The shy guy from next door

The shy guy from next door

Good thing its Sunday ~~  I thought as I went to the bathroom. My reflection scared me. I was pale as a ghost but alot scarier. My phone rang. It was my fav song of Suju 'Lovely day' . I wanna hold you Hands (everytime I think about you) I wanna kiss to you lips....

How I wanted that too~~ with K-   ! Memorise came back and tears started to flow again. I didnt answer the phone. I just sat down  on the couch listening to MTV.  "Next...??  Is Super Junior - No other !!!!!!!!"  the girl said. I sighed everything I heard saw or did  remembered me at Kyu..~!! I went showring and felt abit better like the water washed my worries away but just abit. Refreshed I opened the door. It rang for the 5th time.

"Sunji...~~~" Sungmin stood there grinning at me. "Come in oppa~" I said. We chatted about school friends and plans for next weekend. Till..... he brought up THIS topic. Hopefully my cellphone rang...  Karin again. 
"Sunji~~  I called you before... wanna hang out today?"
"Im sorry Im not feeling well had a party last night~~  I wanna sleep and sorry I was showering~"
"I see~~~  get well key? See you maybe on monday~ call me if you cant make it key? Rest enough eat much and drink much~ Luv you~"
"Luv you too unnie"

We hang up. Soon after  Sungmin got back to the topic which I wished he forgot!!! "Sunji I know what happened yesterday wasnt right but please give him a chance" "Huh?? You think I give him a chance easy like that? When he would care for me he would at least have the guts to come here by himself and take care of OUR relationship and try to repair it himself. Instead of sending you. And second a simply sorry isnt enough Minnie... it may sound stupid and selfish but he became my first big love.......  and he? He didnt do anything better then breaking my heart. I love him Minnie... with all my heart and with all I have... even its not much I have...  thats why I dont understand he choosed me but Im happy he did. I love him..... really~ but even he's an Idol doesnt mean I forgive him faster and easier if he wouldnt be an Idol I would say the same right now...."

He nodded. "I can understand you. But he didnt send me. I came because I wanted too. Kyu is crying like a baby realising what he did. You must know your his frist girl he truly loved and deeply I never saw him in love  like that. He's in love with you from head to toe. And actually VERY shy when it comes to girls he likes. But you are different to him. You were the first girl he could talk to even he was in love with you~! The last time he said: I dont know what she did to me for making me act and feel like that but there's one thing I know for sure!!  I love her and loves me and that makes me happy!! 
Please dont be so hard on him..... thats all I wish for " Minnie said.

I felt tears rolling down again. The next second I was in Sungmins arms. "SU-----  WHAT?? " We broke apart. Tears were rolling and I couldnt see the person perfectly....  I broke down as I replied the words Sungmin told me in my head I cried harder and harder. I couldnt help it.....

"Sunji~~  are you okey again?" the person said I couldnt see earlier. "Sunji???  Its m.....  me K-Kyu oppa~~ Oppa is here now" I sat up. And....... slapped him. "FOR WHAT WAS THAT??" he yelled. "You know exactly  for what that was" he looked down.

~Kyu POV~~~
I touched my cheek where she slapt me. She was right I knew exactly for what that was........ "Mianhae~ Kyu oppa" I looked at her tears were rolling down. I hugged her . "Its okey cry~~  hit me kick me and let me feel what you felt. Just cry ...... I will stay" I tried to comfort her.

"Oppa is so stupid does oppa know? " she said- "Yes Oppa knows" I answered. Her fists were hitting my chest . Her tears were rolling down my neck  and chest. Softly she hit my chest more and more. "Why did Oppa did that to my heart? This heart loves the stupid bad man Oppa so much even this Oppa hurt her my heart cant let go~~" she said  between sobs. I couldnt help but let a tear slip too. I jsut let her cry and hit me till she doesnt wanted anymore.

After 30-45 minutes she calmed down. Tired and exhausted of hitting and crying she looked up. Her eyes red and puffy. "Sunji~ Im sorry what happened I know its just a simmply sorry but what can I do? I've been hopelessly in love with you and still be. Please gi-" I was cut off ... she kissed me.

We heard Sungmin yell he was going out and come's back this evening and left. We began to kiss again. This time more harder and roughly... it got passionate. Shyly I her bottom lip asking for entrance. As I entered I explored . She had a sweet taste.  Our hands were exploring each others body. I went down to her neck and kissed her there gaining some soft moans from her.  I contuined at her collarbone. Again getting moans as answere. She laid her head in her kneck and kissed up from collar bone to her neck to her cheeks and lips. Again our tongues fighted who get in which mouth. This time she won. Her hands wandered down my back till she reached the back pockets of my jeans. She puf her in there and kissed me more passionate and roughly.

I put my hands around her waist and then to her shoulders and again to her waist I repeated this long. She didnt seem to bother. She climped on my lap taking the whole control over me.  Her hands slowly moved into my jeans JUST in my jeans. Our kiss heatened more and more. I began to play with her oversized T-Sirt she had on. I took it off after some time. While she still tried to unbotton my shirt. I moved my hands to her . As she unbottened my shirt she ripped it off and threw it away. She pushed my upper body  down but still sitiing on my lap. I began nerviously to play with her bra. And she had her hands on my chest. I rolled over finally getting the control. Slowly I kissed her stomache. Her skin was soft and melted under me.... I knew that! She moved her body in waves as I slowly went down. Her moans were getting louder the more I went down. At the beginning of her pants I stopped looking up at her.  She looked down at me. "Wh-- Why d-did you s-stop?" she said while trying to catch her breath.

"Do you think this is the right way? Shouldnt we wait before we do it?" she seemed to be in thoughts. "I dont know oppa~  I acutally forgot about that now" she said looking up in the ceiling. "Just a simple question hon. Doyou want it??  Now? Later ? Or in the night?" her eyes grew wide. "WHAT??" "C'mon hun when you said you wanted to spend with me the weekend didnt you plan this?" I was smart and I knew exactly she wanted it....  not in a all-so-needy--way just like every girl who got a Boyfriend who she loves with all her heart. We both knew if we let it happen it would change ..... everything! Our thoughts our behaviour our love.....~! We were somehow more related to each other then before IT happened. We both knew.

Her cheeks were in a light pink now... slowly changing ina dark shade of red. She blushed like crazy. "Y-Yeh Oppa I-I planned" she silently stuttered. I grinned. "I knew it...... but are you sure you want it to happen? You know it would change everything" she nodded.  She slowly looked me in the eyes. "A-and whats w-with o-oppa? Doeshewantit?" she said blushing again and looking away. "I didnt understand the last words but yes Oppa want it to happen too... but tonight not now" "Why?" she looked up again. "Oppa doesnt have any protection with him and second Oppa just dont want to let it happne in the morning....  " I said. She nodded in understanding. 

"Or do you want to get pregnant?" "Aniyo oppa I dont want......" she said. "I know your a lil sad hon but think of us too. I have to get the protection to look nothing happens to both of us. You have to understand your oppa~ I want it too really I would let it hapen even right now. It was hard for oppa to end this because oppa was enjoying. But I cant not right now even we both want it badly" "I know oppa cares alot about us.....  When will you come oppa?" I looked at the clock 10am at 12pm I have to go visit my family at 3pm i promosed Donghae and Eunhyuk to help cleaning at 5pm I promised manager Hyung to go to dinner with him and the rest of Super Junior hmmmmm...... I thought for abit.

"I will be here at 7pm???  Is it okey?" "THAT LONG???" "Kekekekeke here is someone impatient am I right?" she pouted. "Honey I told you I want it..... I want to let it happen NOW!! But I cant  Im getting impatient too but still we bohth vant change it. And I have to get going now. I call you later key?" she nodded. We both dressed up again cleaning her bed. She escorted me to the front door.
"Bye honey dont forget 7pm tonight. This night is going to be our best and special night we ever spended. Im so excited babe~!" I kissed her forehead then her lips deep passionate and roughly..... making me wanna lose control and not wanna to break this kiss. But I had to.

"Bye hon see you... and I call you~ Saranghaeyo~~ my love" I said. "Nado Saranghae~~ my baby boy~" she yelled back.

Sunji POV~~~~~~~~

OMG my heart was beating damn fast. How I wanted hime now..... and he me....!! It sounded erted like we were all needy but it wasnt like that. We loved each other truly and deeply even this incident happened. But I forgot it now it didnt matter anymore. What should I wear tonight? Should I prepare something special??  Should I ask one of my other SJ oppas? NO!!!  Karin? Aniyo I couldnt either.........  Joongie~! My only choice .... but his heart  now I cant do that to him.. but he knows I love Kyu. But Ani I cant do that.

"H-hello Donghae o-oppa" I stuttered being embarrassed about what Im going to tell him.
" 'S up??"
"O-oppa~~ c-can you come o-over? N-Now?"
"Errrrr   sure happened something?"
"Ani ani everythings fine just come over please"
"Okey I will be there in 10 minutes . Bye"
"Kamsahamnida~~  annyeong"

Later my doorbelöl rang revealing Donghae. "So  ...~ 'S up???  You sounded  strange" "D-donghae oppa can u k-k-k-kkeeep a promise?" "Sure~ so what is it?" "Donghae you have to help me. M-me and K-Kyu p-pla-" "Ahh  he told me already you guys plan on doing IT tonight. So what's about that?" "Oh thats pretty easy....... WHAT THE HELL SHOULD I DO?" "Why do you ask me that?" "Your a guy oppa..... should I dress up fine?? Special?? Or something y?" "Why do you ask ME that??" I sighed he really didnt got the point. I pointed to the couch showing him to sit down next to me.

"Oppa what I meant is...... Ah okey maybe I should explain it with an example.
Let us say I were your girlfriend... and you came over at my house tonight..... How would you like to see me? Or in WHAT would you like to see me?"
"Hmmm.....  actually in normal clothes how always nothing special or so..... maybe something cute  but actually I would like to see you in normal things how always" he answered.
"Okey then.......  WOuld you be okey with it if I would decorate my room romantic?" he turned to look at me and grinned. "A little bit ... you shouldnt do much maybe a candle or two and just ONE rose ......  make it decent not much decorate very less! Kyu isnt that type of guy" I nodded. "And what about cooking?" "I would be happy if I would come to your house and we would eat something together and maybe watching some movie afterwards and then slowly going to get to the point .... you know what I mean" he winked at me. I pretended to be an crazy fangirl which was fainting.

"Oke~~ thats good oppa~ it really helped" "Good then Im relieved. And just be yourself tonight. Just tell him if he does something wrong or something else key?" I nodded. "AND one last rule....." "What is it Hae oppa?" "Have fun" he said laughing lke crazy. I hit his head with the newspaper. "y Hae~~ " we then began to wrestle which seemed more like a fight how Kyu said as he entered the house. "Huh?? Weren't you off to somewhere?" "Actually but my car went out of fuel and so I ran back to ma house finding out that my key's are not here and left them here and thats when I found you two doing a swamp-without-swamp-fight" Kyu said. We began to laugh. "Want to use my car?" I asked Kyu. "Would that be okey?" I nodded and handed him the carkeys. "Thanks hun your my Supergirl " he said winking at me. And then he left. "No kiss?" "We already had our in the morning and before and he's running out of time Hae" "Oh...~~~  but back to the topic we were" he said getting a pillow.

We began a pillow fight. SOon fainting on the cold ground in the living room.



Okey this chapy is finished too^^

Key listen up everybody!!!  Pls comment me if you want the next chapy to be Rated because of SunJi and Kyu or you wanna to skip the part??? Pls tell me that I can write the chapy in some days key? Tell me as soon as possible.
Rated? Or not  ke?  Kamsahabnida~~~ 

till next time^^

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@Linsay0724 : Which point?? I dun get it >~<
KyuLin4Eva #2
Wow Kyu got to the point hehehe. Update soon. ^^
this is so sweet but i wish wookie would find someone hehehe.........
KyuLin4Eva #4
Really cute love it. Can wait to read the next chapter. Update soon. ^^
Kekekekeke Even the story is finished I still get comments... Im so touched by your guys.... Please wait abit I will give out some Chapys..^^ or make the story in Kyu POV^^ kekekeke~~~^^
OMO I really like this story!
kyunda1325 #7
AHHH~!!! KYEOPTAAA~!!! :DD<br />
<br />
wahahaha...i didnt think that u will actually used my suggestions...heheheh but it worked well!!!<br />
kyunda1325 #8
OMO! he did it!<br />
that was a relief that he stops!<br />
<br />
i want a happy ending..<br />
maybe they will broke up and then get back together again.get married and have kids..the end..:D
kyunda1325 #9
OH NO!! heechul! dont do this to sunji! wahhahhahaha!!!