Ch. 10

Protectors in this tells you how Shiki got Chunji


Shiki was at the training grounds where it teaches you how to walk on water. But Shiki already knew how to do that, so he was just walking around. He looked up at the sky, the sun was shining bright on the water, so it glistened. He bent down and dipped his fingers in the water, playing with little fishies that were swimming back and forth chasing his fingers. It was quiet, peaceful. It gave a relaxing feeling. 

"SHIKI!!!!" a guy came stumbling to him, his pants were wet so it showed that he didnt know how to walk on water.

"What is it?" Shiki was a bit annoyed that he ruined the peace and quiet. 

"The leader is asking for you," at that time, Shiki wasnt the leader. He got up and walked away.

When he got there he opened the door, some people were already there sitting on the couch. "Good, now that Shiki is here, we can start," the leader signaled for him to sit. "Have any of you found out anything about the negetive 0."

A girl scoffed, "Are you kidding, that clan is like isolated. We have no idea where it is." she was sitting with her legs crossed, she wore a dress that covered half her thighs. She wore high heels that were very big. Her was blond and wavy, and she wore ton of makeup which actually suits her. She had on big hoop earings, pearl bracelets, and a heart shape necklace. 

The leader sighed, "I guess not. If we dont know about their whereabouts, the boss will have a fit. Too many of us have died because of them."

"Ha!" Ryu shifted his position and leaned back against the couch, "Many of us became a protector because of them. They eat everything and anything."

"Ugh, and they even eat their own kind if they have to," the girl made a disgusted face, "I mean who does that, really!"

Shiki was quiet as they continued to argue back and forth. He thought that this discussion was a waste of time. "All right, settle down," the leader calmed everyone down, "since no one has no lead of where they are, then all of you can leave. But Shiki, I would like to have a talk with you."

Shiki nodded his head, and they all left still arguing about something. "Yes, what is it?"

"Shiki, I am asking you to do this because I can trust you, and I know you can deliver more," he placed a map of the woods on the table and a part of the map was circled, "this area here," he pointed to the circled area, "I think there, you will find where the negetive 0 are." Shiki glared at that spot, with anger. "I know you dislike them the most, but I really need you to do this." His voice had a hint of something and Shiki noticed.

"I dont dislike them, I hate them," he absolutely despised them, why wouldnt he? They killed his parents, but not just anyone, the 'king and queen' as they called it, they killed his parents. He was lucky enough that the parents hid him well. But the king and queen, they dont just kill randomly, they chose his parents, because Shiki's family and his ancestors were hunters, they hunt the 'demons' as his family called the clan members. But his parents knew they were coming but werent prepared. He will never forget that day, "Alright, I'll do it."

"Great," he told Shiki the coordinates. When he was done Shiki didnt leave, he just sat there, "Is there anything you need Shiki?"

Shiki looked at him, "You want to tell me something else, what is it?"

He laughed, "Of course, I can never hide anything from you. You see, I will be gone soon and the boss told me to choose another leader. So I was thinking of choosing you," his voice sounded sad.

"What do you mean by gone?"

He looked down and fiddled with his fingers, "Shiki, whatever the boss.....whatever the orders are, be careful. I can tell that you are much wiser and more capable, that is why I'm choosiing you. There are things, you will figure out, but when you do..... do not and I mean do not.....let the boss find out. He will, lets just say..... get rid of you."

"I see, what are you going to do," Shiki knew that he doesnt give up this easily.

The leader smiled, "I just hope that it'll work."

Shiki excused himself, and was thinking what the leader told him. 


In the woods, he arrived at the spot where he was assigned. He looked where there could be signs of their hideouts. He looked for two whole straight hours and couldn't find anything. Shiki didnt just look, but he tried revesrse spells and see if there was a barrier or some illusion. Nope, there was nothing, no magic detected. He sighed, 'Guess he got it wrong.' He was about to turn around but stopped when he heard something. He listened and heard.....water?

He walked towards the noise and found himself by a river. There are rivers in this forest, but this was the skinniest he has ever seen. He followed the direction the river was headed. He stopped when he saw where the water was heading to. It went..... down? It literally went in the ground. Shiki bent down and stared, he figured something was there. But Shiki knew that to find out what it is, you cant just use ordinary spells. He said a revealing spell, but this one, the key ingrediant was blood. Shiki was smart enough to not use his own blood where anyone can identify who used it, instead he grabbed a litlle vale of animal blood and dropped it in. There, in the ground appeared a smoke like portal. He jumped in, knowing that it will only last a few seconds.

On the other side, Shiki found himself in the woods, but...... a different one. He made himself invisible, and the power to walk through things and people. When he got out of the woods, he saw houses and buildings, and a huge castle towards the edge of this.....village. It looked a lot like a village, but more advanced, there were clearly tons of electronics, and sophisticated things that he didnt even knew existed. He looked at the people walking around, and his eyes widen when he realized where he was and what he found.

'I found it...' he was in negetive 0's home. The first thing he did, was head straight to the castle, where the two most powerful people ruled. He could easily pass the gaurds since no can see him. He just simply walked through them, they didnt feel a thing. He saw maids and servants running around to get things done. One servant tripped over a maid who was cleaning the floor and spilled the drinks breaking the cups. He ignored it and kept walking, he went through the walls and into different rooms. He stopped when he heard someone yelling. Shiki went to go check it out. In a room, he saw a guy sitting down and a woman walking around, she looked frusterated. That's when he realized, that this was the king and queen.

The king sighed, "Calm down dear."

"Calm down, h-how can I? I've tried everything, nothing seemed to work. I-I want him out, he needs to be gone. I will not let that thing stay with us any longer. This...this boy.... he-he won't..." she was panicking.

"It's alright, we can try again," he tried to calm her down, get her to relax.

"Try...try again!?!?!? Do you know how many times we tried to kill him? That boy.... that thing just wont die. He avoided everything we throw at him. He was such a sweet kid when he was little, now since he's grown.... we need to kill him soon."

"But I dont see what's wrong with him, he is our son-"

"NO! That boy... that thing.... that's not my son! I will never acknoledge him as my son. I regret everything! I regret that boy living. He doesnt deserve it, he-he...  I regret that thing even coming out of my body...." she bumped  into a vase which fell and broke. The water spilling everywhere.

"Okay, what do you suggest we do, I dont mind losing a son," the king was relaxed, he didnt care what happened, "what do you want to do with Chunji?"

"We need to think of something. We need to...." her eyes widen, "we need to... eat him."

Shiki left the room, he didnt want to hear anymore, 'They eat their kids.... that's sick.' Shiki walked into the kitchen. A maid came in handing the other maid some plates.

"Hey, what was that crash noise."

"Oh," she sighed, "it's our lady, she's yelling again."

"Is it about.... him again?"

"Yup, I mean what's so wrong about him, he's adorable."

"Do you think she's..... sick?"

"Sick enough to almost burn him alive in his room, uh yea!"

"No I mean, really sick. Like an illness?"

"No, sadly. She's just one the mothers who neglect and abuse one of her child."

The other maid looked at her, "What do you think is gonna happen?"

"I-I dont know..." Shiki got distracted when he heard a laughter. He walked to see who it is. In the hall, a kid was running.

"Chunji," a maid called out, "stop running and come over here."

The little kid named Chunji turned around and pouted, "But I want to play, come play with me."

"Aigoo, not now. Later I promise," she was waving her hand and told him to come.

"But, next week is my birthday. Please, for a little while."

"I'm sorry Chunji but-" she gasps, "Chunji, your arm is bleeding, come quick."

He ran to her and she bent down and got out a little packet with sanitized tissus and rubbed the spot, "Ow, that hurts."

"Of course, what happened," she got out one of those long roll of bandages.

"Mother hit me."

The maid stayed quiet for a while, "What did you do?" her voice was very soft.

"I...I dont know, does.... does she hate me?"

"No, why do you say that," she was about to cry, she couldnt stand seeing him like this, his body was covered in bruises.

"She.... she wont even look at me anymore. If I call out to her, she would only get mad and start hitting me, father doesnt notice. He acts like I'm not even there."

The maid didnt want to hear anymore, "Chunji," she got up, held his hand and looked down at him smiling, "let's go play."

Chunji's face brighten up, "Okay!!!" 

Shiki stood there, but started to walk after a while. He got back to the woods, and to the spot where the portal is. He casted the spell again and jumped in. On the other side, he wrote down the correct corridinates and went back. What happened at the other side was still on his mind.


"So," the leader said, "did you find it?"

"Your corridinates were wrong," the leader face dropped dissapointed. "But I found out their hideout and the right cooridinates." he told them the correct ones.

The leader was delighted, "Good job Shiki! I knew I could count on you! We'll invade there in a week. How did you get there?" Shiki told him how to get there but didnt tell him what he saw.

He went to his room and laid down in bed. He was still thinking about what happened, 'That boy, I hope he's alright.'


-One week later-

"Shiki, is this it?" the leader stood above the river going down.

"Yes," he casted the spell and the smokey portal appeared. Everyone jumped in, they had to do the spell dozens of time, since it didnt last very long. Shiki was the last one to go in.

"I couldve found this," Ryu boasted.

"Shut up Ryu, you couldnt even find the bathroom," the girl with long wavy blond hair sneered. She was now in a tight leather outfit. Ryu glared at her.

"Stop it both of you," the leader stepped in, "Shiki, lead the way."

Shiki led them out of the woods and just when they got out, his eyes widen in shock. So were the others.

"What the hell is this," Ryu yelled. Everything was burned down, blood and body parts were scattered everywhere. 

"Looks like someone beat us to it," the blond girl mumbled. Shiki looked around, and his eyes laid on the castle. 'The boy....'

"I'll be right back," Shiki started to walk towards the castle.

"Shiki," the leader called out, "where are you going?" Shiki dissappeared into the shadows.

In the castle, everything was burned, nothing was stable. Bodies were lying everywhere, each body was missing a body part. It was either their head, arms, legs, someone was even missing half their face. There was blood in every inch of the house. He walked down the hall, each door was open or there wasnt any. He stood in front of a huge door, two actually. Half of it was gone. He walked inside and his eyes widen. He saw the king literally ripped to shreds, his head on his throne. But that's not what surprised him. The queen was on the middle of the floor, her lower part of her body was missing. She had bite marks everwhere. 

He didnt know what to do, he stood there still, until he heard someone..... crying. He turned around and in the corner of the room, someone was there. He walked closer and saw a little boy crying. The boy was sitting, his knees were up. He was covered in blood, especially his mouth. It was dripping in it. Shiki realized that the boy was Chunji, and his eyes widen more when he realized something else, 'This boy..... he ate his mother.'

Shiki bent down, "Chunji?"

Chunji looked up and gasped, he backed away. Chunji was hurt very badly, he had deep cuts and his right thigh had a huge bite mark.

"Did she try to eat you," Chunji continued crying and nodded his head. 

"She *sniff* she doesnt like me..." his cuts were gushing out blood. Shiki thought it was weird, he never cared for anyone. He killed all his enemies no matter what, but this kid...... he was... different.

Shiki picked him up and felt his body tense, "Wh-where are you taking me? Who are you?"

"I'm taking you home, you'll be safe with me. But first, I'm getting you cleaned up." Shiki knew what he was doing was breaking a huge rule, but he didnt want this boy to die. He washed him up and bandaged all his cuts, his thigh was already infected so he had to deal with it at home. He was surprised when he found clean clothes for him to wear. "Chunji, how did all these people die?"

Chunji looked up at him with his big eyes, "He helped me."

"Who helped you?"

"The voice in my head." Shiki couldnt ask him anymore questions, it was getting late and the others were probably waiting.

He got back to find Ryu and the leader waiting, "Shiki you're back!" They both looked at the sleeping kid in his arms.

"There's a surviver," Ryu said, "what are you doing with this kid Shiki?"

"He is coming home with us."

"What," Ryu yelled, "you cant be serious! He's one of them!"

"Ryu calm down," the leader looked at Shiki, "you know you are breaking a huge rule right?"

"Yes, but I cant let this boy die," Shiki looked back at him.

The leader never saw Shiki like this, "Okay, fine."

"What!" Ryu was shocked, "your letting him bring that thing in our home."

"No one has to know Ryu, and I expect you to keep quiet," the leader didnt want to see the boy die either.

Ryu growled, "Fine whatever!" he started to walk away.


Chunji woke up to find himself in a bed, his thigh hurted but it was wrapped up. "Where am I?"

Shiki walked in with a small cake, "Happy birthday Chunji."

His face lit up, "How did you know," the cake was round and it had strawberries on top.

Shiki sat down next to him, "I know a lot of things. Its a strawberry cake, how old are you?"


Shiki placed five candles and lit it up, "Blow and make a wish." Chunji closed his eyes and blew out the candles. "What did you wish for?"

Chunji giggled, "It's a secret! What's your name?"

"Shiki, but call me onii-chan."


"Yes," he cut out a piece of cake and handed to him. Chunji cut a piece and took a bite, "Is it good?" he nodded. Shiki sat there for a while watching him eat, "Chunji, what happened?"

Chunji froze, images were playing in his head. He dropped the fork and started shaking, tears were flowing in his eyes. Shiki picked him up and placed him on his lap. He started to cry, "I-I was scared, everyone started screamimg...I-I dont want to say anymore..."

"Okay... but, who was the voice."

"He said..... he was called the whisperer..." Shiki's eyes widen.


The leader came in after a few hours in Shiki's room, he found the boy sleeping in his lap, "Wow, that's one cute kid," he laughed while saying it.

"Did you make an excuse for the boss?"

"Yea don't worry. This is the first time I've seen you like this," he looked at the kid's sleeping face, "I'm guessing this kid killed his own kinds."

"I guess," Shiki his hair gently.

"Shiki, what really happened?"

He didnt answer his question, "What can you tell me about the whisperers?"

"Oh, well in fairytales, it is said that in ancient times, they ruled over everything. They used this dark magic to do things, and summoned creatures. They killed everyone. Until this great hero was born, he fought the whisperers and killed them all, like how all great heros are. But the legend said that one survived, and no one knows what happened to that one. But it's all make believe, why?"

"Nothing," Shiki looked back down at Chunji, "he's going to stay with me."

"Okay, but I'm surprised that your acting like this. I mean.... his parents did kill yours," he left the room, deciding to leave him alone. Shiki kept staring at the sleeping boy, 'Yes, but he's nothing like his parents.'


Shiki woke up in the middle of the night, he glanced at the clock, 2:04 am. Shiki sighed, "Again, dreamimg about that day." He stood up and went to the kitchen. He on the light and got himself a glass of water, 'Chunji must be sleeping with Niel and the others.' He turned around to find someone standing at the door.

"Hi there," the guy waved his hand.

"Who are you?" Shiki just stared at him with his blunt face.

"Man, you are really not fun at all. You dont get scared," the guy was mumbling to himself.

"Who are you?"

He sighed, "Fine, my name is Ricky," he was so bubbly and in a happy mood, "I'm the voice."

Shiki stood there, he was stunned! He didnt expect the voice to be like.... that. Not at all how the stories made them sound, "You're what...."

"Uh-huh, I am the whisperer!"


kk i am done.............

thought i should bring in ricky.


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i am sooooo sorry i have been busy alot lately so ill try to update as soon as i can


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talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show-stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before
Read this again and again. I miss you and chunjoe too. T.T
even if you told me not to....
Happy Birthday~!!
Chapter 37: Reread this story for the two times again ♥♥
TakeshimaTaki-desu #5
Chapter 37: favorite part was when A looked at Jinsung with a motive and him rejecting A right then and there! nyahahahahahaha

i like this one too, author-san! ^0^
TakeshimaTaki-desu #6
Chapter 33: Chunji is the hugest cry baby ever! haha
TakeshimaTaki-desu #7
Chapter 25: i was laughing sooooo hard!!!!! nyahahahahahahah
TakeshimaTaki-desu #8
Chapter 24: awwww L.Joe acknowledged his feelings already, but Chunji's siblings are closing in on him!
TakeshimaTaki-desu #9
Chapter 20: i love Ricky's character here! hahahahah not the shy and innocent one we're so used to seeing in fanfics! wao! ^^