san. He has his own personal kitchen."

"What the hell!!! It still shouldn't take you that long, what... do you cook for him or something?" Niel tried to keep himself from yelling so loud, but that didn't go so well.

"Umm, yea."

He just shook his head in disbelief, "I wonder how many things your hiding from me," his eyes were quite red which indicates that he didn't sleep very well.

Chunji was worried, usualy he finds himself tired in the morning and Niel looking all fresh but this time it was the other way around, "Niel, are you tired ? Did you not sleep well last night?"

"No, I didn't because these TWO..." he turned around to glare at them with his baggy eyes, "God, how I wish I had soundproof walls. And on the first night really!!!"

Chunji turned to look at them. L.joe walked closer to Niel smirking, "It's called earplugs blowfish."

He backed away alittle, not wanting to start a fight with him, knowing that he'll lose for sure. Cap stepped in, "Back off L.joe, try to be a little nice," he then turned to Niel, "We're sorry Niel, I kinda forgot that your room is in between ours."

"Whatever, lets just go," Niel turned to walk away.

"W-wait, what did they do?" Chunji asked, clearly the outsider of this conversation. Niel just grabbed his arm pulling him forward, "Nothing Chunji, nothing."


"Shiki-san, phone call for you," a maid called out to him holding the phone in her left hand.

"Alright, thank you," he grabbed the phone from her hand then signaling her to leave, "Yes?"

"Shiki, it's nice to hear your voice again," he realized this voice, it was none other than his boss."

"Yes, is there something you need sir?" he knew that his boss doesn't make random phone call, so this call was probably urgent.

"Hmm... i've heard you now have two clan 13 members in your care," Shiki knew that by his tone of voice that this was not his true intention of this call.

"Yes, they will be very useful in the future."

"I too believe so, then how is the.... boy doing."

By that statement he knew where this was headed, "You mean Chunji, he's doing fine."

"You said you found him in the woods correct?"

"Yes I did, it was right after our invasion to the negetive 0 clan." 

"I see...."

"If this is all, then I would like to hang up, I have some work that I have to attend to."

"Yes, yes, of course. Sorry to waste your time Shiki, goodbye," and with that they hung up. The maid came in shortly after to take the phone, "Shiki-san, was that your boss."

"Yes it was, were you eavesdropping," he turned to look at her.

"I'm sorry sir. Was it about him again?"

"Yes it was, if this keeps going on it might not be safe," he was walking back and forth trying to think of a solution.

The maid walked closer to him resting her hand on his shoulder, assuring him that it's going to be alright, "You found him in that clan right?"

"Yes, the negetive 0 clan wasn't like any other clan. They were the most sophistacated, troublesome, and dangerous clan there was. No one can know what really happen, you understand this don't you?"

"Yes I do, I'll get you a drink, you look thirsty," she walked out the room leaving Shiki there to think of a solution himself. He walked towards the window, and can see the protectors hanging around, some were training, others were having fun. He spot Niel, Chunji, Cap, and L.joe, in the archery area with bunch of groups of girls watching them. The maid came back with his drink, she left it on the table, "Here's your drink sir."

Shiki walked towards the table grabbing his glass of water, "Thank you, and can you do me a favor?"

"Yes anything you want."

"Can you make Niel's room soundproof also L.joe's and Cap's room as well," he took a sip of his water.

"Yes, I can," she bowed before dismissing herself. Shiki walked back to the window taking another sip from his glass and stared out the window watching those four.


At the archery training grounds, the girls were screaming and squealing by watching Cap and L.joe. Niel and Chunji were getting irritated by the girls, 'They are so freakin annoying' they both were thinking the same thing. Chunji looked over at L.joe, and thought right now would be a good time to start to get to know him. "How about we start a race, whoever gets a bullseye three times wins," he asked wondering if that was stupid question.

L.joe looked over at him and smirked,  "And what will be my prize if I win."

Chunji was surprised that he didnt get yelled at, "How are you so sure that you'll win?"

L.joe's smirk got wider, "I'm pretty confident in myself."

"Okay, winner gets to decide on anything they want, loser obeys," L.joe nodded agreeing with the terms. Within 30 seconds L.joe already got 3 bullseye in his first try. Chunji's jaw dropped, seeing how fast he got it. He was so sure that he'll win, but obviously not, "Y-you...."

L.joe turned around, his smirk has a hint of evil, "Looks like I won, but my prize will take place later in the day."

Chunji's eyes widen, scared of what his prize will be, 'Oh god, what will he do to me?'

L.joe chuckled, "You'll know soon enough."

On the other side, Niel was watching those two, 'A race huh? Might not be a bad idea after all.' He looked over at Cap, he was in position in shooting his arrow. His body was straight, eyes focused on the target. His bone structure perfect, his jawlines so sharp looking. His arms not even moving an inch, he released his arrow and it hit bullseye. Niel was mesmerised by him, Cap looked over at Niel and saw him staring. When he realized that he's been caught he turned his attention to his own target, feeling his own body start to heat up. 

Cap smiled, knowing that he caught Niel staring at him, "What's wrong angelfish?"

"N-Niel.... not angelfish," he felt his body heat up more.

Cap laughed at how stubborn he is, "Fine, Niel."

"Thank you," he aimed for his target and shot it, but completely missed.

"Here let me help you."

"I-I d-" but before he could even finish, Cap already positioned Niel and put his arms over Niel's arms. He could feel Cap breathing at his neck which gave shivers down his spine. His body was warm and his skin was smooth, his hands controling Niel's every movement. Cap held on tight to Niel's hands, pulling his and the younger right hand inward and their left aiming for bullseye. He whispered in his ear, "Niel, let go of your right hand." He shuddered at his words and was about to pass out but he told himself he needs to be strong, and with that he let his right hand go and hit bullseye. 

Niel's eyes widen, "I did it.. thank you," he turned to face him but stopped when their lips were only inches apart.

Cap chuckled, "And what''s my reward, a simple thank you won't be enough." 

Niel face flushed, he quickly turned his head away and got out of his arms, "Ch-Chunji, lets head to lunch..."

Chunji nodded his head, "I-I agree, even though it's a little early."


At their lunch table, away from all the squealing girls, they sat down with their lunches. Cap decided to start a conversation since no one else will seem to, "So, how exactly did you become a protector?"

Niel wasn't really surprised by this question, he figured sooner or later one of them will ask them a question like that, "My story pretty simple, my parents died when I was really young and I had been taken into foster care. They treated us really poorly so one day I had the guts to run away, and one of the protectors found me and took me in. I was around 11, and I accepted their contract to become imortal. Unlike you guys, who were born imortal. So that's my story."

Everyone was quiet and looking at Niel who seemed perfectly fine, "I'm sorry, you must have had it rough," Chunji said his voice sounded sad.

"Nah, I'm used to it, what about you Chunji, I havent heard your story yet."

Chunji thought for awhile then shook his head, "I dont remember anything at all, just that Shiki-san found me when I was 5."

"I think that's enough talking about the past don't you think," everyone literally jumped and turned around to see Shiki-san sitting at the edge of the table. When did he get here?

"W-what are you doing here, no more likely, when did you get here?" Niel asked and he clung onto the table trying not to fall off when he got scared.

"That's not important right now, I need to talk to L.joe. Would you mind coming with me for a minute?"

L.joe looked confused not knowing what he did wrong, "Sure, why not." He followed him out of the cafeteria and in to the hallway passing alot of people who were whispering to each other. "Um.. why did you need me?"

"L.joe, tell me, are you thinking of claiming Chunji?"

"What? And what do you mean by that?" L.joe was shocked, and didn't know what else to say.

Shiki studied his reactions, "Okay, I will like to show you something," he waved his hand and on the ground showed a circular mirror, "in this mirror will show you how Chunji is like when he is a bottom male."


"Hnnnnnggghhh.... d-deeper L.joe.." Chunji arched his back, his body sweating.

L.joe grunted at how tight Chunji hole is, "Losen up a bit, you are so damn tight," he motioned his hip to go in further.

"A-ahhhnngh.. b-but you're soo huge, I cant help it." his pants grew heavier and his face was deeply red which aroused L.joe more causing him to grow bigger, "Ahhhhhh..."

L.joe pulled out almost all the way and ed back in as hard ad he could, "Ahhhh...hhuunnghh... h-harder L.joe harder." he grabbed the other's member it while he abused his hole, ing in and out. Chunji let out a loud moan and clutched onto the bed sheets, "Uunngh.... more L.joe...more..."


The mirror dissappeared and Shiki looked over at L.joe whose eyes were as wide a two ping-pong balls. L.joe was speechless but managed to say something, ".......w-why did you show me that......."

"It's to encourage you to be a seme," L.joe looked at him with confused expression. Shiki sighed, "Seme mean a top male in japanese. Now let's go back, the others are probably wondering where we are." He left leaving a very shocked L.joe just standing there.

Moments later, Cap found L.joe standing there, "Hey L.joe, lunch is almost over and you haven't even eaten yet. What's wrong?"

"Shiki-san, is a ert."


They got back to their table, and Shiki was sitting besides Chunji. "Sorry it took so long, but I found him," Cap apologized. They sat down and L.joe didn't even dare to look up at Chunji, the images are still replaying in head. 

Shiki looked at Chunji, "Chunji, after lunch you have some chores to do."

He almost choked on his food, "What? No way, I don't have any chores."

"Now you do, so don't forget to finish them."

"Heck no, I am way too tired," Shiki glared at him, and his eyes told Chunji that it wasn't a good sign, "fine..... I'll do it," he started muttering stuffs under his breath. The other three just looked at each other, not daring to speak whatsoever.


It was 10:46 pm and Chunji finally finished his chores, "I'm done!"

Shiki was sitting down on a chair eating some nuts, "Good," he stared at Chunji putting the stuff away, "Chunji?"

"Hmm?" he looked over his shoulder to see him.

"Are you.... feeling alright?" his voice sounded so concern and Chunji haven't heard that tone of voice in a long while, so it scraed Chunji a bit.

"Yea.. uh are you ok? I mean why wouldn't I be okay?" Chunji's eyes were full of concern.

"Nothing, just go take a shower and head to bed."

He sighed, "Yea yea..." Chunji turned to walk out the door, but what he didn't realize was Shiki staring at him, and his lips curved up abit into a faint smile.


It was the middle of the night and Shiki was reading a book, until he heard a knock at the door. "Come in." The door creaked open and it was Chunji, his face wet with tears, he was crying. Shiki put the book down, "Chunji, what happened?"

He starts to sob a bit more, "M-my body really aches and *sniffs* some parts are b-burning, a-and it wont g-go away."

"I see, that hasn't happen in a while, come," he motions him to come and patted his lap. Chunji goes over to him rests his head on his lap with his arms around Shiki's waist. Shiki gently his hair, "It's alright, you'll sleep with me tonight, just relax and go to sleep." Chunji nods his head and a few minutes he's fast asleep. 

The phone rang, and Shiki picks up, "Yes?"

"Shiki!!! It's been a while!!"

He sighed, "What do you want in the middle of the night?"

The other person pouts, "What, I can't talk to my best friend?"

"In the middle of the night? Just state your buisiness" Shiki's voice sounded irritated.

"Nothing, just checking up on things. So, how's the boy, he still alive?"

"His name is Chunji, is it that hard to remember his name, and he's alive and doing fine."

"I guess, still glad that your alive though. Just be careful not to let the boss find out what he really is. I remember that you always followed the rules, but that day..... you know you broke a huge one right?"

"Yes, I am aware of that. Don't bother with me, I can handle things on my own."

"Yea, I know. But I'm just saying, this kid isn't worth it."

Shiki was getting mad, "This is why I always ignore you phone call, goodbye."

The other person just laughed, "Okay, see ya."

Shiki hung up the phone and sighed again, he looked down at Chunji sleeping peacefully still his hair, "You don't remember anything that happened when you were little do you Chunji," he still  watched him sleep his lips curving up in to a faint smile again.


Well, here is another chapter..................... im sorry but im not really good at deatailing things  



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i am sooooo sorry i have been busy alot lately so ill try to update as soon as i can


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talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show-stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before
Read this again and again. I miss you and chunjoe too. T.T
even if you told me not to....
Happy Birthday~!!
Chapter 37: Reread this story for the two times again ♥♥
TakeshimaTaki-desu #5
Chapter 37: favorite part was when A looked at Jinsung with a motive and him rejecting A right then and there! nyahahahahahaha

i like this one too, author-san! ^0^
TakeshimaTaki-desu #6
Chapter 33: Chunji is the hugest cry baby ever! haha
TakeshimaTaki-desu #7
Chapter 25: i was laughing sooooo hard!!!!! nyahahahahahahah
TakeshimaTaki-desu #8
Chapter 24: awwww L.Joe acknowledged his feelings already, but Chunji's siblings are closing in on him!
TakeshimaTaki-desu #9
Chapter 20: i love Ricky's character here! hahahahah not the shy and innocent one we're so used to seeing in fanfics! wao! ^^