Report Card for My Charming Key - kamikazexox

Time For Your Fanfic Report Card!

Report Card- My Charming Key by kamikazexox. Chapters 1-13

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Title : (1/2) Was it eye-catching? Does it fit the fic?

It fits the fic but it's not all that eye catching.

Description & Foreword : (1/2) did it get me curious/interested? Did it give too much information or totally off topic?

It got me a tad bit interested and I feel as if you could have given a bit more. Since the description and foreword were pretty short.

Originality: (3/5) Was it different from other fics out there?

The high school idea is used a lot. The whole ' I'm going to get you to love me' is used a lot too.

Overall Appearance/Neatness: (3/5) How were things like your background, poster, and font? Did I have trouble reading due to any font?

No trouble reading it due to the font or anything like that. Background wasn't distracting and the poster was nice. However, it could have been neater .

Word Choice & Descriptiveness: (4/6) Did you have a wide range in variety with words? Was I able to visualize things in my head easily with your words?

Nice range of words. However picturing things was a little difficult...

Story Flow: (4/10) Were things going by smoothly or was it confusing and jerky?

i found the flow of the fic pretty bad. It was pretty choppy. Like one minute we would be with SHINee and then the girl and then SHINee and back and forth. The chapter would end like this and the next chapter would start like that. It was pretty jerky in my opinion. Like within one chapter, I think you should use the enter button to separate different scenes. Not each time it has to do with different people.

Grammar, Sentence Fluency, and etc : (14/20) I’m a semi-grammar freak so grammar is a big thing for me. Grammar, spelling, and all the good stuff in this section. Except this part of the grading to be stricter.

There were so many grammar, spelling and etc mistakes. Like there would be words in parentheses but then it would be incomplete. Ex)


Also the same with quotation marks. There were some spelling mistakes. A lot of capitalization on words that didn't need it in a sentence. Like one I remember was like,

"words words words words Righhhtt? words words words"

You might be thinking," Oh but those were small mistakes. Why so many points off?" Because it happened a lot. To make it worse, it would be one mistake here and a few sentences after it would happen again. Thus points off.

Plot: (15/20): Very important. Was it interesting? Was it well written?

It's humorously written but I'm not all that hooked or interested.

Writing Style and Format : (10/20) How was the layout/formatting? Was your style easy to figure out and read? How does it look? Was it professional looking? Etc.

the writing was fairly neat. What drove me nuts? Well for one, there were some HUGE gaps... between sentences. Too much usage of the space bar AND also quite frequently, the enter button. Examples of those cases,

'words words words words words                                                                continuing with words words words'


" talking talking talking sentence sentence

                                                                                           same person talking sentence sentence."

The enter usage was spotted more often then the strange gaps between sentences.

Overall Enjoyment: (6/10) How much I liked your fic overall.

Though it's quite typical for a fic, I found it still cute and funny.

Total: 61/100

EXTRA CREDIT~! A CHANCE for more points and also a possibility that more points will get taken off…

Characters: (.5/3) Were your characters well developed? Did they have a voice to them?

Development needed but loads of voice you have in your characters.

Chapter Titles: (0/2) Did you even have them? Did they go with the chapter? Were they creative?

You did have them but they weren't all the creative.

My Feels: (1/5) What were my reactions to events? Did you get me to laugh, or crack a smile, resist the urge to throw something at the computer screen, cry, etc? All that good stuff. *Note- Points will be taken off if I ever had any “ What the hell did I just read” moments.

I cracked a smile here and there. A loud and single," HA!" once or twice.

Twists & Turns + Cliffhangers: (.5/2) Did you have them? If you did, were they creative or gasp worthy?

One small twist I wasn't expecting with Annie.

Anything Else: (0/3) Anything else praise worthy or points off?


Notes/ Comments from Me (no points):

I suggest going back and reading over your work for all that awkward formatting ( cough cough space bar usage and enter button) It's a good fic, it just needs some tweaking. It's your first fic, so don't feel so bad about it :] it's your first fic after all. The first fic is usually never all out amazing or in the shop's way of putting it BOOMSHAKALAKA BLOW YOUR MIND NAEGA JEIL JAL NAGA type of fic haha.

Final Total: 63/100

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Thank you!
Sorry I didn't update the last two reviews. I was sick during break :p


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Pinlyluv87 #1
hello there, i would like to recommend 6 stories from the same author, you can pick and choose which ones you want to share but i joined AFF because of this author actually so i would really like to help her get more readers :) there are 2 one shots and then there 2 other stories that are connected and i hope its okay that they are all got7 fics, i have been in love with them since they debuted ^^

7 Seconds

7 Minutes

those were the one shots which are completed
and these are the other 2

prequel Mark.....Tuan.....? Sounds.....familiar~~ (completed)

sequel Girls, girls, girls... only girl for me~ (ongoing)

Thank you so much for your time and i hope you'll feature them i feel like she doesn't get enough credit cause her writing style is really good!
Title: Why Won't You Take Me Seriously?
Author(s): AbsolutelyAwesome
Genres/Themes: , Romance, and Fluff
Progress ( Complete or In-Progress?) : In-Progress
Number of Chapters: 13 chapters
Rating : Not rated
Characters/Groups: Baekhyun and Chanyeol from EXO
Brief Summary: No one, not even Byun Baekhyun himself knew why his bestfriend was acting like this. Sure, Chanyeol was kind of idiotic and straight-forward but to expect him to confess to the older one was just ridiculous. Or so Baekhyun thought. Little did the main vocalist knew that Chanyeol would go up to the highest instances just to prove to him how much he's love with the older one.
Story Link:
Anything else I should know about/Extras : We will wait for Teuk
Maudmoonshine #3
Chapter 32: Picked up the report card!~ Thank you so much.. I credited you as well... You rock!!
i cannot wait until my story has ten chapters so that you can review it~
imsimsz #5
Chapter 31: picked up my report card! :D
thanks so much for taking your time to review my story ^^
God bless <333
WinterKye #6
Title: I'm Alive but I'm not Living
Author(s): n0nam123
Genres/Themes: Angst, drama
Progress ( Complete or In-Progress?) : In progress
Number of Chapters: 15
Rating ( Or if there’s any in it and/or anything else rated M) : No
Characters/Groups: SNSD mostly Taeyeon and Tiffany
Brief Summary: Being alive was already a challenge for Taeyeon and staying alive was probably going to be even harder as her depression continues to grow worse. For the sake of her lover, Tiffany, Taeyeon is determined to get better.
Story Link:
Anything else I should know about/Extras : We will wait for Teuk
Chapter 28: Hahahaa, I'm working on the grammar stuff, lol. I just started massively editing everything this weekend, and I think I've covered everything you mentioned xD
Thanks so much!
Title: As Long As You Love Me

Author(s): DayDreamer_

Genres/Themes: Fluff, Light Angst

Progress ( Complete or In-Progress?) : Conplete

Number of Chapters: 5

Rating ( Or if there’s any in it and/or anything else rated M) : None :)

Characters/Groups: f(x), Exo, Sooyoung, Siwon, Taemin, Tiffany and Minho

Brief Summary: Sulli and Kai are secret lovers, Sulli's parents do not approve of her relationship with Kai but they know that they are the right person for each other so they will stop at nothing to be together. Along the way of fighting for their love, Sehun and Krystal will help them and be there for them.

Story Link:

Anything else I should know about/Extras : We will Wait for Teuk
Title: Unbroken String


Genres/Themes: angst

Progress ( Complete or In-Progress?) : on-going
Number of Chapters: 5

Rating ( Or if there’s any in it and/or anything else rated M) : none this far

Characters/Groups: Jung Yong Hwa, Seo Joo Hyun, Park Min Young

Brief Summary: Seohyun was force to leave Yonghwa and ended their relationshp. But he kept trying to chase her until he had a car crash that made him lost his memories.

two years later seohyun back to korea and found yonghwa already married. The fate played again with them and his wife made Seohyun's fate crossed again with yonghwa's.

Story Link:

Anything else I should know about/Extras : we will wait for teuk