The Explanation

The G Dragon Will Always Be Alive


    Hye Yoon brought her brother to the kitchen and sat him down.
    She asked, " what's going on?you never bring any on and then you bring the the man you hate ?" wait by the looks of t you don't hate him, what is he to you Seung Hyun? Huh?"
      TOP looked Down and replied, " I don't know."
Hye Yoon looked at him like if he had grown two heads. " What do you mean you don't know?"
TOP replied with a hint of hysteria now, " I mean I don't know.  I just wanted pay back I didn't expect.....", TOP paused he didn't know how to say it.
   " Expect what TOP? To fall in love? I saw you how you look at him."Hye Yoon replied. 
   TOP could only nod. 
" I told you after mother died that that hatred would do you no good. Why don't you listen? What are you going to do now?"
" I don't know I haven't decided if I should continue with my plan." 
" wait you had a plan to this TOP? How could you do that? Revenge will oh hurt others and your self."
      TOP spent an hour arguing with his sister who told him to call of the plan. ( so much for peace ) she had told him that if this was affecting him he should just let go. That he had already complicated things. When Ji found out who he was he Would never give him a chance. The fact that Ji would not forgive him made him make a choice. Whatever happend after he did what he was going to do nothing would be the same.
Ji woke up to the smell of food he looked around and at first panicked a little until he remembered where he was. TOP was acting weird. He avoided him the day they slept together  then in the car he was awkward. Know Ji was at his sisters. Ji could have sworn that TOP was taking him somewhere to explain that what happened was a one night stand but then they came here. 
     Ji got up and peeked out of the room he started to walk towards the smell. He closed his eyes and inhaled the aroma. He jumped at tops , " your up ?" he simply nodded.
 Top was about to speak again when  a growl interrupted them. 
" sorry, that was me Ji said and went red. 
Top broke into laughter. Ji could see his sister stare in amusement.
  Ji and Hye Yoon made small talk while top took care of the food. Ji  found himself enjoying her company and he could tell that she thought he was ok. Ji was happy enough maybe TOP hadn't called him his boyfriend but this was even better he had won over his sister. When the food was done they sat at the small table. Ji ate like there was not tomorrow. It wasn't everyday he had a homemade dinner. I by the time they were finished it was 8 pm and time to go. Ji knew he wouldn't sleep tonight since he had already slept half a day away. 
A/n: just a G-day extra: ( I like to imagine the little buy kissing Ji is TOP. Happy Birthday G-Dragon !!
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My story "The G-Dragon will always be alive is going to end soon but I'll be writing another one called The Balcony Next To Mine


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vododoll #1
Chapter 43: Aaaaaaah i admire this story , thank u thank u thank u for iiiiiit ~~~~~ ah my heart <3 love this story
U are amazing author , please another Gtop story <3
lucydod #2
Chapter 21: I'm getting nervous! 'o_o' what are you going to do TOP? D; this is so good!!!!
KikiGTOP #3
Chapter 43: This was a long way, but the short chapters made this easy to read. I liked his story so much. This was dramatic but just a little and the ending was beautiful!!!
thehappyfacesmiles #4
Chapter 43: Loved it!! I really really really liked the way you gave it a bit of angst without dragging it out too long! And the angst was caused by TOP and not fifty million ax murderers just to make the plot more angst filed and completely failing.
Chapter 6: AGAIN, payback
epic PAYBACK! karma motherer
Chapter 43: Wow what an amazing storyline!!!
I loved it.
Thank you!
llvip59 #8
Chapter 43: Oooh nice story it was dramatic n cute n heartbreaking lol I love it when I put surprise like I thought Jiyong had died but it turns out it was his parents n also tht one funny moment were wrote about seungri having a marble stuck up his lol I was cracking up hahaha n yeah I love how u write ur stories c: great story cx thx
Chapter 43: No. Thank you for making this wonderful story! One of my favs.
Love ya

ros_ie #10
just finish reading it and in love with it! :D