The shy guy from next door

Teukie POV~~

Yesterday we all had alot of fun and no one did expect n'Ji and TaeTae to be siblings but now its okey the media found out too. I just found it here on a korean website. "The unbelieveble Story of KyuHyun's GF SunJi and the SHINee magnae Taemin" I read it out loud for me. Still not really believing it.  The next  haedline was something with KyuHyun but i didnt read the article. He has alot of interview's recently.

"Hmmm not that interesting" I said and scrolled down. But then my eyes grew big. "BWOOOO??" I yelled out as I read the headline of Kyu's article again. " Super Junior member Cho KyuHyun and Shin SunJi getting married?"  I read out loud half screaming it. "Bwo?? Jongmal?" I heard a mumbling Sungmin coming in the living room. "Here Minnie read the headline" I showed him which article and i saw his eyes grewing bigger as well. "CHO KYUHYUN!!!! SHIN SUNJI!!!!!" minnie yelled.

Slow dreamy and lazy they entered with the rest of SuJu. "Whats wrong minnie hyung?" I saw minnie with teary eyes. "Kyu~~ I thought we were friends.... and you didnt told me your getting married to SunJi you didnt even told me she's your fiancé" Minnie said looking sad and dissapointed and very teary. "I didnt hyung how come you got this idea? Im 23 and SunJi is turning 20 soon for the both of us its still too early to think on marriege and who says we're dont going to break up anytime and falling for someone else?"

Kyu explained lazely. "HOW?? Just take a look on this headline it says : Super Junior member Cho KyuHyun and Shin SunJi getting married" Minnie said pointing at the article. "BWO??" now Sunji got the point and stormed to my laptop her eyes told me she was in panic she had fear in her eyes till they got teary and she broke down crying.  I her back softly while I sat her down on the couch. Kyu rode the article and came to us. He held SunJi in his arms and let her cry. Now I could read the article too.

Super Junior member Cho KyuHyun and Shin SunJi getting married?

2 days ago we got a call from someone really close to Super Junior's Cho KyuHyun his mother. She told us that KyuHyun is thinking on marriege. And how she told us he already choosed the girl that should stay at his side forever. And this girl is no other than his current GF Shin SunJi. Like we heard these two are olready going out since nearly 2 years now. But how long exactly no one knows besides Super Junior and Shin SunJi. His mother even told us that she MAYBE is living with Super Junior but there are no hints that its true.  On the birthday of Cho KyuHyuns mother he actually should get married to a girl from the famous Park family but he refused to do so. On this evening he his mother said he asked Shin SunJi to get married to him. She is now his fiancé but no one knows if its true but when both of parents said so why should they lying? A current date for the marriege both refused to say or any other things. In the end they said the marriege is going to be this year that all we're both going to say for more information please ask our son and Shin SunJi. And with that the call ended. So we all wish Cho KyuHyun and soon Cho SunJi a happy live together and great wishes for their marriege!


I was shocked. Did his parents really do this? My phone rang.

"Leeteuk-shii did you read the arcticle-"
"About Kyuhyun and SunJi yea I did just finished eading it"
"Is it true?"
"I dont know. SunJi is crying hard and dont calm down even KyuHyun seems shocked and is in panic so I dont believe it"
"Hmmm can I have him?"
"Yea please wait a moment"

"KyuHyun? Manager Hyug wants to talk to you" he nodded and I handed hm the phone.

"Aniyo hyung i just refused to marry"
"Jongmal hyung i didnt. I really didnt I was shocked as well"
"Yea I was"
"Of course i did hyung but I didnt knew it would come like that. Ottokeh?"
---looooo~~ng silence----
"Deh kamsahamnida hyung... annyeong"

"And?" minnie asked being interested.

Kyu POV~~~

I didnt believe my mother would do that. Not something like that. Leeteukhanded me the phone.

"KYU!!!!! What did you do ??? This Park girl did you do something that this is happening?
"Aniyo hyung i just refused to marry"
"Then did you asked SunJi to marry you? To make your mother mad?"
"Jongmal hyung i didnt. I really didnt I was shocked as well"
"Where you on the birthday of your mom?"
"Yea I was"
"Did you take SunJi with you?"
"Of course i did hyung but I didnt knew it would come like that. Ottokeh?"
"First calm down and your GF as well. We need to explain everything step by step. Fans will be sad mad and dissapointed so we have to explain everything as fast as it goes. But I will explain not you or SunJi till everything calmed down abit. Then you can explain it too but later. And first you all need a longer break its the best right now till its okey again or at least abit better. You should go on a trip. Tell me the country and where and I book tickets go and pack now SunJi too its too dangerous for her now and for Super Junior"
"Deh kamsahamnida hyung... annyeong"

Before I could say a word Minnie already asked "And?" "So listen manager hyung will solve all the problems and till everything calmed down we should all go to an trip or vocation because right now its too dangerous for all of us. We should call him for which country that he can book them" I told them SunJi looked up "And me?" she sobbed hard. "You too honey we all go till things calmed down" I said her cheek softly.  "Im for Japan" heechul said.

"Japan we want vocation and not thinking on the fans see us" teukie said. "How about .... near an ocean or so. Its hot the weather is nice too and perfect to relax" wookie said. "Yea but where wookie oppa?" SunJi asked. "Hmmm....  maybe manager hyung knows something" teukie said calling manager hyung again. After he had left he came back to us after 5 min. "So  manager hyung knows where we will set off tomorrow morning so go pack your things at 3am we hae to stand up" "And where are we going?" yesung asked. "Mianhae~~ Yesungie Manager hyung didnt wanted to tell me" teukie pouted. "Ah... gwaenchana" yesungie replied smiling. I helped SunJi pack her things. "Where do you think we're going?" "I dont know maybe manager hyungs personal reservart?" "He has one?" "Deh" . After we finished packing we sat down on Sunji's bed and listened to her songs on the mp3 player till we fell asleep.


Ryeowook POV~~~

It was 2.30am now I think i should stay up now. Yesungie was still sleepin. I decided to make breakfast and some lunchboxes. As I went by SunJi's room I heard music. I opened the door slightly to see Sunji and Kyu sleepin and listen to her mp3. They were totally cuddled together. I felt sad and happy on the same time. Sad because of having the thought that things get that complicated they have to break up and happy that they loved each other so much. I never thought our little maknae would find such a nice girl like her. Im happy for him. "Cute arent they?" i jumped a little at the question. Then  I saw it was sungmin hyung. "Deh they really are meant for each other " "Deh I think so too. I never has seen any person being in love like that. Even after nearly 2 years they love each other like on the first day" I nodded. They really did. Me and sungmin prepared the breakfast.. Then Sunji entered the kitchen.

"Mooohohoooooorning" she said yawning. "Morning" minnie and me replied at the same time. "Did we wake you up?" "Deh a little but I actually woke up because of Kyu oppa he kicked my leg and drooled on me" she said. I had to chuckle and tried to hold in my laughter like sungmin. It was 3am now the guys had to stand uo now. "Sunji help us to wkae the guys up key?" I asked her while walking into yesungs room. As i went in he gasped. "Whats wrong?" "Can you knock?" "Wae?" i asked confused now looking at yesungie. He stood there in his boxers and was about to take them off. Blushing I closed the door and went into leeteuk's and heechul's room  ( i dunno who is sharing a room with who so mianhae >~<) . After I woke them up sungmin and sunji already woke the others up. Eating breakfast and getting the last things ready we took out suitcases and placed them at the front door.

 The doorbell rang making us get our jackets our shoes on and geting out suitcases. we placed them in out tour bus and drove off to the mystrious and unknown place where we're goin to stay for awhile.



Annyeong~~^^ so this chapy is finished. Finally im free for the next 5 days that means alot of updates ^^ pls support my other story as well its called :  Break my Heart that I can Lov€ again     with Wookie oppa ^^  pls read it and comment or subscribe i would be really happy.

And now i have a second reguest where do you want Suju to go to? in which country or place? do you know a nice place? then pls tell me by writing it in the comments pls^^  kamsahamnida~~ ^^

So byebye till next chapy^^


Sarang ~ Jazz heart


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@Linsay0724 : Which point?? I dun get it >~<
KyuLin4Eva #2
Wow Kyu got to the point hehehe. Update soon. ^^
this is so sweet but i wish wookie would find someone hehehe.........
KyuLin4Eva #4
Really cute love it. Can wait to read the next chapter. Update soon. ^^
Kekekekeke Even the story is finished I still get comments... Im so touched by your guys.... Please wait abit I will give out some Chapys..^^ or make the story in Kyu POV^^ kekekeke~~~^^
OMO I really like this story!
kyunda1325 #7
AHHH~!!! KYEOPTAAA~!!! :DD<br />
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wahahaha...i didnt think that u will actually used my suggestions...heheheh but it worked well!!!<br />
kyunda1325 #8
OMO! he did it!<br />
that was a relief that he stops!<br />
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i want a happy ending..<br />
maybe they will broke up and then get back together again.get married and have kids..the end..:D
kyunda1325 #9
OH NO!! heechul! dont do this to sunji! wahhahhahaha!!!