The confession

The shy guy from next door

Sunji POV~~

Still dizzy I woke up in my own bed. "Arrrgh... my head..." "OMO....  GUYS SHE WOKE UP!!!!" "Aish not so loud .....errrr.." "Wookie its me" I tried to see him clearly but I couldnt. My body hurted like crazy. I just couldnt move. "Hey just rest okey? Dont do something your body cant do" wookie said placing a wet and cold tissue on my forehead. "Thank you oppa" "Its okey " . Then the door flung open and Kyu ran into my arms. "Your okey? What happened? What did he do? How do you feel?" "Im fine Kyuhyun why so worried? Why do you ask me what happened?" "Huh Kyuhyun?" some guy asked. "Hahaha what a relationship" I heard another one say and laugh. I saw the sadness in Kyuhyuns eyes. I couldnt remember much. But I just knew this guy's name. But there was something else AISH my head hurts I cant think  I held my head in my hands.

That Kyuhyun guy backed away. "Do you remember me?" "Your Kyuhyun thats all" I said. He was kind of cute like that. He seemed so.. worried but why? Does he know me? I decided not to think so much. "You dont remember your own boyfriend?" wookie said I could remember him perfectly. I knew everything about him. But the others? Nothing.

"Wait do you remember me?" a guy came up to me he had a fichy smile on. "Ani who are you? Im Shin Sunji nice to meet you could you tell me where I am?" his eyes grew big. "You dont remember your fishy oppa? Not a bit?" "Fishy?Is that your name?" "No my name is Lee..... Lee Donghae but everyone calls me fishy" his fishy smile turned in a sad one and he walked off. I felt bad they all seemed to know me especially this Kyuhyun guy. My heart made a skip when I saw him looking at me I turned around blushing. Why's that? I thought. Then a guy a little chubby came up to me. "Can you remember me?" "Why do you all ask? I just can remember Ryeowookie perfectly. And him? I just know his name" I pointed at Kyuhyun. He broke down on his knees. Crying.

I sat up but my body didnt allow me to do more. "Why..... why is this happening to me?" i heard him mumble. I felt sad. He seemed to mean alot to me. But it seemed to be gone. Then a handsome guy entered. He had big eyes. "Heechul!! YOU!!! What did you do to my Sunji?" Kyuhyun yelled. "I gave her some rice cakes with this on it... 'sleeppowder'. To be honest I wanted to her Kyu... I planned on getting her yesterday night. But while I tried it she only mumbled Kyu kyu kyu the whole time. Always just Kyu..... and it didnt feel right so I didnt her and bought her back" I didnt got about who they were talking about but it sounded horrible that ppor person. How could Heechul do to Kyu's GF?? "I wanna meet Kyu's GF" I said butting in.

This guy with big eyes looked at me. "What?" "I wanna meet the GF of Kyus she must feel horrible" "You cant remember?" the guy asked me. "Huh what do you mean?" "wait I'll be back in 2 minutes" he said running out of the room. He came back with i little box. "See Heechul what your powder did letting her forget about everything" Kyu said still crying. I tried to stand up. But after 5 steps I fell forward into Kyu arms. "Mianhae~~ I you must feel bad I actually wanted to hug you Kyu but I cant" I said. "Its okey you do hug me" "Will your GF be mad at me now?" "Haha how can she when she's actually infront of me?" Kyu said."Huh?? Stop joking" "Heechul how long will it last?" "Actually there shouldnt be such a reaction" he answered Kyu. "So it can be it will last...f.f-f-forever?" "Yea maybe" the guy answered again.

They all explained things to me what happened before with me SuJu and especially Kyu. My heart broke. How could this happen? Some memories came back. I remembered him warning me about Heechul's tricks and I promised him nothing will happen. OMG!!! What a bad person I am. I felt horrible. But I decided to give me a chance. Maybe after spending alot of time with Kyu more memories are coming back.  But they didnt came back...... what should I do? SeungRi with - What can i do just came up on my mp3 player. It was just perfect. I was clueless too on what to do now. I sighed.  So like things are.... nme and Kyuhyun broke up. We are no longer a couple. I couldnt remember much but my heart was in pain...... badly....!!

Then I got a call...... Mom!
"Darling how are you? How is your relationship with Kyuhyun going?"
"Bad mom..... yesterday Heechul gave me sleeppowder and now i cant remember anything at least not much about me and SuJu or Kyu. We no coupl anymore but I feel pain mom *sobs* Im so sad my heart hurts so much... whats this?"
"Honey..... maybe your brain forgets .... but remember these words good which im going to tell you now... the brain might forget things but the body , the soul , the feelings  and the heart never forgets. Thats why you are sad your body soul heart and feelings remember Kyu and they miss him so you do too...."
"Omo....... so that means I still love him?"
"Yes you can say that..... your brainwill remember soon now just rest and sleep tomorrow the world seems different"
"Deh I will bye mom"
"Bye honey"

Honey??    I remembered a call ... i talked to kyu....
Me: Hello? Kyu oppa?
Kyu: He sweetie
Me: When are you coming home? I will cook
Kyu: Sweet of you ....
Me: Okey Kyuhyun wh the deal now? Whats the big but?
Kyu: I will come home ..
... I miss you ~ Have to train further now.... Luv you
Me: I luv you to my evil Kyu~ Mwah!
Kyu: Mwah!

I tought about it ahwile but it was late and I cried myself to sleep...........



Sad chapy isnt it??  So what do you guys think? tell me key^^
oh and @kyunda1325  see i let them break up^^  how u said ^^ it was a good idea~~^^

so as u might noticed this story is ending soon  TT^TT  but i have a lot of fun writing this story and reading all your nice comments... it makes me sooo  happy~~^^

So look forward the next chapy to find out whats going to happen to Sunji^^  will Kyu and Sunji get back together to the SunKyu couple?? find out next time^^


Sarang Jazz~~ heart


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@Linsay0724 : Which point?? I dun get it >~<
KyuLin4Eva #2
Wow Kyu got to the point hehehe. Update soon. ^^
this is so sweet but i wish wookie would find someone hehehe.........
KyuLin4Eva #4
Really cute love it. Can wait to read the next chapter. Update soon. ^^
Kekekekeke Even the story is finished I still get comments... Im so touched by your guys.... Please wait abit I will give out some Chapys..^^ or make the story in Kyu POV^^ kekekeke~~~^^
OMO I really like this story!
kyunda1325 #7
AHHH~!!! KYEOPTAAA~!!! :DD<br />
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wahahaha...i didnt think that u will actually used my suggestions...heheheh but it worked well!!!<br />
kyunda1325 #8
OMO! he did it!<br />
that was a relief that he stops!<br />
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i want a happy ending..<br />
maybe they will broke up and then get back together again.get married and have kids..the end..:D
kyunda1325 #9
OH NO!! heechul! dont do this to sunji! wahhahhahaha!!!