Ch. 27


k nother chapter......


The two 'girls' were still on the couch trying to cover themselves with the pillows, both faces red especially when looking at the others whose eyes were twice as big. Changjo was the first to break the silence as he started laughing, "Y-you guys....pfft..." he broke into laughter once again. The others were too shocked to say anything.

Chunji couldnt handle the embarrassment so covered his face in his knees with the help of the pillow of course. Niel turned redder as he grabbed another pillow and threw it at the laughing boy, "GET OUT NOW!!!! ALL OF YOU GET OUT!!!!"

"Okay I'll stop laughing....but what the heck happened, and what were you two...*cough* doing...although it was kinda hot," he mumbled the last part but still earned a punch from Ricky, "Ow..."

"I heard that..." he glared at him.

Chunji whimpered, "Niel!! I blame you...."

"Wha..." NIel was shocked, "what did I do?"

Chunji glared at him, "You were the one that suggested to change here and said that no one will come! You also practically stripped me and you wanted to touch my and told me to take my bra off so you cou-" Chunji was cut of when Niel jumped on him and covered his mouth with his hand.

"IDIOT, SHUT UP!!!!!" his face was really deep red now, "like I knew they would come in the time we were changing....."

Chunji was also the same shade of reddness as Niel but at the fact that there only shield was broken and they were completely exposed. Also the fact that NIel was on top of Chunji, in a very easy to misunderstand position. But what really made him go red was the fact that to Niel's success, he had unhooked Chunji's bra and was it was mostly exposed not fully though, you couldnt see his...buds (?). Chunji didnt want to be the only one so he quickly slid his hand behind NIel and unhooked it.

Niel gasped and jumped back, both arms around his chest, "What was th-" he stopped when he realized Chunji's bra unhooked. He smirked, "So I was successful after all..."

Chunji's eyes widened and sat up, "Niel..." he slapped Niel's thigh. 

He winced in pain and leaned closer to Chunji both hands gripping his thighs, "Do you want me to take off your ?" his eyes were not kidding they were serious.

Chunji face flushed at the thought and tried to push him by the shoulders, "Y-you wouldnt dare...."

His smirk got wider, "Chunji, you know me well enough that I will absolutely do it," Chunji gulped.


They both turned their direction to the others. They completely  forgot about them. Looking at Ricky who was flushed and had his hand over his eyes asked, "What?"

Ricky gulped. The others had their heads turned away completely red and trying to avoid looking at them. "What," they asked again.

Changjo inhaled still looking away, "Y-your...uh...b-bras....."

They both looked down eyes wide and gasped. Their bras had fallen down to their wrist, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!" letting out a high pitched girly scream. 

Shiki came rushing in, "What hap-" he stopped and looked at the situation and sighed, "oh..."

Chunji and Niel both grabbed their pillows and threw it at them, "GET OUT!!!!!!!!"


After getting dressed they were all sitting down in the living room. Chunji and Niel sat the opposite from the rest not daring to look at them after what they saw. The problem is that Shiki wasnt there so it was really awkward to start a conversation. Ricky couldnt handle the silence so he spoke figuring that no one else was going to, "Um.. how did you guys....turn into....girls...."

They both shifted uncomfortably still not looking at the others. Niel glared at Chunji, "Oh I dont know...maybe someONE decided to knock down this potion bottle to floor and BREAK it..."

Chunji glared back, "Well, maybe this someONE didnt have to if the OTHER person didnt scare the hell out of this someONE!!!"

Changjo cleard his throat, "Ok, did you guys get into....that."

Chunji blushed, "I dont know...ask this GUY...who wanted to..." he mumbled the last part.

Niel pouted, "I couldnt help it, it was soft.."

Chunji tured redder, "Your's soft too...see.." he squeezed one of Niel's but gasped at what he did, "s-sorry...I-I-I-I-I d-didnt mean t-to.." he quckly pulled his hand back.

Surprisingly Niel wasnt bothered by that, "Yea but your's big too."

His eyes widened, "Na-uh, y-yours much bigger and softer than mine!!!!"

"It is not!!!!"

"Yes it is, what's your bra size.."

"What's yours?"

"I asked you first!!"

"Ah...d-do you guys know how long you guys will be like this.." Ricky didnt want another 'girl fight'. They both shook their heads.

Cap and L.joe were speechless. They kept staring at those two. They weren't sure if they should be mad or what, but they did know one thing. They were both by what they saw. Seeing the ones they love both turn into girls and were practically stripping each other.....well who could blame them. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity to witness such and errotic...scene.



"Yes," he turned around to see the maid by the doorway.

"Chunji and Niel...both turning into girls, did have anything to do with..."

He sighed, "Coincidently, it did not. That was all on their own, although I must is quite brilliant given the situation they are in now. I wont be surprise if Cap and Niel were to have ."

"And what about...."

"Those two, it will be a lot more diffucult."

"I there anything you would like me to do?"

"If Chunji is able to go to L.joe's room, then it will work. It is clearly obvious that boy has feelings for Chunji.

"Alright Shiki-san, I'll see what I can do..." she bows and turns to leave.

"Oh, and one more thing..."

She turns around, "Yes Shiki-san?"

"When will I get my birthday gift," his eyes were taunting and filled with...something.

She turned red, "I'll go g-get to work sir," and with that she left.


Ricky sighed, " I'm guessing Shiki-san is making the antidote..."

Chunji shrugged his shoulders, "I dont know, but I hope so..."

The maid came in to the living room, "Shiki-san says that you people can go back now if you'd like. Niel, you can go back to your room if you want."

Ricky got up, "Okay then, guess we should go.. are you staying here Niel?"

Niel shook his head, "No, I would like to go back to my room.."

"Oh, that's right. Shiki-san also asked if any of you have a dictionaey he can borrow, apparently he cant find his."

"Ah," Ricky turned to Changjo, "dont you have one?"

"Oh yea I do...but it's in L.joe's room."

"I see, Chunji," she faced him, "would you be a dear and go get it?"

Chunji nodded his head. L.joe twiched, he didnt like this at all. He knew he wouldnt be able to control himself if Chunji tempted him.


"Well, good night guys!!!!" Ricky said and went into his room. Changjo did the same. Chunji and Niel felt nervous, being all female and all. L.joe unlocked his door, "Get in," his voice was not welcoming at all, but hey...he was almost at his limit.

Chunji flinched and got in. Niel went over to his door but Cap wasnt gonna let that happen. He pulled him inside his room and locked the door. "C-Cap?"

He pinned Niel against the wall, "Why were you touching Chunji like that?"

Niel bit his lips, "Well. it's kinda fun teasing him. But hey, you were the one who got by seeing us like that!!!" 

Cap's eyes widened, "How did you..."

Niel chuckled, or more like giggled, "You think I wouldnt notice, you are my boyfriend after all," he wrapped his arms around the others neck and leaned in for a kiss. Cap gladly accepted and his arms roamed all over Niel's body, squeezing his , "Ahh.."

Cap broke the kiss and leaned in for his neck, "You are really y, boy or girl. Did you know that...Dae.."

Niel giggled, "Wait, are we going to do it?"

"Why not," he kept on kissing his neck making Niel moan, "it's not like you can get pregnant, right?" he looked up at Niel just to be sure.

Niel smiled and leaned in for another kiss. He pulled back shortly after, "Guess you're right, but you know...I wouldnt mind having your kid..."

That made Cap heart skip a beat. He leaned in for a kiss, this time sticking his tongue in. After long minuted of a passionate kiss Cap pulled away, "Uh... just curious, what is your size?"


L.joe locked the door as soon as Chunji came in. "Um...the dictionary.."

"In there," he pointed to the closet. Chunji walked towards the closet and opened it, rummaging inside. L.joe couldnt help but stare at him from head to toe.

"Um....I think I found it..." he came out of the closet, "Yea, this is thanks.."

He started to walk to the door and L.joe was screamimg in his head telling him to hurry up. Cursing at himself for locking the door. Chunji was close to the door but turned around, "Um,,a-and thanks for the bear, I actually had a fun time..." his face turned a little pink. And that did it for L.joe, just as Chunji was about to turn he grabbed his wrist and threw him on the bed and hovered over him, "L-L.joe?"

"It's your fault for not getting out faster. I honestly didnt want to but you just pushed my limits," he leaned and ravished the other's lips. 

"Hnngh.." he gripped the others shoulder trying to push him off but soon melted into the kiss as it slowly turned into a more passionate one. 

L.joe pulled back, Chunji panting. L.joe gripped the other now feminine waist and placed his head on the others shoulder, "Damn it Chunji...what are you doing to me?"


"Shiki-san, I believe my plan is working...."

"Yes it is, job well done."

She smiled, "Well then, I'll shall leave and let you work on your papers," she turned to walk away but Shiki grabbed her wrist, "Shiki-san?"

"I am not letting you get away this time," he looked into her eyes her face flushed, "I would like to recieve my birthday gift now.."


kk i am done.....

hoped you liked it did not re-read by the way

sorry for mistakes


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i am sooooo sorry i have been busy alot lately so ill try to update as soon as i can


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talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show-stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before
Read this again and again. I miss you and chunjoe too. T.T
even if you told me not to....
Happy Birthday~!!
Chapter 37: Reread this story for the two times again ♥♥
TakeshimaTaki-desu #5
Chapter 37: favorite part was when A looked at Jinsung with a motive and him rejecting A right then and there! nyahahahahahaha

i like this one too, author-san! ^0^
TakeshimaTaki-desu #6
Chapter 33: Chunji is the hugest cry baby ever! haha
TakeshimaTaki-desu #7
Chapter 25: i was laughing sooooo hard!!!!! nyahahahahahahah
TakeshimaTaki-desu #8
Chapter 24: awwww L.Joe acknowledged his feelings already, but Chunji's siblings are closing in on him!
TakeshimaTaki-desu #9
Chapter 20: i love Ricky's character here! hahahahah not the shy and innocent one we're so used to seeing in fanfics! wao! ^^