I love you I really do

The shy guy from next door

Sunji POV~~~

I woke up the next morning feeling alot better and I could remember the mist of it again. I greeted them all like i used to. "Sunji you remember?" "Deh I did teukie oppa.... where's Kyu?" Teukie looked down. "Mianhae~~ he will fly back to Korea he's in his way to the airport he couldnt staqnd being here... after all what happened" "Mworago? He really is g-going? Leeteuk.... drive me to the airport NOW!!" "But....-" "Please I beg you" He sighed giving in.  We drove off after some hours we reached the airport. We saw the black car from these guys who picked us up here. I ran inside the airport. No capy......  there was someone very tall. He turned around and just took off his sunglasses....... KYU!!!

I ran and yelled his name he turned around again looking in the crowd. He shook his head and moved. I ran as fast as I could. "The flight o Korea will go in 7 minutes please everyone go to terminal 5" DAMN!!! "KYU STOP" i yelled as I reached terminal 5. "Sunji?" "I- i remember again..... everything Kyu..... Our love..... our night.....US!!!" I said while tears were rolling down. "The terminal will close in 5 minutes" I looked at him. "Kyu....... I love you....I wasnt able to tell you that often before or even to  tell you that...... Please I really do even i forgot I still loved you..... I cant forget us..... please..... I love you!" "I do too Sunjibut right now its a goodbye i will come back..... i promise" He came up and kissed me...... passionate and with his tongue in my mouth his and on my .

We broke apart. "Right now I need a break..... a little I love you too now Im sure " he said smiling. "I love you.... please wait for me" I nodded. I will oppa.... Forever" "Now go....." he kissed my forehead and entered the plane.  I walked out of the terminal. It closed.  I stood there seeing my love flying off. Leaving me. What I didnt knew was Heechul , Shindong , Yesung and Eunhyuk were in the plane too.

I went back to the car where teukie was waiting. "And?" "I got him" he smiled at me. "Good now take things easy and slow..." he said patting my shoulder. "Yea I will" I said smiling back.  We reached the mension again. Where the others were waiting.


Skip 3 weeks~~~~~~~

We were sitting in the plane back to South Korea. "After that our SS3 will start we wont be able to see each other" Teukie explained. "I know...... but did they found out about me and Kyu?" "Ani..... they all still think your two are a couple... and it will stay like that" he smirked. "It was Kyu who didnt wanted to change that" Sungmin said smiling at me. I felt my heart skip a beat. How cute.....! We reached Incheon airport. I said my goodbye's to SuJu and wrote a letter to Kyu I asked Wookie to give it to him. He nodded.

I was now sitting at  home thinking. In 2 days SS3 will start and then through whole asia. I wont be able to see him for ..... MONTHS!! Maybe a year? Who knows. But I promised him to wait for him.

Days went by, Weeks went by , Months went by ...... They finally came back to korea today but they will be busy with their new album. So no Kyu ... my feelings still existed. I didnt dare to looka fter a different guy. It were now 7 months since I last saw Kyu.... I missed him. I couldnt celebrate his birthday...... it made me sad. Again 3 months went by... now i didnt saw Kyu not even after 10 months.

1 year past by...... still no Kyu I slowly gave up on him returning to me. I slowly gave up on my hope I was getting tired of waiting.
I sighed. Was I reeally so deep in love that I waited for him 1 year?? Omo.......... 

It was january...... the 5th? I dont know....... I recieved a message. "Can we meet up at 11am at the park?" "Who are you?" "Just come ^.~ its a surprise" "o-okey I'll be there" I dont know why I agreed but  i wanted some fun. I made myself ready...... and went off.

10.48am I reached the park. I sat down at a swing watching the kids play. "Woah whats that?" I mumbled when I saw camara's filiming the kids. I was confused what was going on but I just ignored it. 11.03am i was getting impatient. Really i wanted to know who send me the message. "Sunji?" I turned aroundto see a guy..... looking handsome. He sat down beside me. Out of nowhere music began to play. I couldnt tell what it was at first.... but then I heard it it was SUper Junior M - Perfection / Too perfect. I closed my eyes and listened to Kyu's voice I loved his voice. I relaxed totally. "So tell me who are you?"

"Find out yourself" he chuckled. "Hmmmm...... " I reached out my hand and took off his capy. Brown messy hair. So cute. I noticed the camara's were filming us. Snow began to fall. "Woah.....  how wonderful" I said. "Your eyes are still shining like before" he said. His voice i know this voice. Then sthe music stopped. A cute song was played but it was live. The voices sounded more real. Super Junior stepped out of nowhere. It were just 11 ( for me Kangin and Kibum already were back but i didnt mention them just imagine they just returned^^) I looked up trying to find out who was missing..... I couldnt tell. "Its me ... you dont remember?" "I spotted Kyu singing with SUper Junior. SO this was...... "Eunhyuk?" "DAEBAK!!! Its me" He revealed himself. I jumped up and hugged him.

Then a slow and lovely song began to play and Kyuhyun stepped forward. He sang Smile ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iIXut2Jnoqg thats the song ^^ )  He walked up to me and sang it. When he finished he was already on hhis knees. He stood up and hugged me. "I missed you.... Sorry for letting you wait so long beautiful" I smiled. He still smelled the same. He still was the Kyu who left me. "I love you" he whispered softly in my ear giving me a kiss on the cheek.  "DO IT KYU" one of theboys yelled. making us two laugh softly. "I think i cont have any other choice do i?" "What do you me- OMO"

He kneeled down on one knee in the snow took my hand. "Sunji..... I love you I really do... its hard for me to be away from you. These year was too much for my heart. It was in pain all long. I missed your sweet smile when you saw me. This warm and soft and sweet smile of yours.... I never was able to forget that. I know we both are young but in this year i found something out. Im not able to live without you thats what this year taught me. So Sunji will you... m-marry me? The once so shy guy from next door?"

"Oppa....... I will" i said while he took out a ring slipping it in my finger. He stood up and kissed passionately. I heard SUper Junior cheer. We were young but we both couldnt live without each other. We planned on marry in 2 or 3 years. Which was perfect I could finish the school. He could be an Idol. And we could be together anytime.


Skip 3 years~~~~~~~

I just decided with Karin and my mom which dress im going to wear. ( http://img.alibaba.com/img/imagerepos/cn/11/cn110825431/271630283_301.jpg i didnt found a better dress TT^TT it was the best i found )

It was cute. In one day I will be married to the men I love. It was near 11pm when we came back because I couldnt decide which dress would be better. Karin got a boyfriend too. And was going out with him now 1 year.  I was happy for her. I went to bed. I was awake the most of the night till i really was so tired that I fell asleep.

The next day my mom woke me up with a big grin. "Morning honey stay up we have to get you ready" she said dragging me to the shower. As I finiched she said I should wear the dress. Then she made my ahir and make up. It was cute like my dress. It tookus 3 hours to get ready.  We drove off to the church. Everyone was inside the church. My father clinked in with his link arm. "Today is the day my little princess gets married" he said . We entered all eyes were on me. I was nervous as hell what if Im going to fall? OMO!!

"Better take care of her Kyuhyun" he mumbled as he laid ma hand on Kyu's. "So today we will marry Shin Sunji and Cho Kyuhyun.... -blah blah blah i dunno whats he's saying xD -

"Cho Kyuhyun are you willing to take Shin Sunji as your wife? In bad and good times?  And love her till the death separate you?" "Yes I will" he said in a calm voice. "And now ... Shin Sunji are you willing to take Cho Kyuhyun as your husband? In nad and good times? And love him till the death seperate you?" "Yes I will" "Your are now allowoed t-" but he already kissed me. The audience laughed. I had giggled in the kiss. As we broke apart we ran out of the church. Everyone laughed again. We went dorectly to a big hall were our party was. Everyone cratulated us. Wishing us a good luck.


Hope it was good >~< but I dont think so. TT^TT  but please still comment key?^^  kamsahamnida~~~^^

I will write the last chapy now TT^TT

So ..... have fun reading the last chapy ^^ which i will update now as welll^^


Sarang Jazz ~~~ heart

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@Linsay0724 : Which point?? I dun get it >~<
KyuLin4Eva #2
Wow Kyu got to the point hehehe. Update soon. ^^
this is so sweet but i wish wookie would find someone hehehe.........
KyuLin4Eva #4
Really cute love it. Can wait to read the next chapter. Update soon. ^^
Kekekekeke Even the story is finished I still get comments... Im so touched by your guys.... Please wait abit I will give out some Chapys..^^ or make the story in Kyu POV^^ kekekeke~~~^^
OMO I really like this story!
kyunda1325 #7
AHHH~!!! KYEOPTAAA~!!! :DD<br />
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wahahaha...i didnt think that u will actually used my suggestions...heheheh but it worked well!!!<br />
kyunda1325 #8
OMO! he did it!<br />
that was a relief that he stops!<br />
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i want a happy ending..<br />
maybe they will broke up and then get back together again.get married and have kids..the end..:D
kyunda1325 #9
OH NO!! heechul! dont do this to sunji! wahhahhahaha!!!