02. Behind the Book

Spontaneously Falling in Love

Kyuhyun stopped his car in front of a coffee shop. He pulled the headsets from his ear and turned off the iPod. "Oh, so here it is," he said while stuffing his iPod inside his bag. Because it's hot outside, Kyuhyun opened his jacket and got off the car and locked it.

He entered the coffee shop and ordered one caramel cappuccino to go. After he paid, he went next door, to the big and lavish public library. That library was builed for a university, but became a public library instead, so it was pretty popular.

"Oh, so this is where Park Haerin spends her free time," he said. He asked to the librarian if she'd known her.

"Oh, Haerinsshi, yes," the librarian said. "She's in the reading room as usual."

"Kamsa," he said, and left the information desk. He walks towards the Fictions section and picked up a few books, then enters the big reading room.

Kyuhyun checked every desk and catched a glimpse of a tall girl with long brown hair, wearing a long sweater and jeans, sitting on the middle row. Haerin.

He quickly walked to the table next to her, put down his books and his cappuccino. Behind the book he was reading, Kyuhyun was actually spying on Haerin. That boy would look at what she was doing and came back to reading before Haerin noticed she was spied on.

[Haerin's POV]


I'm a little bit freaked out. This guy sitting next to me is staring at me, for no reason at all. Am I really that weird?

I decided to look at my reflection in the window next to me. I seem fine, my hair isn't messy and I couldn't have a gunk of food stuck on my teeth since I haven't eat in the past 4 hours. So, what's wrong?

I really don't want to bicker, and since he's a stranger I really don't wanna interfere in his business, whatever it is that has to do with me. Though I have to admit that he is somewhat cute, it's really creepy.

Okay, okay. Just calm down, Haerin. Finish the book and ignore that creeper.

[Other POV]

Kyuhyun is still looking at Haerin, not realizing that he is caught.

Haerin yawned and made Kyuhyun a little bit startled. She yawned, Kyuhyun thought.

Not aware that Kyuhyun is paying attention really carefully to her now, Haerin puts the book she's reading down, and stretches her arms. She puts her head on the table and closed her eyes.

Kyuhyun puts the book down and his head is tilting, staring at Haerin who is sleeping.

She looks very tired, probably from all those lectures and reading and studying, he thought.

Kyuhyun noticed Haerin's notebook. He sneaked to her table and sit across her, reading the notebook. Mostly she writes the summary of lectures or books she's reading. But those notes were filled with doodles or drawings that looks like manga.

She's good at drawing, and not like pretty much girls, she actually pays attention to lectures and managed to write a summary. And her handwriting's good too, Kyuhyun thought as he flipped through the pages.

He opened the first page of the notebook and saw Haerin's bio. There was a beautiful picture of her, wearing a white baby-doll dress with a jacket jeans, holding blue balloons.

Haerin's bio goes like this.

Park Haerin / 21 / F.

135-698, Seoul city
Jongno-gu, 1308-25

Kyung Hee University, Medical faculty

Please return to the address or call this number, 010 0306 3288

Kyuhyun quickly saved Haerin's address and phone number and put the notebook the way it used to be. He went back to his reading, even though every once in a little while he'd stare at Haerin again.

Two hours later, Haerin wokes up. Kyuhyun made a glimpse at her while she was stretching her body. She looked at her watch and her eyes constantly widened.

"Oh my God, it's almost four, I gotta go!" Haerin packed up her stuff and plugged her iPod headsets in her ears. She piled up her books and hurriedly leave.

Kyuhyun just stared at her as she walked away. "Ah, she left. Well, I wasn't planning to talk to her the first time I met her anwyay," he muttered. Kyuhyun packed his stuff and turns on his iPod as well. He was just about to leave when he saw something sparkling on Haerin's table, and picked it up. It was a bracelet.

"Ah, it must be hers," Kyuhyun said looking at it. It seems like a charm bracelet, because it has three or four charms on it. One of them is H, Haerin's initial. He wanted to return it, but it seems that by now Haerin must be already on her way home.

"Hmm. I'll just return this tomorrow at school, she'll notice me," Kyuhyun said as she puts the bracelet on his pocket and leave.



© hellopsr's stories, 2011


What will happen when they meet tomorrow?

The 2nd chapter, yay! How is the story so far? Please subscribe and comment, kamsa! :D

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more updates to come ^^
cheers for that! >:D
I like this so much :""""><br />
<br />
please do update soon!^^
unii_soeul #3
so sweet >,<
unii_soeul #4
so sweet >,<
twinklestardust #5
Please update more! ^^
aww.Kyu left. I hope he'll be back soon<br />
Haerin will be sad but I know Donghae and Hyesanf will be there for her:)<br />
update soon^^<br />
I love this very much:]
HAI. Busy me is back. I am super sorry if I haven't been updating, I have like chapters to post, but my home internet is broken (I'm even posting this from my phone.. T^T), so ARGH.<br />
I'm sorry, but I'm done with some chapters, so all I have to do is post double, triple updates? Well, wait for me though. And thank you so much~ <3<br />
In the mean time, tweet me at @nadyrafz. ;-) x
kaka13elieve #8
oh my! oh my! i hear wedding bells... but kyuhyun's leaving!! aaaah! i can tell there's still so much to watch out for!! :)<br />
this is so good... just be sure that you won't make it too long.. that way, it's gonna be boring.. :D
TiHae4ever #9
Waaaah~ Kyu just proposed and Haerin said yes!! A major KyuRin moment~ <br />
Update when you can chingu!<br />
Hwaiting!<br />
unii_soeul #10
nado saranghae kyu >,<<br />