The shy guy from next door

The shy guy from next door

No one's POV~

It just turned 10AM. Both Kyu and SunJi were still sleepin in each other arms. SunJi slowly woke up looking at the time. In shock she screamed out loud waking Kyu up. "Why are you yeeling so loud?" SunJi looked at Kyu.  "WHY??? DID YOU FORGOT IN  MINUTES OUR PROJECT DAY IN SCHOOL BEGINNS!!!" she yelled jumping out of the bed. Kyuhyun slow and lazely made his way to the bathroom. "KYU HONEY!!! HURRY UP!!" SunJi yelled from downstairs. But Kyu didnt let his girlfriend stress him and went showering. While he went showering SunJi went to her house for changin and to get the project.

In the meanwhile...... Kyu was still showring thinking about things~~~!!!

SunJi POV~~~*
As I went back at Kyu's house I still heared thw water from his shower. "KYU!!!  C'MON!!" I got angry we were already late we dont have to be more late then we already are!! I went up and knocked at the bathroom door. No answer. "Kyu??  Oppa??  Honey? AHJUSSI!!!" no answer. I went in. With my eyes closed. No yell. I opened my eyes...  he was lying on the ground of the shower. Sleeping.  "KYU!!!!"  he looked up. "Wh--WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE???!!!"  "I told you to get ready!! WE! ARE!LATE!!! " I went out. He got ready and came out with slight wet hair. "C'mon we have no time for styling !" . Kyu was going to get his car keys. "You dont need them we drive with my car" I said. He looked surprised. "You have a car?" I nodded.

We drove off to school. Our teacher was really mad at us .. we lied and he believed it... we think that! We had alot of fun  telling the people to get to know our english classes and and and! "C'mon we go SunJi sweetie" "Kyu oppa~ still 2 hours left lets contuine and we have break now soo lets go out and see what the others are doing" I said taking his hand. We went outside the building where the physik classes made project with the nature. Donghae looked confused while Eunhyuk explained everything smiling and having fun. "SUNKYU~~~ HEEEEREEE~~" Sungmin called us making a hand sign to come over.

"Thanks god you guys are here.. its so boring Eunhyuk explains everything and knows it and all this stuff" Sungmin sighed.  Eunhyuk stopped and joined Sungmin Donghae Kyu and me. We talked alot. "OMG.... its so damn hot today around 33° i want to go to the swimming pool" Sungmin whined. "Yea me too" Ryeowook and Yesung joined in too.

"Thats really a bother while others can have fun in the water we have to stay here and have to show people around" Wookie sighed. We wanted water!!! "These guys working with water and they get the water from the fire truck now that I see your faces you think the same as me" Donghae said smirking. I went to the guys beginning flirting with them while Wookie and Sungmin went to the fire truck Donghae Kyu and Eunhyuk imitated a fight. 2 or 3 firefighter ran to them Wookie and Sungmin did their work. As they finished I went to the 'fight' and gave them a sign that everything's prepared.

Back at Donghae Sungmin and Eunhyuk's project table we waited for the other guys to start their project again. Soon everyone calmed down and did what they were doing. "What did you guys do?" Donghae asked.  Wookie and Sungmin high fived each other and smirked at us. "You will see " Sungmin said laughing.

The others began to contuine their water project. They wanted to get some water from the fire truck. But too much water came out and sprayed over the whole schoolyard. It was 'raining' on a sunny and hot day. We jumped around in the 'rain' and had fun. "We schould go now" DOnghae said . We agreed but unfornately a teacher saw us but couldnt stop us anymore!

At the park new the sea we stopped running. We jumped in the sea. "FINALLY!!!!!" We yelled. refreshed we went out of the sea as it began to get dark. "Hey most of the meighbours are away how about a party at my house?" Donghae asked. "Sounds good" Eunhyuk answered. "Yea we come too right yeobo?" Kyu asked. I nodded.

"Key Wookie Sungmin you too?" they nodded. "And bring some friends along key? Girls and boys" Donghae said smirking. "Iget the drinks" Eunhyuk said. "We get food" wookie and sungmin said. These two shared a house.  "Do we really have to go Oppa?" I asked Kyu on our way home.

The last past weeks we hadnt our alone time besides this night. I wanted to soend time with him alone just with him. Not that I dont like to spend time with the others but i wanted to go away with him this night. Just the two of us.  "You dont wan to go sweetie?" he asked looking at me. "Kyu Im sorry but actually I had planned things tonight... with you! I wanted to spend this weekend with you. The last weeks we barely saw each other. Please dont misunderstand I like the others really much... but I want alone time JUST with you" I said blushing slightly.

He stayed quiet. He stopped in his tracks. "So you dont want to go?" he asked. "Acutally no....." "But you can meet all my Hyungs there" he said. "Oppa~~   thats really fine and nice but when do we have alone time again? Your always off to your work as an Idol we barely see each other nor talk because your always so exhausted. I can understand that it must be hard being an Idol. But I have feelings too I love you Kyuhyun.... Its true. Im just a girl who loves her boyfriend oppa~ ! I knew since the beginning we cant be like other couples walking around the city holding hands and being in all lovey-dovey without getting chased by fangirls or go to LOtte World and have fun I know and knew we cant do that and Im okey with that 100% ! But at least I want to spend the time with you as long as we can spend it... you have to understand me too. If you want to go to your Hyungs go I understand. We will see each other on monday then or maybe tomorrow"

I saw sadness in his eyes. "Please for 30 minutes at least that you going to meet them. They want to get to know you too" I gave in. "30 Minutes not longer!!" I said. After taking a shower and dressing up and styling we drove off to Donghae's house. Already bored I sat down in the living room.  Kyu joined me. Soon other members entered talking to us about us and with us. hey seemed to like me all. Till the alcohol joined as well. We all drank abit  what means abit the most drank much besides me. More girls came in beginning to flirt with the guys. I went to the bathroom looking if my make-up was still okey. I decided to head home now. Sungmin who was still sober  looked weirdly at someone. I followed his glare..... 

I was shocked what I saw. Some drunken girl tried to kiss Kyuhyun.... and she did it. My heart was breaking. "Sunji....~" I heard Sungmin say. I walked up to them took the girls hair and took her away from Kyu. He was totally devasted...... I looked him in the eyes. And then turned around walking away....!!

"SUNJII!!" SUngmin ran after me. "WAIT!!! C'MON!!! Dont be mad at him......  he's drunk and the girl was too key? Please give him another chance" Sungmin pleaded. "See you on monday sungmin " right now I just wanted to go home....  and cry!!  I cried the whole night and thought what to do now~!!!  I was confused!!



Okey chapy 8 is finished!!!!! okey you guys have to wait till next chapter to find out what happens now. XD

pls  comment & subscribe~~  and Mianhae if it >.< 

byebye~~ till the next chapy XD^^

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@Linsay0724 : Which point?? I dun get it >~<
KyuLin4Eva #2
Wow Kyu got to the point hehehe. Update soon. ^^
this is so sweet but i wish wookie would find someone hehehe.........
KyuLin4Eva #4
Really cute love it. Can wait to read the next chapter. Update soon. ^^
Kekekekeke Even the story is finished I still get comments... Im so touched by your guys.... Please wait abit I will give out some Chapys..^^ or make the story in Kyu POV^^ kekekeke~~~^^
OMO I really like this story!
kyunda1325 #7
AHHH~!!! KYEOPTAAA~!!! :DD<br />
<br />
wahahaha...i didnt think that u will actually used my suggestions...heheheh but it worked well!!!<br />
kyunda1325 #8
OMO! he did it!<br />
that was a relief that he stops!<br />
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i want a happy ending..<br />
maybe they will broke up and then get back together again.get married and have kids..the end..:D
kyunda1325 #9
OH NO!! heechul! dont do this to sunji! wahhahhahaha!!!