The shy guy from next door

The shy guy from next door

Kyu POV~~

The next morning was difficult. 1st: We were tied as hell! 2nd: We already overslept! 3rd: We didnt wanted to get up but had to and came more late! And 4th: Our teacher scolded us!
I could see Donghae smirking down at us knowing the reason why we were late. As we sat down he asked directly
"Was he that tiring SunJi?? And Kyu~~  you gave all you got huh??" he chuckled trying to not laugh out loud. "O-oppa stop that its embarrassing" SunJi said blushing madly. "Lee Donghae? Ms: SunJi you two are dismissed for this lesson" our teacher said. Without any hesitation they took their things and went outside. I began to take notes for SunJi and so did Wookie Hyung for Donghae hyung.

"Yea I wanna know how was it ?" SUngmin asked getting interested. "Hyung please stop that" "No really we wanna know" Wookie said .

In the meanwhile~~~~ (SunJi POV)

DOnghae and me went to play baseball. After sometime we fell in the cool grass. "Oppa next time dont hit so hard I had to run 1000 of meters"  we began to laugh. "Now tell me was he good?? Was he that tiring that you guys overslept?? He must be good.. I never Kyu was like that" he chuckled. "O-oppa" "Tell me~~~" he said again. I had to tell him or he will keep asking my and Kyu about it!! FOREVER!!

"He was good" "Just good?" "H-he was perfect!! He was tiring yea~~ " I said blushing madly...~~!

??? POV~~~~

Oh Donghae and SunJi good maybe we should start our plan today. I told my partner to start our lil game today!!! As soon as possible. "Your sure we can start today?" he asked . "Yea just do what we had planned out this weekend and the rest will do itself believe me" he nodded and began his work.

SunJi POV~~~~

It rang and Donghae and me went in the classroom. Some people were standing there inclusive Yesung he looked shocked. "What happened Yesung oppa? You seem .... shocked?" I asked. "Kyu... blood... beaten up" he stuttered. "WHAT?" I stormed in the classroom. Kyu was on the groundhis nose bleeding his lips too. Someone said he got punched in the stomache too. "OMO:...  poor Kyu sweetie c'mon Hae Yesung Sungmin Wookie oppa help me" I said going to panic. "Calm down S-sunJi" I felt his warm and bloody hand on my cheek. "Go and tell Teukie and Hecchul Hyung" "Aniyo how can you think I leave you in a satuation like that? What type of girlfriend would I be?" I said getting teary. "A good one" he said before the 4 guys lifted him up.

I ran up to the class 3-A. "TEUKIE!!!  CHULLIE OPPA" I yelled runnung inside the classroom. "They had classes already. Mrs. Brown was looking at me. "Oh Ms. SunJi~ Why so panicked?" he asked in english. "Oh Mr. Brown. Something happened to Cho KyuHyun and I would like to take Park Junsu with me and Kim Heechul" "Park Junsu is okey" the teacher said. Leeteuk stood there looking down at me. "What happened?" "Someone beat up Kyu~ he's in the nurse room. Please come with me" we ran to the nurseroom.

There was a girl sitting next to him holding his hand. "KYU!! SWEETIE!!  You okey? And who the hell are you? Stop touching my Boyfriend" I snapped. "Im okey hon. And pleasedont be so rude to her. She's JiJi  an  grade school friend" he said. "Yea he saved my life back then" she said smiling stupidly at me. "Then JiJi that still doesnt give you any right to touch his hand or did you allow her?" "Aniyo honey~" Kyu said. "Then why didnt you took away your hand? Oh your enjoyed? Then have fun" "ANIYO!! I told her but she didnt listen" Kyu said.

"And Im supposed to believe it?" "Not supposed but I hope you do" he said. His smile calmed me down. "Okey....~~" I said giving in. We all talked abit till it ranged for lunch time. Kyu said we 3 should go and eat abit. And so we went. I saw Teukie seemed very down. "Whats wrong?" I asked him. "I never can protect any of us....  last time when the car accident happened I couldnt help them either. Now Kyu beaten up. Couldnt help him....." "OPPA!!! Thats NOT TRUE!!!  You do protect SuJu with all your heart and soul how dare you to say you dont? " he sighed. "How about we do something this afternoon? To get away from our worries abit? It helps Kyu too if he sees us happy and feeling we're doing good he will too and recover faster if we give him our strength hopes and dreams" "Yea why not I wait after school for you key?" I nodded. And he left the cafeteria. After school I went to the nurse room to tell Kyu I was hanging out with his Hyung...Teukie.

But when I reached his room I heard a girls voice. I slit the door slightly open and saw that girl again. Holding his hand. They were talking but I couldnt tell about what. Okey not that good. But then she looked down at something trying to stand up and then...?
"YAH!!!  I knew it!!!" I yelled runninf insede the room.

JiJi POV~~~~

"Really you loved me in grade school Kyu?" "Yea I did Iwas just to shy to tell you and after all we were small kids" "Yea I know but I did too and ...... Wait I got a text message" I looked at my cellphone.
' Oi JiJi SunJi is listening and watching you guys. Perfect time now. Do it real good babe~  Hwaiting! <3 ' thats what it said. ' Ah kamsahae oppa I will do my best <3 ' I texted back. I wanted to get something and accidently fell on top of Kyu letting our lips meet.

"YAH!!! I knew it!!!" she came in yelling at us. We broke apart. "OMG KYU!!!  I never thought you would do this to me. I thought you loved me" she said as tears were running down her cheeks. "I- I  ... she... she kissed me" he said. "WHAT?? YOU LIAR!!  GÔJIMAL!!! You said you wanted me to kiss you" I said. Looking down ...sad! "Kyu~~ Im sorry.... I dont know...... We're OVER!!" she said running outside. "It was your plan right?" "What plan oppa?" "To break me and SunJi apart" "Oppa... how could I do this to you?" "Because you just did" "No it was an accident that I tripped and she just happened to see us in that awkward position how could I have planned this?"

DAMN!!! He was smarter then I thought. Hopefully it works if the other one does his work good enough.


Leeteuk POV~~~

AISH!! Where is this girl Im already waiting 15 minutes here. Then I heard running footsteps and sobbing. SunJi ran in my arms. "Whats wrong?" I asked. "I-I broke up w-with Kyu....h-he che-cheated o-on me. C-can yo-you believe this?" "What?? Aniyo~~ Kyu never was this type of guy... Aish....  C'mon we should get you home" I said. ' Perfect everything was going like we planned ' I thought but otherwise.... it was breaking my heart. I loved SunJi and Kyu. And I broke their heart to get her and JiJi to get Kyu....  it wasnt right. When I wanted her love then I wanted her to love from herself noticing that. Without that Im helping her to fall for me.... but it was too late right?

At her house we sat down on the couch. I let her cry in my shoulder. The more she showed me hoe hurt she was the more horrible i felt as well. I loved her.... and it was heartbreaking to know that I hurt the one I love the most!!! I couldnt stand it.... but what can I do? And when I could do something... HOW???  THE HELL???  COULD I DO SOMETHING??!!!! I wa confused on my feeling and on what to do from now on. Should I let it be like this? Getting her love? Or should I be a good Hyung and Oppa~~ and tell the truth wand get these 2 together again? I had to admit...... I was happier when I saw her happy too. I felt sad when she was sad too......  after some hours we watched a movie made homework and talked and ate ice-cream. Getting away from our thoughts.... worries.


But I left soon not being able to see her like this any longer. I had to tell someone but who????


Mianhae~~ if this story isnt that long or interesting >~< but I will do my best~~^^  and to all new readers?? Kamsahae~~ for reading and subscribing my story^^  OH!!  and here check out SJ-M new song "Too perfect "    ^^  and some other news  I will begin to write a next story I got when I saw pic's of Suju sleeping in school and plane  actually when I saw pics when they slept I got an Idea and before I forget it I will start to write the next story ^^  check out okey?^^

Annyeong~~  Sarang Jazz  ^^

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@Linsay0724 : Which point?? I dun get it >~<
KyuLin4Eva #2
Wow Kyu got to the point hehehe. Update soon. ^^
this is so sweet but i wish wookie would find someone hehehe.........
KyuLin4Eva #4
Really cute love it. Can wait to read the next chapter. Update soon. ^^
Kekekekeke Even the story is finished I still get comments... Im so touched by your guys.... Please wait abit I will give out some Chapys..^^ or make the story in Kyu POV^^ kekekeke~~~^^
OMO I really like this story!
kyunda1325 #7
AHHH~!!! KYEOPTAAA~!!! :DD<br />
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wahahaha...i didnt think that u will actually used my suggestions...heheheh but it worked well!!!<br />
kyunda1325 #8
OMO! he did it!<br />
that was a relief that he stops!<br />
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i want a happy ending..<br />
maybe they will broke up and then get back together again.get married and have kids..the end..:D
kyunda1325 #9
OH NO!! heechul! dont do this to sunji! wahhahhahaha!!!