The shy guy from next door

The shy guy from next door

~Your POV ~

It was an normal morning. I walked down my street to my school while listening to Suju. When I saw in the corner of my eye that a guy came out of the house not far away from mine. I was about to walk up to him when my best friend Karin yelled my name.
"Waaaah  what a night. Why dint you come? There were alot of sweet guys" she said. Her name is Park Karin. She was a playgirl she loved it. You might think what kind of friend is this but every guy I like she wants too and taking him away from me. Thats why I never wanted to go out with guys.. afraid of losing him. But still she's my friend. She hepls me alot when Im in trouble or let me cry on her shoulder whn I feel like it. She really was my best friend when you look aside that 'lil' habit. "SUNJI!!! Did you listen to me?"  she seemed a lil pissed. "Oh Im sorry... I just dont wanted to go to the party I  told you my parents are away and I have to take care of the house" I explained. "Really you're such a stupid girl... If I were you, I would go to clubs everynight" "But  Karin the exams are coming soon I have to study" I sighed. It was like this every year. She went clubbing and I studied when she needed something to know she asked me. I sighed. She was right I really was stupid. Its not like I dislike to go clubbing its just... Im afraid. I dont want to get drunk and in the end Im pregnant thats all!
We reached school in time. My first period was BORING like always. And so all the rest of peroiods.
Later to lunch time I sat alone under the tree where I kissed my first love. But Karin took him away...! But still I loved it here. It was hot and here was it abit colder.
Far away I saw some of the Seniers bully some kid. I walked up to them.
"Oii!!!  Senior's!!! Stop that!!!" One guy turned around I saw it was Choi.....Choi Siwon.
"whatcha want lil brat? You want to help him? Please..~~ You can compy him while we bully him" he said.
I took the guys hand and ran away.
"Thanks.....alot" the guy said.
"No problem..... next time.. be careful. What did u do to them?" "I just walked passed them and didnt greet them" "THATS ALL?" he nodded. "Sorry... errm really? Okey.... who are you?" "Me? Im Lee.... Lee Donghae" "Donghae??  From Super Junior?" "SSSSH!!! Yes and this was siwon with alot of make-up. It should be a movie" "WHAT??  Im sorry" I bowed "Hahaha  its okey.. and whats your name miss?" "Mine is Shin SunJi" he smiled sweetly at me. "Please go now" I said seeing Karin walking to us "Why?" "My friend is coming and she steals every guy I like please go now" I secertly took his phone. "Please forgive me....... I hate you go away and STOP touching me!!!" I yelled. He ran away. "Who was that?" Karin asked. "Some guy who wanted to steal and when he saw I didnt had something he touched me" I lied. "WHAT?? WHERE IS HE?? IM GOING TO KILLHIM TOUCHING MY CUTE LIL INNOCENT DONGSAENG!" she yelled. Running off. I took out his phone and saved my number in his cellphone. The bell rang. "DEM' how do i give him his cellphone back" I mumbled. Later as the last period ended I ran out seeing that they left.
As I walked home I saw this guy again. But he wasnt my problem. In my room I sat down on my bed holding Donghae's phone. I looked through his contacts and saw 'Hyukie" "No i cant call him" I said loudly. 'Sungmin' okey he would be okey I thought.
-----:Hello? Donghae? Where the hell are you?? Why didnt you call earlier? DEM' Hyukie is really pissed he waited for you call nearly 2 hours! Did you forget you guys wanted to go bowling with Xiah and Jaejong?Donghae?? HELLO??
Me: He-hello~ Who's there?
------: Oh pretty please dont play games! Sonce when do you sound that girly?
Me: Because here isnt Donghae
-----:WHAAAT??? Okey who's there? Are you a crazy fangirl?
Me: Im Shin...Shin SunJi. Donghae knows who I am. H-he lost his phone on my school I found it and yea....
-----: I see... thats good you found dont seem to be a crazy fangirl hahahahaha... so you know donghae? Our fishy ?
Me: Y-yes i just got him to I mean... Could you tell me your name please?
----: Oh yea.....  since you  called 'sungmin' what do you think? Who am I?
Me: kekekeke yea stupid question ... So Sungmin-shii  wha about his cellphone?
Sungmin: Hmmm dunno but maybe you should explain thinks to hyukie first he's really mad..
Me: NOOO!!!! I mean please not... Hyukie is my bias i wont be able to talk >.<
Sungmin: Okey I will explain I call back later kays?  Byebye~~ and dont give out our numbers thank you~
Me: I wont even give them to me~~ Byebye Sungmin-shii
Sungmin: Last thing...  call me oppa ..please^^ Byebye

Was this really true? I still can't believe it. So i watched the news. "---project of Super Junior is allowed!! The project is: That the members are going to live as normal people.. going to shop for food and clothes and going to school -blah blah blah-" I turned it off!! I went to my laptop and went online telling all my chat friends the news (from the TV) when I told the other news I would be dad by now XD! Im really interested who is going to live where !! So excited >.<

Key chapy 1 is finished!!
Chapy 2 is goig to be more interesting  promise i know this chapy was boring
Mianhe *dancing sorry sorry of suju*

Byebye~~~ pls rate and comment ^^


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@Linsay0724 : Which point?? I dun get it >~<
KyuLin4Eva #2
Wow Kyu got to the point hehehe. Update soon. ^^
this is so sweet but i wish wookie would find someone hehehe.........
KyuLin4Eva #4
Really cute love it. Can wait to read the next chapter. Update soon. ^^
Kekekekeke Even the story is finished I still get comments... Im so touched by your guys.... Please wait abit I will give out some Chapys..^^ or make the story in Kyu POV^^ kekekeke~~~^^
OMO I really like this story!
kyunda1325 #7
AHHH~!!! KYEOPTAAA~!!! :DD<br />
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wahahaha...i didnt think that u will actually used my suggestions...heheheh but it worked well!!!<br />
kyunda1325 #8
OMO! he did it!<br />
that was a relief that he stops!<br />
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i want a happy ending..<br />
maybe they will broke up and then get back together again.get married and have kids..the end..:D
kyunda1325 #9
OH NO!! heechul! dont do this to sunji! wahhahhahaha!!!