Ch. 20


sorry for the late update


Chunji started to panick, he felt himself trembling, "S-sir? I-I'm a girl...p-please let go....." he tried to pull himself away, but the grip on his wrist was to strong. The guy continued to look at him in doubt. He dragged Chunji to private area where no one will pass by. Chunji struggled to get away from him, "L-let me go!" 

The guy pinned Chunji to the wall, " must be a..." he slipped his hand under Chunji's tank top, his hand brushing against the bra Chunji was forced to wear.

Chunji gasped, "S-SIR!!!?? S-stop!!" he tried to push the other away, but with the random's guy free hand, he grabbed hold of both Chunji's wrist and pinned it above the terrified boy's head.

"You dont have any .." he mumbled but it was so close to Chunji's neck that the hot breathe trickled down his neck and let out a quiet moan.

Chunji's face turned red, "I-I am flat chested..." he desperately wanted to get out of this situation.

The guy was surprised with the reaction he got him Chunji. He looked straight into his eyes, then looked down to his body. His waist was curved like a girls kind of, but it didnt help determine if he was actually a guy. Chunji whimpered and the guy smirked, he was having fun with this, "Are you sure you are not a guy?"

Chunji looked away not wanting to see this stranger's face, " let me go..." he struggled again but failed.

But the guy just took his hand from under the tank top and slid his hand down Chunji's thigh, "You sure...because I have a way I could prove it." Chunji's body tensed up, tears were slowly formimg in the corner of his eyes. The guy just smirked wider and his hand crept up Chunji's leg going under his skirt.

"Dont!!!!!" Chunji closed his eyes afraid of what might happen.


They were all panicking. Ricky shook Shiki's shoulders, "SHIKI-SAN!!!! YOU HAVE TO DO SOMETHING....QUICKLY!!!!," he yelled really loud which the other plug their ears.

"Calm down Ricky, I'm pretty sure Shiki-san has a plan," Changjo looked at Shiki, hoping that he does.

"Do you have a plan!?!?!?" Niel stared at Ricky and Shiki with anger, "do something before he gets and I'm sooo blaming you two if he does!!!!"

Shiki sighed, "Of course I have a plan but I cant do it unless Ricky lets go of me."

"S-sorry," he let go. They watched Shiki as he walked up this mini computer and pressed a blue button and came back.

"That's it!!!!!" Niel shouted his face red from anger.

"Just watch," Shiki pointed at the screen.


The guys hand came up the side of Chunji's which of course he was forced to wear. Chunji felt tears rolling down his cheeks. Just as the guy was about to move his hand towards the front he stopped and they both turned their head to a certain direction when they heard a voice.

"Chunsu!!!" A guy called out. The guy immediatly backed away from Chunji as the guy made his way over to the hidden area, "There you are!!! I've been looking everywhere for you! Sorry I'm late." He walked up to Chunji and slid his arms around his waist, he noticed tears down his cheek, "No dont cry, I'm sorry," the guy leaned in and kissed Chunji on the lips for a mere few seconds, causing Chunji to blush, and wiped the tears away, "I know you're new into town and I hate myself for making you cry. I'll make it up to you and I promise I wont ever be late agin, come on." he lead Chunji to someplace else.

The other guy stood there shocked, he didnt know what just happened. He snapped back to reality when a boy came running to him, "Yo big bro!! What the hell are you doing, we're on a mission remember!! Were you about to her?" he was a few years younger.

"I think we just let our target go away," the older sighed.

The younger laughed, "Our target is a guy!! Not a girl!"

"I dont think..." he paused for a moment, "I dont think that was a girl."

The younger laughed harder, "You have got to be kidding me!!!! Are you blind, that was clearly a girl. Oh just wait until the other two hears about this!!!"

The older sighed again, "I didnt even get to determine if that 'girl' was a guy or not...this freakin close," he mumbled.

"Come on.." the younger tried to stop his laughter, "let's go before I die of laughter...and my brother... girls? Oh I cant wait to tell the others."

As much as the the other guy was shocked, Chunji was even more shocked, "W-who..." his face was still red from the kiss.

"I'm sorry Chunji, I was sent by Shiki-san to save you."

"Shiki-sa...." his voice trailed off when and blushed furiously when he remembered that the others were watching. 

"He told me to bring you home as soon as possible." Chunji nodded.


They all sighed in relief when they saw Chunji safe. "Thank god," Ricky said, "he's safe..."

Shiki got up and turned the screen off, "Everybody come and follow." Shiki lead them to the living room and motined everyone to sit. The maid came in and placed snackes on the table. "I'll be back," Shiki went out of the room along with the maid.

"Who was that guy? And how did he know that Chunji was a guy," Changjo asked.

Niel shrugged his shoulders, "I'm just glad that he's safe.." he leaned back and rested his head on Cap's shoulder. Cap glanced at L.joe. He has been quiet for a while and noticed that L.joe looks really pissed. He smirked thinking that L.joe got what he deserves, using people to his satisfaction and throwing them aside as if they were used toys. Cap couldnt stand how he used people, and how he didnt care at all for their feelings. He just hopes that L.joe has grown a heart a least a little.

Cap faced Niel, "You tired?" Niel nodded and Cap spoke soothing words because he could also feel Niel nervous too.

L.joe closed his eyes, he was hating what he was feeling. He kept telling himself it's nothing and it'll be gone by tomorrow but somewhere in his mind he knew that it wasnt. But he simply shot that part of his mind throwing it away as if it never existed.

Changjo looked at Ricky, he had sooooo many things to question him about. Ricky noticed Changjo staring and smirked, "Yes y?"

Changjo completely missed the compliment, "Things dont add up... and I want to know what's going on. First-"

Ricky cut him off, "Uhhh....okay um, we will speak in private... not here," he didnt want him to bring anything up. Ricky knew he was bad at covering things up so he would like to be questioned by one person, not four. "You are too smart when you're not supposed to be....and I dont even need to hear what you have to say to know that.." he sighed.

Changjo smiled at that statement, "Thank you."

"Oh sure you hear that, but when I had said the other word you didnt...." he grumbled.

Changjo stared in confusion, "What other word?" Ricky just rolled his eyes.

A few more minutes later Chunji and this other guy who saved him walked in. "Chunji!!" Niel and Ricky both got up.

"Um.. hey, and sorry for not finishing the uhh...."

"Oh dont worry about it," Ricky said.

Niel agreed, "Yea, and the more important fact is, are you okay?" Chunji nodded.

Chunji stood there standing while everyone was staring at him. He started to feel nervous, "Wh-what?"

Niel turned red, "Uh..ahem..n-nothing," he sat back down not wanting to look at Chunji.

Chunji looked at himself and gasped, "Wait," he said to the guy who was leaving, he had realized that he was dressed as a girl, "can I change my clothes?"

The guy turned around, "Shiki-san told me tell you if you ever asked that questions, 'no' sorry." he walked away. Chunji jaw dropped.

Ricky went to hug Chunji, "So what, you look really cute!!!!!" he dragged the blushing boy to sit next to him. "So did you have fun at the cafe?"

"Um.. it was okay..but the food was really good," Chunji smiled and got sad that he wont ever taste it again. He will never order such a girly food whike being a guy.

"So.." Changjo said, his voice with curiosity, "how did it feel like to be partly lesbian?" Niel grabbed a cookie from the table and threw it at Changjo, glaring at him. "Ow, just curious."

Chunji looked confused, "Lesbian? What lesbian, I havent met any?"

They all looked at him in shock. Changjo shook his head, "Wait, t-that girl...didnt didnt realize that sh..."

"Cho Hee? She was a nice girl, oh right her number," Chunji looked at his arm, "I have her number. But, she wasnt a lesbian, I mean was she? How do you know?"

Changjo was speechless, "You...I mean...she...nevermind," He gave up, he didnt want to ruin his innocents with a topic like that. "So, how does it feel like to be wearing and a bra?"

"Changjo," Niel threw another cookie at him, his face was red.

Chunji also blushed, "Umm.... it feels weird, uh lets change topic."


A few hours of talking Chunji made dinner. They ate and decided to head to their rooms afterwards. Shiki gave Chunji permission to go change which Chunji was delighted to. Ricky stayed behind to speak to Shiki. "Shiki-san, do you thnk he found out?"

"I should be asking you that. I dont know, but lets just keep our gaurds up."

Ricky nodded, "Okay, but...dont you think we should tell the others. I mean Changjo is already suspicious and he is really smart, he's figuring things out and I dont know how?"

"No, we will not tell anyone."

"But you sorta owe me!!!" Ricky whined.


"First, it was you that suggest to play the spin the bottle kissing version and forced me to make them play even though I had no problems with it and I really wanted the bottle to land on Chunji but anyway... second, it was you who suggested to make a punishment for Chunji for not getting picked and it clearly wasnt his fault, and third, it was you who suggested for Chunji to dress up like a girl and head to the human world and get three numbers from guys, the make out thing with Changjo...fine that was all me. I'm surprised that Chunji doesnt hate me, i really dont want him to hate me!! I love him to death and I've been with him for a very long time!!!! Besides, you probably tampered with the bottle." Shiki didnt say anything and Ricky's eyes widened, "Did you really tamper with the bottle?" 

"Good night Ricky," Shiki left the room leaving the wide eyed boy there.

"Shiki-san, you really are...something"


Ricky went into his room to find Changjo laying on his bed, "Changjo? What are you doing here?"

"Our talk 'member...." he said with a wide grin on his face.

Ricky sighed, "Oh yea...okay..shoot."

Changjo got up abruptly, "Okay, did you know Chunji took a liking to the waiter, he only said that in his mind. And only our kind can read minds well as far as I know. Second, do you know the guy who grabbed Chunji, you reacted before he could do anything? Plus you were extrememly pale."

Ricky was speechless, "Damn you.... "

Changjo smirked and sat down, he was clearly happy with his conclusion, "Well..."

"Hmmm..." Ricky stood there thinking, then he smirked. He walked towards the sitting boy and climbed on his lap and sat on it.

"What are you.." Changjo eyes widened.

Ricky giggled and wrapped his arms around Changjo's neck, "Do you wanna talk...or do something"

Changjo can feel himself getting excited and smirked in amusement, "And what do you mean by that," he wrapped his arms around Ricky's waist.

Ricky leaned in, "This..."


kk i am done.....

again sorry for the late update

and do you guys think i should write in the next chapter

or is it going to fast.....................

I dont know...

so what should it be.....


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i am sooooo sorry i have been busy alot lately so ill try to update as soon as i can


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talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show-stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before
Read this again and again. I miss you and chunjoe too. T.T
even if you told me not to....
Happy Birthday~!!
Chapter 37: Reread this story for the two times again ♥♥
TakeshimaTaki-desu #5
Chapter 37: favorite part was when A looked at Jinsung with a motive and him rejecting A right then and there! nyahahahahahaha

i like this one too, author-san! ^0^
TakeshimaTaki-desu #6
Chapter 33: Chunji is the hugest cry baby ever! haha
TakeshimaTaki-desu #7
Chapter 25: i was laughing sooooo hard!!!!! nyahahahahahahah
TakeshimaTaki-desu #8
Chapter 24: awwww L.Joe acknowledged his feelings already, but Chunji's siblings are closing in on him!
TakeshimaTaki-desu #9
Chapter 20: i love Ricky's character here! hahahahah not the shy and innocent one we're so used to seeing in fanfics! wao! ^^