The shy guy from next door

The shy guy from next door

SunJi POV~~ 

Good it was an sunday  morning. Sleepy and dreamy I watched my Boyfriend's sleeping face beside me. He looked like an little kid that wouldnt dare to do something stupid. He just looked so cute when he slept. I slowly and softly his cheeks. His skin was still soft ... his lips still that light light light pink his hair brown and messed up...... his cheeks still that pinchable like the first day I met him.. the first day i touched him.... the first day I kissed him....the first day I buried my fingers in his hair .....this all never changed. Everything was still the same.

I smiled softly at his face. After all these month he still made my heart skip faster and faster..... making me go crazy about him. And still I couldnt believe he was my boyfriend ..... I couldnt believe he fell in love with me. Sometimes I think its just a dream that never ends. I forced myself to stand up to make breakfast for the two of us. But I just wanted to watch him sleep.  I began to prepare some yummy breakfast.

When I finished I went upstairs to look for Kyu. I entered my bed room to find no one in my bed.  Did he leave?  But when he did he at least would have told me so or wrote me a note. Someone put his hands before my eyes. I felt something wet running down my body. It was cold too. "Kyu~~~" "What is it?" "Why are you so wet?" . I turned around to see Kyu with wet hair and wet body and a towel wrapped around his waist not more. I blushed madly. I never saw him like that. He looked so y.

He smiled. "Haha your blushing" he grined at me. "A-aniyo~~  c'mon dress up the breakfast is ready" I said going out of the room as fast as I could. Now he doesnt look like an little kid at all. Now he seemed more manly and stronger. But his big eyes still made him look cute and young. I couldnt help but smile. He changed alot. But all these happy thoughts ended soon when something popped up in my head bringing me back on the ground.

When will this paradise end? When does he have to go back on stages? In the SJ dorm being an Idol? WHEN??   I looked down. That was the question. I know some know about me and Kyu's relationship nearly whole asia but not all ELF's !! With Asia I meant IDOLS!!!!!! Poor ELF's   Im dead!!!!! Kyu came down sitting down on the opposite. I barely noticed it. I just kept on starring at my breakfast before me.

"What wrong sweetie? Where's your smile?" he said using his hand that our eyes could meet. "Kyu..... I wanna know..... When do you have to go back? To the SJ dorm being an Idol again?" his hand dropped and his mood did too. "I knew you gonna ask this soon" "What do you mean? You have to leave soon?" no answer. "Haha.... actually....... I- I already should have left. The most are already back in the dorm SunJi. I begged and pleaded for staying so much longer but they just gave me 3 months more" I looked up.

"Why?" "I wanted to spend time with you SunJi I love you like..... like I never loved someone before. When I would go back now everything would change upside down. ELF's... Family.... Friends...... Job..... us. We wouldnt have the time to even call each other. This year your gonna graduate so you have to study. Sj plans are new album new image new SJ new Super Shows and and and" he blushed abit and looked with big sad teary eyes at me. I never saw him that hurt besides our little break up.

"Kyu......  do you think its better if we break up then?" "NO!" he yelled. "Ah mianhae~ I dont want" "But oppa see..... its your job I dont want to be a bother to you or your fans and SJ" "And still I dont want......  move in" "Move in??  Where I already live here" I said smiling. "In the Sj dorm move in with us" My jaw dropped did I really heard this ?? Move in?? In the Sj dorm?? I was unable to speak. A knock on the door took my back to reality as I opened the door I saw a sad wookie and sungmin there.

"Is Kyu here?" I nodded. "Can we come in?" I nodded. I didnt care who asked I just prefered to look down.  "Kyu?? Come" "Deh I come hyung's" Come? "Your finished?" "Deh the most of it is. I still have one thing to finish" One thing? Finish? "SunJi?" I looked up at Kyu. Tears rolled down my cheeks without me knowing why. He kissed me softly like I was glass. I wrapped my arms around his neck to make our kiss more passionate. We broke apart. A tear slipped down his cheek. "Mianhae......" he said hugging me tightly. "Sorry I couldnt tell you earlier that this day was the last. My heart ... it couldnt take it" he said.

I just hugged him back I didnt wanted to say a word. I just wanted the time to stop right now that we could run away from all this living our live's. Outside I saw a big long car. I knew exactly whole SuJu was watching this scene. All these memories.....gone! All these people....... gone! My Kyu........ gone!!!!!! He let me go first. He my hair. "Here come over whenever you want the doors are always for you.... from all of us" Sungmin handed me a key. "Can I come along?" I asked. "Deh of course come with us and stay this whole  week we're free" Wookie said.  Now I knew why he wanted to have with me last night. Why he showed up half in front of me. He just wanted the last hours to be special.

And I???  AISH!!!!  "Okey but the whole week? I dont know let me think about it today" I said. "Okey lets go" Sungmin said cheering up. What would we do without his cute smile which is warm and happy at the same time? I thanked god for letting me get to meet such nice and wonderful people. They were like my family.

But the happyness didnt last long. I got caught with Kyu kissing. It spreaded everywhere. And to deny it was to obvious to say it wasnt Kyu and me. SInce they found out everything about me I couldnt deny it. On a talk show they asked Kyu:
"So your girlfriend's name is Shin SunJi?" "Deh" "Isnt she abit too young? She's 19 and you are 24?" "Ani she's turning 20 soon. There are just 4 years of difference. And there are alot couple's outside with a much more bigger age difference" he answered. "Is she here today?"

"Deh she is" "Really? Can she come up?" "Ask the audience" he said. No one ever saw me in real just in the picture. "Audience you wanna see KyuHyun's girlfriend?" "DEH!!!!" they yelled. "But no bad comments or something not in this show got that?" "DEH!!!!" they yelled once again. A girl next to me whispered. "I wonder how she looks like. She must be pretty. Im happy for Kyu he found someone he loves" she then looked at me. "Woah why so shocked? You looke so pretty with this smile you had on before. What do you thik his girlfirend looks like? I hope she's at least so pretty as you are" she said smiling at me. "Deh I wonder too" I said grinning like madly inside me.

"Please Shin SunJi come up here" I stood up walking on the stage. The girl beside me looked at me confused. "Your his girlfriend? Yah congrats pretty girl" she winked at me. "Kamsahamnida~~" I bowed 90°. She smiled at me.
"Annyeonghaeyo~~ Shin SunJi imnida~~~~" I once again bowed 90°.  The asked me alot of questions. And played games and and and. As the show ended I walked with Kyu off stage to find already fans waiting. They all yelled his name but became more silent after seeing me.

"Haha you girls can scream his name really just scream and be the fans like before please dont change your actions infront of him nor your feelings okey?" I bowed.

Girl POV~~~~

Waaaah  Kyu's GF is so politely nice and pretty. I cant believe what she just said. I thought she would get jealous but she stayed calm and begged us to scream his name out loud. She's just........ !  I hope she can my Kyu oppa happy!! Im happy he found someone like her!! So cute these two. Even I hated her before but no one of us expected her to be like this. What a nice girl.

SunJi POV~~~~

"I will go to the restroom see you soon Kyu" "No kiss on my cheek?" "Ani~~ " "Waeyo?" "Kekek some other girls wanna give you some" "Why so evil?" "Im just being nice" I said smiling at him. I just dont wanted to kiss him infront of his fans that would let them think Im just such a . "Please not here Kyu think of your fans" I said pouding a little bit. "Gwaenchana but for that Im gonna take revenge on you withh all the hyungs" he said smirking. "Then I go out getting some ELF's to help me fight back right?" I said to the ELF's which seemed to enjoy this. But they nodded yelling "DEH!!!" I smiled. "Hwaiting modeul" and with that I went to SJ Changing room.

I find Teukie Wookie Yesung Eunhyuk and donghae inside. Talking laughing koking around. I jopined them. And laterr drove off to SJ dorm.




Annyeong Mianhae for the late update. I really have to study alot these days test test test and EXAMS!!! TT^TT

Sorry for the boring chapy but remember the revenge of Kyu in the next chapy^^ key?? xDDD


Saranga~ Jazz heart

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@Linsay0724 : Which point?? I dun get it >~<
KyuLin4Eva #2
Wow Kyu got to the point hehehe. Update soon. ^^
this is so sweet but i wish wookie would find someone hehehe.........
KyuLin4Eva #4
Really cute love it. Can wait to read the next chapter. Update soon. ^^
Kekekekeke Even the story is finished I still get comments... Im so touched by your guys.... Please wait abit I will give out some Chapys..^^ or make the story in Kyu POV^^ kekekeke~~~^^
OMO I really like this story!
kyunda1325 #7
AHHH~!!! KYEOPTAAA~!!! :DD<br />
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wahahaha...i didnt think that u will actually used my suggestions...heheheh but it worked well!!!<br />
kyunda1325 #8
OMO! he did it!<br />
that was a relief that he stops!<br />
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i want a happy ending..<br />
maybe they will broke up and then get back together again.get married and have kids..the end..:D
kyunda1325 #9
OH NO!! heechul! dont do this to sunji! wahhahhahaha!!!