Ch. 23


k sorry for the late update....


Chunji ran home, making sure the box doesnt get ruined, 'This is awesome! When I get back, I'll have enough time to do the rest of the things! Oh...thank you so much mystery dude!!!!' Chunji got back and dashed through the kitchen.

"Welcome back Chunji," the maid came in through the doors, "took you a while though.. oh, I see you already got one, so I suppose you wont make it handmade this year?"

"No... I made it, I had help from a....friend," Chunji wasnt sure what to call him but decided that calling him a friend was much easier.

"I see, then would you like some help in making dinner?"

Chunji shook his head and placed the box in the fridge, "No thanks, but thank you though."

The maid nodded her head, "Alright...oh, did you eat lunch?"

Chunji froze, "Uhh...," he took the last piece of cheesecake in the fridge and practically gobbled it down, "Yaow wai zi..."

The maid couldnt help but laugh, "I'm sorry, I couldnt catch that.."

Chunji gluped it down and made sure he can talk properly, "Now I did...sorry. But I would like to finish before he comes back..."

The maid sighed, "I see... well then good luck," maid started to walk out the kitchen.

"Wait!!" Chunji shouted.

The maid turned her head, "Yes?"

"Did he...forget?" Chunji asked nervously, he was fiddling with the things on the kitchen counter.

The maid nodded her head, "Yea...he did." she walked out the kitchen after that.

Chunji smiled a bit, " least it will be quite a surprise."


Chunji was in the middle of cooking. He was dicing up some onions, basils, thyme, while flipping the chicken that was getting cooked in the frying pan, while boil some hot water and making sure the water doesnt get to hot. Yes, all those things are hard to keep track. But Chunji wasnt complaining, he was fine with this. He actually done this a lot of times, you could say he's an expert at keeping track of things. He could be a chef if he wanted to. He was  humming a song and glanced at the clock. He sighed in relief that he's not behind at all. He continued to chop the onions, but jumped at a sudden feeling. His back pocket was vibrating, "What the..." he looked back confused. He took out the vibrating object and realized it was his phone. He completely forgot about it, it was a phone that Shiki prvoded him.

"Ah, the chicken!!!" he quickly flipped it over and looked at the boiling water. He lowered the fire and added frozen vergetables in it, "this phone is causing me so much trouble!!!" he sighed. He looked at it and realized he got a text...from Niel.

'Where are you Chunji?!?!?!?' it read.

Chunji frowned, he texted back....'I'm the kitchen cooking dinner...? Why...'

He sent the text and immediatly got a response, 'What?!?! You couldve told us where you were... we were all worried :'('

Chunji frowned again, 'Uhhhhh -_- why....?'

'Because.....we looked all over for you!!! R u alright!?!?'

Chunji sighed, 'Yea... i'm fine...just making dinner...' he flipped over the chicken again and put the heat higher for the boiling veggies.

'Oh...ok, r u mad....?'

Chunji stared at the text meesage, he had to admit... he was still pretty upset, he sighed. 'No I'm not....I just came back from the human world so no worries...' he smiled at what happened at the human world. He had to admit, it was pretty fun.

'Good, and like I said I'll make it up to you :) so you said you needed me for something?'

Chunji looked at his text again. He wanted all of them to help him with all this, but he remembered what happened this morning. He thought that this year would be special, and he could do this with more people. But he thought that they already had plans for something without him. 'Cap and Niel are probably going to do something together, Changjo and Ricky...well im pretty sure they have plans. L.joe....' when L.joe came into his mind he stiffened, 'uhh....not a good idea!!!' He sighed, "I wonder how many things they're keeping from me......" he decided to not get in their way for his silly things.

''s okay, I got it... so you guys can do what you want know without me interrupting ;) and sorry for the late reply, I had to check on my cooking...' he sent the text.

'Oh..kk, then if you need us just call...or text.. ^_^'

Chunji bit his lips, 'Who are you with?' he started to change his mind and thought maybe he should call them over.

'Cap and the others, but we're splitting up now since I told them you're fine, me and Cap are going to a cafe!!!  \(^o^)/'

Chunji felt a sharp pain in his chest, "Ha ha ha... of course, how can I be that dumb... obviously they would have plans..." he felt a lump in his throat, 'Cool!! Well have fun...and dont forget to tell me about it, I have to go cuz my food is burning -|||-'

'K bye!!!' Chunji stared his text, he didnt like what he was feeling. But he couldnt help it, he wanted them to come over but he didnt want to ruin their fun. He felt tears forming in his eyes and got mad at himself, "Tch... I seriously have to stop being so sensitive!!! Dont want people to hate me..." he took a deep breathe but froze, "no!!! it's burning..."


Niel sighed, "Thank god he's fine!!!" he plopped down on the bench outside one of those training grounds.

Chnagjo agreed and sat next to him, "I know...he should owe us!!! We ran around looking for him!!!"

"Yea.." Niel said, "but later......Cap are we still going to the cafe earlier like we planned!!!"

L.joe sighed, "I still dont understand why you had to drag me along."

Niel glared at him, "Shut up you ert! This is the least you can do when you took his ity!!!"

L.joe seriously wanted to punch this blowfish, but Cap was there. He sighed and rolled his eyes, "Whatever.."

Cap chuckled, "Okay stop fighting. And yea, come on lets go..."

Niel jumped up, "Yes!!!! Finally, no more interruptions. Lets go!!!" he grabbed Cap's arm and started dragging him.

"See ya guys," Cap waved them off.

Rciky shook his head, "How does that kid have energy left...I'll go get us a drink," he trotted away.

Changjo scoffed, "Says the guy who is still able to walk...I'm freakin tired man!!"

L.joe hit his shoulder and sat down, "You are just lazy...."

Changjo sighed, "Well that's true...." he looked at the other.

L.joe raised an eyebrow, "What?"

"Why are you avoiding Chunji?"

L.joe just laughed, "Who says I'm avoiding him?"

Changjo frowned and shook his head, "I cant believe you're lying to!!! Trust I why?"

L.joe scoffed, "Trust me I'm not..."

"Yes you are! You also you know....did it with him...."

L.joe sighed, "Just cuz I did it doesnt mean anything. I dont get attached to people....and like I said, it's a one time thing. I'll use him again just to prove to you that I'm not avoiding him...."

Changjo gave a disgusted face, "You are a jerk you know that!!! You care for no one's feelings, I feel bad for Chunji, his first time mustve been horrible!!!!" 

L.joe laughed harder, "Are you kidding, you shouldve heard his moans... " he takes in a breather, "well see ya...  and like I said, I am not planning to get attached..." he got up and started to walk away.

Changjo looked at him, he was really pissed at L.joe's behavior, "Hmph... says the guy who obviously gets jealous he hears Chunji with some other guy..." he started to mumble to himself.

"Who's jealous," Ricky came back with three drinks, "hey, where's L.joe!! I got him his drink..." he huffed.

Changjo got up and wrapped his rm around his waist, "Forget about that idiot!!!"


"Ricky, what's so special about today?"

Ricky eyes widened, he totally forgot and thought if Chunji was really okay. But he brushed it off, thinkng that Chunji wouldve told them, but would he really, (remember he is not inside of Chunji so he doesnt know how Chunji is feeling...) "Oh nothing..."

Changjo smirked, "Okay...well since we have time alone I would like to do something that I had planned earlier today..."

Ricky tensed, "You really are ..."


Chunji set up the table and it was perfect! He just hoped that the chicken didnt burn at all whatsoever. He looked at the table and imagined what it would look like if the rest were here. He felt the pain in his chest again and shook his head. 'No what am I doing.... Shiki-san is almost here!!! I have to focus...' he breathed in and out trying to brush the pain away. It wasnt working so well, this feeling....for some reason it had a huge affect on him. He gasped when he heard the door opening, he went to go hide. 

Shiki walked in and closed the door. He was heading to his room but stopped immediately. He smelled something, he walked into the kitchen, "Chunji?"

The first step he took Chunji came out, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHIKI-SAN!!!!!!"

Shiki was shocked, he looked around and there was a nicely made dinner with all his favorite food, "My....I completely forgot..."

Chunji smiled and was happy with all of this, "I know...which made it really a surprise. Come on lets eat!!!"

Shiki couldnt help but feel happy inside, "Thank you, it's a shame that the others arent here..."

Chunji tensed as he sat down, "Y-yea...well taste the food!!!"

Shiki took a bite out of his veggies, "It's delicious! You really know my taste Chunji thank you very much!"

Chunji smiled but he felt that he couldve done better. He couldnt bring the others which wouldve made Shiki really happy if he actually bought them over. He felt like that he didnt fully complete everything. Then he felt weird, he never felt like this before.. it was very new to him so he didnt know how to handle it. He actually felt himself tear up but tried his best to not let it show.

Shiki took a bite out of the chicken but immediately coughed and spit it out, "Why is the chicken burnt?"

That did it for Chunji, he gripped his knees with his hands and tried not to cry but the tears came out. He couldnt help it, he started to sob. Shiki was shocked, he knew that Chunji was never this upset when he said something bad about his food, "Chunji?" 

"I-I'm s-s-sorry, *sniff* th-the chicken wasnt suppose to be burnt...*sniff*"

Shiki was confused, "No it's alright, it is still good..."

Chunji couldnt help but cry harder, "S-sorry.." his voice got a bit higher.

Shiki walked to Chunji and placed his hands on the crying boy's cheek using his thumb towipe the tears around the corner of his eyes, "It's okay...Chunji, what's upseting you..."

CHunji tried to stop but only choked back a sob, "I-I couldnt ....get them here...i-i'm sorry...even *sniff* even though you said you would feel much happier w-with more people..." he gripped his knees harder.

Shiki sighed, "Chunji, dont misunderstand, I only said that because I thought you would have more fun with more people, like how other parties are," he carressed his cheek and continued wiping the tears away.

Chunji sniffed, "But still... I'm sorry...I really dont know.....why I'm crying... I fe-feel like I had this kind of feeling before..."

"What feeling?"

"They a-all had plans t-today and I couldnt t-tell them anything *sniff* I s-sorta feel betrayed... I fe-feel so stupid...."

Shiki looked at him with concern, "You shouldnt....I'm sure they would have came if they knew...."

Chunji still felt horrible, "B-but still...I wanted to make this special.."

Shiki looked at him, "It was....honestly Chunji, I would have pefered to spend it with you alone only and no one in a way, I'm glad that it was just you..." he leaned in and kissed his forehead, "come on, I want to taste the cake you made for me..."

The maid came walking towards the table with the box, "Chunji worked hard to make this," she opened it and on top was strawberries and in the middle it said 'Happy Birthday Onii-chan!!'

Shiki smiled, "Thank you, it looks really nice."

Chunji sniffed, "I-it's a strawberry cake," he placed a candle in the middle and lit it up, "make a w-wish.."

Shiki closed his eyes and blew out the candle. Chunji and the maid both clapped, "Did you make a wish Shiki-san," the maid asked.

Shiki nodded and Chunji smiled, "I hope it comes true.."

Shiki agreed, "So do I." Chunji cut a piece and gave it to him. Shiki took a bite and his eyes widened, "This tastes really good, I love it... Thank you!"

"Your welcome Onii-chan!"


Chunji fell asleep in Shiki's lap while Shiki his hair. "Is he alright," the maid asked.

Shiki looked down at him, "He pushes himself himself too hard.....and it causes stress. He kept all those feelings botlled inside of him, I'm just glad it all came out before it caused something dnagerous," he sighed and looked at his sleeping face, "the feeling of being betrayed, I was hoping that Chunji would never had to experience that again...I'm afraid to leave him alone."

The maid smiled, "You love him very much dont you.."

Shiki nodded, "Yes, I love Chunji very much..." he looked at her, "come here for a moment.."

She walked closer to him, "Yes," he motioned her to get closer, "Yes sir..." she leaned in closer.

Shiki gently grabbed her chin and pulled her. He the icing off of the corner of her lip, she blushed hard, "there was icing on your lips," he looked straight into her eyes their face dangerously close, "now, I wonder where my present is from you...."

She blushed even harder and pulled away, "Ummm.... th-the dishes, I'll go do them," she quickly grabbed the plates and rushed in to the kitchen.

Shiki's lips into a smirk, then looked back down at Chunji again. He sighed, "Chunji...why do you smell like another guy...."


kk i am done......

hope you enjoy

and ill try to update tomorrow


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i am sooooo sorry i have been busy alot lately so ill try to update as soon as i can


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talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show-stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before
Read this again and again. I miss you and chunjoe too. T.T
even if you told me not to....
Happy Birthday~!!
Chapter 37: Reread this story for the two times again ♥♥
TakeshimaTaki-desu #5
Chapter 37: favorite part was when A looked at Jinsung with a motive and him rejecting A right then and there! nyahahahahahaha

i like this one too, author-san! ^0^
TakeshimaTaki-desu #6
Chapter 33: Chunji is the hugest cry baby ever! haha
TakeshimaTaki-desu #7
Chapter 25: i was laughing sooooo hard!!!!! nyahahahahahahah
TakeshimaTaki-desu #8
Chapter 24: awwww L.Joe acknowledged his feelings already, but Chunji's siblings are closing in on him!
TakeshimaTaki-desu #9
Chapter 20: i love Ricky's character here! hahahahah not the shy and innocent one we're so used to seeing in fanfics! wao! ^^