I Do Not Want To Get Mauled By Fan-girls, Thank You

Days of Infinite


The cars pulled up to the TV station, and I went in with the stylists. Hopefully, if any of the fans saw me, they would think I was a stylist as well. Hwa Young and Sang Hee did some last minute touches on the boys as Manager Kim took me with him to the sidelines of the set. He motioned for me to stay, then went over to tell the MC and camera men about my request to stay off camera. Because yes, they had noticed my entrance and before Manager Kim told them of my request, they were already asking who I was, and if it was okay to film me. They thought I was important, that I was there for more than just moral support, but once he told them of my request, they dismissed me entirely. I obviously wasn't important, not a rising star, and I was only there as a friend (or, to the MC, a fan). Half an hour later, the interview was live. The MC introduced the show, and then the guests. Fans outside of the set, pressed up against the widows hoping to get closer to their idols, screamed as Infinite walked out, bowing to the fans and the cameras, making cute faces and throwing hearts (ahem, Woohyun, I'm looking at you. Yes, because you're the only one aside from Yeollie who does that. And yes, I know he joined you in heart throwing). I laughed silently at them and was caught by L, who stuck his tongue out at me quickly. Woohyun's last heart went to me, and I was glad I was where the fans couldn't see me no matter how they craned, because, yes, I really would like to live. Yeollie made a face at me discretely, but I knew the cameras would have caught it. Lucky for me, the MC didn't, and therefore didn't think anything of the blonde girl off to the side. The MC shot question after question at them, and they seemed more hyper and childish than they usually did during interviews. Maybe Manager Kim was right, they do act different when I'm around. They laughed a lot, and so did I, although a bit more quietly than they did. The MC came to the end of his list of questions and put down the cue cards, leaning forward. His last question made my heart stop.

So, who is the girl you brought with you today?” he asked. I quickly hid behind the nearest object as the camera men tried to catch me. The boys looked at each other, unsure of what to do. “Is she a friend, or a fan?”

B-both?” Sunggyu stammered, still at a loss of what to do. That wasn't supposed to happen. The MC wasn't supposed to ask about me, the camera men weren't supposed to film me. It felt like my heart leaped into my throat and hammered faster than was healthy. Manager Kim came from behind me to stand between me and the cameras.

You'll have to excuse her, she's rather shy and would prefer not to be on camera,” he said, motioning for the cameras to turn away. Reluctantly, they did so and Manager Kim motioned for me to leave. I nodded and did as I was instructed. Hwa Young and Sang Hee led me over to a chair to calm down.

It's okay, none of the fans saw you... It's okay,” Hwa Young murmured, running a hand through my hair.

The boys finished up the interview and walked over to where Hwa Young and I were, puzzled looks on their faces. I smiled at them and waved in an effort to make them relax at least a little. It worked to some extent. Sunggyu ruffled my hair and rested his hand on my shoulder, looking down at me with concern.

Are you okay?” he asked.

Huh? Yeah, I'm fine. I just have this irrational fear of cameras and rabid fan-girls,” I said with a light giggle. That brought their smiles out, lighting up the room and lifting the mood. Without thinking, I said the stupidest thing. “I like you guys best when you smile,” I murmured softly. Cue blushes all around and me smacking my hands over my cheeks. “S-sorry, I didn't mean to say something so stupid.”

I-it wasn't stupid at all... Thank you...” Sunggyu said, smiling softly at me as his face went back to it's normal color. Once Manager Kim and the boys finished with some after-shoot talk, we filed into our respective cars. I sent Sunggyu a text message that said 'After this, I'm going to visit my mom. Do you still want to come with?' After receiving confirmation, we made plans. Hwa Young and Sang Hee kept up small conversation in our car, and the drive back was more peaceful than the drive out. 


Hey look! I exist! I feel terrible because this chapter is just soooo short, but even as short as it is, it was like pulling teeth to write the very end. Plus I got distracted with my other fanfiction, which is more my style anyway XD I am so so so sorry about the really long wait for this short and crappy chapter. I won't make promises, but I hope the next chapter doesn't and isn't as short. And hopefully I won't get distracted by random plot bunnies that die after one page anymore XD (it's happened twice, don't give me that look!)

Also, I included a picture I drew of Minnie's outfit that Hwa Young and Sang Hee put her in ^^ 

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So I changed all the font colors back to black because the colors were distracting XD Plus it looks more professional this way


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kikiiosz #1
Chapter 25: Bring this story back to life again authornim :) Thanks for the update ~
Chapter 25: Oh, Sunggyu-appa! ;))
Sunggyu DOES seem like the older brother type, doesn't he? It's very sweet how he takes care of Minyoung. :D
I wonder what he told her mum though! XD

LOLOLOL. Jealous Woohyun! ;)
Chapter 2: Oh my gosh, I FINALLY finished chapter 2! Now onto the next chapters! :D
Teeheee. Woohyun~~ <3

Okay, now I'm finally seeing the friendship hints between her and L. I honestly did get confused 'cause I thought he liked her too. XD
I can't seem to decide between Woohyun and L for her. It's just too difficult~ X3

If you don't mind me asking, why red? XD Sorry. New Inspirit here. :))
kikiiosz #6
Keep the updates coming ^^
I really liked this first chapter! Hoya is kind to her and I totally spazzed out when I read his name. (X
madgirl1117 #8
Chapter 19 was cute :)
madgirl1117 #9
oh my gawd is this going to be a sungyeol fanfic???
I really like this. :3 it's so adorable~!