We Were Making Fun Of You, L

Days of Infinite


After some deliberation, Hoya looked at everyone.

How about the Horse Game?” he asked.

If we do that, Minnie is permanently on the jumping team. She can't support our weight,” Sungyeol said, putting an arm around my shoulders and patting my head, as if to emphasize how short I am. I poked him in the side.

I'm sure I could support Sungjongie,” I said, giving him a look of mock hurt, as if to say 'I can't believe you think I'm weak'.

Let's test that,” Yeollie said, pulling Sungjong over to us.

Uh, okay...Piggy back style?” I asked with a tilted head. Sungjong shrugged.

Sounds good to me,” he said. I turned around and felt him jump on my back (didn't take much on his part, he's so tall). I grabbed his legs and took a step back. Bad idea. I yelped in pain as both my weight and his weight pressed down on my injured heel and I crumpled to the floor.

Minnie, are you okay?” Sungjong asked, his voice full of concern as he scrambled around me to face me. Slowly, I nodded. I pressed my hand to my heel and ducked my head, squeezing my eyes shut and biting my lip to keep from crying. Woohyun was by my side in an instant, his hand on my shoulder and his face close to mine as he moved my hair out of the way with his other hand so he could see my face. I tried to keep a poker face, but I had to keep biting my lip to keep from making any noises of pain, and I could feel tears forming in my eyes as I looked away from Woohyun.

Minyoung? What do you need me to do?” he asked softly. I shook my head and took a deep breath.

I'm fine,” I said, exhaling shakily and smiling at him. “But thank you.” He pushed my hair back out of my face as it fell again and left his hand resting on my cheek. I hoped he wouldn't feel my face grow hot at his touch.

Minnie...It's okay to ask for help...” he muttered.

It just...surprised me, that's all. I'm okay, I promise,” I said softly, pulling away from him and standing up with Sungyeol's help.

I'm sorry, Minnie. I forgot about your injuries...If I had remembered, I wouldn't have suggested it,” Sungyeol said, shuffling his feet awkwardly.

I told you guys, it's okay, so don't apologize anymore,” I said, cutting off Sungjong's apology before he got a word out. I smiled at everyone. “It wouldn't work for me to be a permanent jumper, but I could trade between being the post and jumping,” I said. They all looked at each other, probably unsure what to think of the fact that I could still be so bright and chipper even after getting hurt. “Come on, we need to make the teams equal-ish, and that's all I can come up with!”

And you're sure you're okay?” L asked, giving me another of his piercing stares, an eyebrow raised. I smiled again and nodded. “If you say so...”

She says so,” “I say so,” Woohyun and I said at the same time. I tilted my head at him as he shrugged.

You've had that conversation before,” he said simply. Oh right, I did. With him. In the elevator. I furrowed my brow and looked at him.

Am I getting that predictable?” I asked. He nodded. I looked at the wall on the other side of the room. “Damn, I need to work on that...” I clapped my hands together and looked at them with a smile. “Anyway, let's get this game under way.”

The teams ended up being decided by multiple rock, paper, scissors games. I was with Woohyun, Dongwoo, and Sungyeol, and the other team had Hoya, Sunggyu, Sungjong, and L, which made me laugh a little because the 'OTP's were separated. Yes, I do read fan-fiction. Addicted to the internet before, remember? My team jumped first, which meant the other team were the horses. I bet you knew that already, though. Sunggyu ended up as the post as the others positioned themselves as the horses. Dongwoo and Sungyeol clapped my shoulders as if to tell me to go first. I looked at them, and they smiled, gesturing for me to go. I nodded and ran across the room, grateful for once that I always run on my toes, before jumping and using Hoya (who was the 'horse' on the end) to give my jump a boost. I threw myself further than I expected, almost face-planting into Sunggyu, the post. If I hadn't thrown my hands up to catch myself on the wall, I would have face-planted into him.

F-fancy meeting you here,” I stammered as a joke, trying to ease the awkwardness of the situation. Sunggyu smiled at my lame joke.

Fancy having you on top of me, Minnie,” L said from below me. “You're lucky you're light, or I'd have thrown you off, little lady.” I looked down at him.

Thanks for not throwing me off, then, sir,” I said, poking his shoulder and bracing myself against the wall again just as the next person on my team jumped up. He crashed into me, throwing his arms around my waist as if I could save him if he lost his balance. Once he rested his head on my shoulder, I knew who it was. Well, sort of. It was getting harder to tell by skinship nowadays, but out of my team, it was either Woohyun or Sungyeol.

Woohyun, don't drag her down if you fall,” Sunggyu warned, raising an eyebrow at the boy behind me. Said boy sighed and leaned back, and I could only imagine the pout on his face. Unfortunately, I was too busy with the blush on my face from the sigh that ran across my neck, hiding it using Sunggyu as a shield, to bother to look back to see. The next member on my team jumped, causing Woohyun to press against me again and me to almost fall. Sunggyu caught me with one hand (even though he wasn't supposed to) and made sure I didn't fall. Our last member jumped up, and the horse team held firm. That meant a game of rock, paper, scissors to decide the winner. I looked at Sunggyu, my opponent, and leaned back away from the wall to free up a hand to play.

“Rock, scissors, paper!” we said at the same time. I played paper, and he played scissors.

Why did you play paper!?” Woohyun asked from behind me.

Because everyone always starts with rock!” I said in my defense.

I thought you were going to start with rock,” Sunggyu muttered.

Whose team are you on, Hyung!?” L asked from under me.

I would like down now!” I squeaked, trying to slide down. Woohyun got down faster and lifted me off L's back. I looked at them. “We should have decided team names beforehand, huh?”

You should be the mouse team, and we'll be the hamster team, just to keep the rodent theme going,” L said, poking my nose as he straightened up.

Alright, so one point to the hamster team then?” I asked in confirmation. L nodded. “How many should we play until?”

Hmm,” L hummed, looking thoughtful, and then smiling brightly as an idea seemed to come to him. “Eight.”

Why eight? That's a strange number to stop at,” I said, crinkling my nose a little. He sighed and patted my shoulder.

Because there are eight of us, and if you turn an eight on it's side, it becomes the infinity sign. We are Infinite, after all,” he said, putting an arm around my shoulders.

Oh...Oh!” I said, feeling a little dumb. “That's clever. Why can't you be more clever all the time? Ow!” He had lightly pinched my cheek. I admit that I deserved it though. “Not my fault you were voted seventh on Ranking King during the Brain King challenge...” I muttered, scooting away from him to hide behind Dongwoo while rubbing my cheek.

Never speak of that!” he said in that way he has where he's smiling and his voice cracks a little. Like he did in in Sesame Player a lot, when he yelled at the manager and stuff.

Ah! Don't let him get me, Dongwoo oppa~” I said, grabbing the back of Dongwoo's shirt and peeking at L from behind him. L shot me a playful glare.

Just you wait, Minyoung...” he muttered. Well damn, now I have two boys plotting their revenge...

Just as that thought crossed my mind, I was attacked from behind by a tall gummy-mouthed tickle monster. I squeaked and started slapping at Sungyeol's hands and elbowing him lightly in the ribs a few times, which didn't work at all. I could hear him chuckling behind me, getting his revenge for quite a few things. I was suddenly pulled forward into someone's chest and the attack was halted as the owner of the chest wrapped their arms around me tightly.

You'll have to go through me,” Woohyun said with a laugh. I looked up at him, fighting the blush that was rising once again.

Aw Woohyun, you're no fun,” Sungyeol said, his eyes sparking and his usual gummy smile on his face.

A-anyway, next round please?” I stammered, worming my way out of Woohyun's grip. He let me go and looked at me.

Alright, but you can't be a post or a horse,” he said. I stuck out my lower lip in a pout.

Why not?” I muttered stubbornly.

Because you're a girl,” he replied calmly.

What does that have to do with-Oh wait. I see your point,” I said, realizing the awkwardness that would ensue if I was either a post or a horse. Because...think about it...I'm a girl, they are all guys. It wouldn't be awkward if I was with all girls, or if I was a guy. Woohyun patted my head.

Good girl,” he said. I shuffled off to the side with a pout and crossed my arms as I faced the game that was about to start.

Come on, Minnie, give your teammates a cheer!” Sungyeol said, still smiling like a fool. I looked at the hamster team.

Destroy him. Be nice to the other two, but destroy him,” I said, causing them to laugh at me. Dongwoo grinned at me.

Aw, Minnie cares about us, Woohyunie~” he said, clapping the other boy on the shoulder.

I wouldn't say so much that it's because I care, but that it's more because Sungyeollie and L are both evil,” I said with a tilt of my head.

What happened to 'sweet and loyal,' huh?” Sunggyu asked with an amused smile on his face.

Oh they can be when they want to be, but most of the time, they are evil,” I said, pointing at the two boys in question who loved to tease me before crossing my arms back. Woohyun walked up to me and leaned forward to look into my eyes.

Come on, how about a real cheer for oppa?” he asked with a smile. I felt the blush rising again and looked away, puffing out my cheeks and sticking out my lower lip in a puppy pout.

Oppa, fighting,” I muttered, giving him a weak fist pump. He poked my cheek and straightened back up.

That was unenthusiastic. Try again,” he said, crossing his arms with a smile. I made another puffy faced pout before looking down. When I looked back up, my expression was totally different.

Oppa, fighting~” I said with a giggle, smiling brightly. As soon as I did that, I covered my face with my hands and laughed at myself. L had somehow made his way next to me without me realizing.

Minnie, look at Woohyun's face,” he whispered. I peeked between my fingers to see Woohyun blushing slightly with a goofy smile, his eyes looking away from me. L poked my arm. “You were like a totally different person, and it was adorable. I think you killed everyone with your cuteness,” he said, ruffling my bangs a little. I didn't bother to smooth them back down this time.

B-bite me,” I muttered at L, trying to be stubborn. He took my hand away from my face and bit my wrist lightly. “Ow!” I yelped, pulling my hand back and looking at him funny.

You said to bite you, so I did,” he said. I stuck my tongue out at him and pushed him back to his team.

Come on, guys, I want to play again, so you better win!” I called, breaking the boys out of their thoughts.

R-right,” they muttered, getting into position. And so we played, laughing the whole time. Mouse team ended up winning eight to five, and by the end, we were exhausted. Plus, it was getting kind of late by that time. Everyone was collapsed on the floor, scattered throughout the room. Sunggyu scooted over to me and looked around to make sure no one was listening.

How is your mom doing?” he asked. I smiled at him, touched by his concern.

She woke up this morning,” I said, and a lot of the stress that had been hiding behind my smile since she ended up back in the hospital had eased. He smiled in relief and patted my head.

I'm glad. Do you mind if I go with you the next time you visit her?” he asked. I furrowed my brow at him.

Why...?” I asked softly. He shrugged.

Because she's your mom, and it would be nice to see her doing well,” he said. I laughed lightly and poked his cheek.

You're sweet. If you really want to, I'll bring you along next time I go visit her,” I promised. L and Sungjong walked over and plopped down next to us.

Hey, what are you guys talking about over here?” L asked, poking my arm and looking between the two of us. Sunggyu glanced over at me before looking at them.

We were making fun of you, L,” I said brightly, pinching his cheek lightly. He smirked at me and ruffled my hair.

I knew it,” he said jokingly. The others came over and joined us, and somehow I ended up between L and Woohyun.

How's your...” Sungjong trailed off, indicating my hand and ankle. I smiled at him and gave him a double thumbs up. He smiled back and flipped his hair out of his face. Woohyun grabbed my left hand and studied the bandaging.

We should re-wrap everything in the morning,” he muttered softly. I blushed softly and carefully pulled my hand away.

I-I'll do it later,” I mumbled, looking away from him awkwardly. He sighed and put an arm around my shoulders.

Anyway, we don't really know much about you, so why don't you tell us more?” he suggested. I glanced at him, and then at everyone else, pausing on Sunggyu because he knows more about me than anyone, except maybe Woohyun.

Th-there's not much to tell,” I stammered, looking away from Sunggyu's disappointed expression. I glanced up and tried to mentally tell him I wasn't ready yet, and it seemed to work as he sighed and looked down.

Come on, start with something easy, like your favorite color,” Sungjongie said, throwing ideas out.

Um, okay. My favorite color is blue,” I said.

That explains the wall,” Woohyun said, ignoring my elbow hitting his ribs. Sungyeol twirled the blue streak in my hair with his fingers.

And your hair,” he said as I smacked his hand away playfully. “You live alone, right?” I looked at Sungyeol and nodded.

Yeah, my mom helped me pay for the deposit, and I had been working to pay for it. But the owner of the complex is close to my mother, so after the first year of paying for it, he said to go for my dreams, and pay him back later if I make it. If I don't make it, I'll just pay the same monthly rent I had been. But he wanted to make sure I didn't work all the time and had a chance to prepare, practice, and audition without having to worry about my work schedule. I had to make sure he didn't tell my mom though,” I said, blowing a puff of air at my bangs to attempt to get them out of my face.

Why don't you want him to tell your mother?” Sunggyu asked, his brow furrowed in that way he has when he is confused.

She...doesn't really support my dream of being a singer. She always told me to do something concrete, but...I hope, once I get the rock rolling, that I can show her my passion for this dream, and that she'll let me go through with it. She's never heard me, because I've always been too shy, and when I told her a few years ago that I wanted to be a singer, she got really mad at me and told me I couldn't make it if I couldn't even sing in front of her,” I said with a shrug. “So I tried to work on my confidence as well, although I still need work in that department.”

What about your dad? Does he support you, or does he even know?” Sungjong asked. Sunggyu looked at me, worried, so I smiled to show him I was okay with the question.

I don't have a father. The man who helped create me ran out on the best woman he could have ever asked for when I was three, and the last thing we heard from him was that he was in Europe, engaged to some blonde bimbo,” I said, shaking my head. “He has no idea what he missed out on, leaving my mom. At least my mom can cook without burning down the kitchen.” Sungjong looked at me sadly and put a hand on my shoulder.

I'm sorry to hear that,” he said. I laughed.

It's fine, I never knew him so it doesn't bother me. I still think he was an idiot though, and that my mom can do so much better,” I said, smiling at him and pushing the corners of his mouth up into a smile with my fingertips.

What else do you want to know?” 



I'm sorry I don't update more often T^T I just have such a difficult time connecting the numerous ideas that I have. At least when I do update, I put a lot...right? 

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So I changed all the font colors back to black because the colors were distracting XD Plus it looks more professional this way


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kikiiosz #1
Chapter 25: Bring this story back to life again authornim :) Thanks for the update ~
Chapter 25: Oh, Sunggyu-appa! ;))
Sunggyu DOES seem like the older brother type, doesn't he? It's very sweet how he takes care of Minyoung. :D
I wonder what he told her mum though! XD

LOLOLOL. Jealous Woohyun! ;)
Chapter 2: Oh my gosh, I FINALLY finished chapter 2! Now onto the next chapters! :D
Teeheee. Woohyun~~ <3

Okay, now I'm finally seeing the friendship hints between her and L. I honestly did get confused 'cause I thought he liked her too. XD
I can't seem to decide between Woohyun and L for her. It's just too difficult~ X3

If you don't mind me asking, why red? XD Sorry. New Inspirit here. :))
kikiiosz #6
Keep the updates coming ^^
I really liked this first chapter! Hoya is kind to her and I totally spazzed out when I read his name. (X
madgirl1117 #8
Chapter 19 was cute :)
madgirl1117 #9
oh my gawd is this going to be a sungyeol fanfic???
I really like this. :3 it's so adorable~!