
The G Dragon Will Always Be Alive


        TOP still sat on his couch. His eyes wondered around  until he   where his jacket was. He got up snatched it of the rack next to the door and headed to the door. He walked to the address the photographer had given him and knocked the door. When no one answered he took a peak at the inside to see it empty. Once TOP got his hands on him he would be lucky to live. He wondered who exactly could he could have sold the photos to. 
          TOP went to his usual bar. He drank and drank. By the end he could barely count money to pay. He was walking home but he could barely register where he was going maybe he wasn't going home after all. He got to a door that looked familiar and he rang the door.
" your here" his sister said as she opened the door. She scowled as as she registered that he he was drunk." Seung Hyun! How many times do I have to tell you that alcohol solves nothing!" She shouted. " it was you who decided to release that photo anyways."
"It wasn't me", top yelled.
       Hye Yoon looked at TOP in surprise. Her brother was actually crying.TOP had not cried or drank this much since their parents died. She got down and helped TOP get up and into the house. She hugged him and let him cry on her shoulder. Maybe what TOP had done was not right but he was her brother and she as his sister was determined to point out his mistakes and help him move on and fix them if possible.
         Hye Yoon was scared she had not seen TOP this bad in a while. He must really be hurting. the last time TOP had drunk this much, Hye Yoon had told him that if he was going to become an alcoholic he might as well leave because she couldn't handle another death. They had argued and she had pointed out that alcoholism was probably the reason their father committed suicide. TOP insisted that it was Kwon corporation's fault but Hye Yoon knew that no matter how much TOP chose to argue, their father had developed a problem with alcohol. That coupled with the depression he was experiencing at the time was what killed him not Kwon Corporations.
        At that time TOP had been drinking nonstop he had lost lots of weight ( TOP was already lean and had already lost weight since his chubby days in high school when this happened). It became so bad Hye was actually afraid of loosing the only one she had left. TOP got better when he realized he was now responsible for the family. he did everything in his power to provide for them especially their mother whose health was getting worse with time.
         TOP could not go through this again she would take care of him till he could stand on his own. She was sure TOP would get back on his feet and be happy again. 
         TOP found him. TOP immediately went to the location. He was coming out of the apartment. TOP grabbed him by the collar and punched him. 
This was the man TOP had ordered to take the photos.
TOP picked him up by the collar and asked, " Who was it that you sold those photos to. "
"I'm sorry man I just needed the money!"
"That is not what I asked" TOP responded.
"Mrs. Lee Gain....Geun something" he said. No more needed to be said it was Ji ex-wife.
       TOP let go of the man he needed to think of what to do. He couldn't just show up at her house and fight her she was a woman after all. TOP wasn't even in the mood since he let go of Ji everything he did was meaningless. he didn't want revenge because revenge was what got him into this mess in the first place. TOP just wanted Ji the one thing he could not have.
       TOP went back to his sisters and let her know. he told her that he had found the person who had bought and gave the photo to the media. Once TOP told his sister about Ji's ex-wife and her her motive for hurting them she understood and believed him. It was not that she didn't before it was just that it was still partly TOP's fault those photos got released.
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My story "The G-Dragon will always be alive is going to end soon but I'll be writing another one called The Balcony Next To Mine


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vododoll #1
Chapter 43: Aaaaaaah i admire this story , thank u thank u thank u for iiiiiit ~~~~~ ah my heart <3 love this story
U are amazing author , please another Gtop story <3
lucydod #2
Chapter 21: I'm getting nervous! 'o_o' what are you going to do TOP? D; this is so good!!!!
KikiGTOP #3
Chapter 43: This was a long way, but the short chapters made this easy to read. I liked his story so much. This was dramatic but just a little and the ending was beautiful!!!
thehappyfacesmiles #4
Chapter 43: Loved it!! I really really really liked the way you gave it a bit of angst without dragging it out too long! And the angst was caused by TOP and not fifty million ax murderers just to make the plot more angst filed and completely failing.
Chapter 6: AGAIN, payback
epic PAYBACK! karma motherer
Chapter 43: Wow what an amazing storyline!!!
I loved it.
Thank you!
llvip59 #8
Chapter 43: Oooh nice story it was dramatic n cute n heartbreaking lol I love it when I put surprise like I thought Jiyong had died but it turns out it was his parents n also tht one funny moment were wrote about seungri having a marble stuck up his lol I was cracking up hahaha n yeah I love how u write ur stories c: great story cx thx
Chapter 43: No. Thank you for making this wonderful story! One of my favs.
Love ya

ros_ie #10
just finish reading it and in love with it! :D