16. What If

Spontaneously Falling in Love

I miss you, Haerinsshi. How are you, are you okay? I'll be home soon. Saranghae ^^

Haerin closed the message, noting to herself not to forget to reply it later. Her left hand fingers are rhythmically tapping the table to the song leaking from her earbuds, her eyes stared emptily out the restaurant. Rain drops started pattering against the window.

"Excuse me, miss?" The voice of the waitress snapped her out of her thoughts. "Here's your credit card. Kamsahamnida."

Haerin just smiled and took her credit card. After the waitress left, she let out a big sigh.

Today Haerin didn't see Kyuhyun, nor talked to him. When she asked Donghae and Hyesang, they said Kyuhyun is studying for thesis and won't want to be bothered. She became more worried when Kyuhyun didn't text her. Usually at days when Muhyon isn't here, Kyuhyun would text her, offering a ride home. But today, the only message that came in was that message from Muhyon, which she hasn't replied yet. Haerin was afraid that Kyuhyun is mad at her because she turned him down. But Haerin too didn't have the courage to talk to him first, because she felt horrible, and mostly embarrassed out of the kiss yesterday.

She shook her head, trying to calm herself down. She pulled the hood of her jacket up to cover her head, grabbed her bag, got up and left. Since no one was there to drive her home, and Haerin too didn't bring her car to campus today, she decided to wait for a cab. While waiting, she decided to text back her boyfriend.

I miss you too, oppa. I'm okay, come home soon and be safe okay? Can't wait to see you again! :-*

After the message was sent, Haerin opened her inbox–for no apparent reason. She saw the text she received from Kyuhyun last night, apologizing. She stared at her phone screen for some time, her eyes started to get teary.

Kyuhyun-ah, I'm sorry. I wish you were here.. I wish I could tell you I'm sorry. Really sorry..

Suddenly, a familiar black car stopped in front of him. Haerin noticed who the car belongs to and quickly looked down. Don't tell me we have this telepathy? Man, my life is so cliche..

The driver seat window rolled down. "Haerinsshi!"

Haerin forced herself to look up and saw the man who called her. "Kyuhyun-ah," she sighed.

"What are you doing here alone? Come on, let me drive you home!" Kyuhyun yelled.

Haerin smiled in relief and nodded.

"Hop in," said Kyuhyun.

Haerin went inside the car and sat besides Kyuhyun. "Gomawo, Kyu," she said.

Kyuhyun just nodded. He drove the car back on the road.

"Kyu.." Haerin said. "Are you mad?"

"Why should I be?" Kyuhyun returned the question.

"Because I.. you know, rejected you?" Haerin asked honestly.

Kyuhyun shook his head. "No I'm not. It's your choice, right?" he smiled to her.


Kyuhyun became quiet again.

"My parents wanted me to marry you, you know," Haerin mumbled.

"I know. My parents did too," Kyuhyun replied. "But I refused."

Haerin turned to Kyuhyun and looked him in the eyes. "If you love me, why didn't you agree to it?" she asked, annoyance in her voice. "Our parents could've easily arranged a wedding for us. Why didn't you agree to it?"

"I told you to forget about it," Kyuhyun sighed in frustration, his eyes back on the road.

"What if I can't?" Haerin asked again. "I demand an answer from you, Cho Kyuhyun."

"Look, Haerinsshi. I didn't agree to the marriage because why? One, you're already with Muhyon hyung. Two, I don't want my parents to force you to marry me. And last, if my parents did force you, would you love me sincerely and honestly? Not just because I'm your husband? No, Haerin. That's why. I don't want to force you to do something you don't want to do," Kyuhyun explained.

"But what if I do? What if I do love you? What do you think I should do?!" Haerin yelled, tears started to form in her glimmering round eyes.

Kyuhyun sighed. "Don't do this, Haerinsshi.."


"If you did love me, you'd leave Muhyon hyung for me."

Haerin just sit there, frozen, her mind apprehending Kyuhyun's last statement. "Mianhe, Kyu. Jeongmal mianhe, I'm really sorry. But I can't.."

"Then don't," Kyuhyun smiled at her. "I'm sorry too. Let's just forget it okay? We're best friends. I don't want this whole love thing ruin it. I'm okay," he said.

"Gomawo Kyu," Haerin returned the smile and wiped the tears from her eyes.

"Ah, don't worry," Kyuhyun only shrugged.

"Oh, and Kyu-ah.."


"Please. Don't say Muhyon oppa is playing me. Please respect our relationship, I trust him."

Haerin's words shed a wound in Kyuhyun's heart. He nervously nodded. "I know. I won't."


Kyuhyun nodded and focused back on the road. He saw Haerin's sincerity in her eyes when telling him–indirectly–not to bother her relationship with Muhyon anymore. He was hurt that Haerin had to tell him that way, but he realized that he had hurt Haerin by confessing to her too.

Why did she have to say that? Kyuhyun thought. Maybe I should just stopped interfering with their relationship..

Kyuhyun turned to Haerin who was staring blankly through the window. Her eyes were still red and wet. Kyuhyun don't like to see Haerin cry, because it reminded him of the first time he kissed her. He suddenly felt this pain creeping up his skull.

"Akh–" Kyuhyun winced and touched the back of his head.

"What's wrong Kyuhyun-ah?" Haerin turned to him, worry in her eyes. She touched Kyuhyun's cheeks and asked again, "Are you okay?"

"My head hurts.." Kyuhyun moaned.

"Are you sick?" Haerin touched his forehead. "You're not warm.."

"No, I'm fine," Kyuhyun shook his head, making Haerin pulled her hand back. "It's gone now. Gomawo, Haerinsshi."

"Mm-hm," Haerin answered awkwardly and put her hands on her lap.

Kyuhyun touched the back of his head again, making sure that the pain was gone. He sighed.

My head was hurting real bad, it felt like a knife stabbed it. What was that all about? Ah, probably just a little migraine. And no. I'm not gonna stop interfering with them, however I have to protect Haerin from getting hurt.


© hellopsr's stories, 2011 

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more updates to come ^^
cheers for that! >:D
I like this so much :""""><br />
<br />
please do update soon!^^
unii_soeul #3
so sweet >,<
unii_soeul #4
so sweet >,<
twinklestardust #5
Please update more! ^^
aww.Kyu left. I hope he'll be back soon<br />
Haerin will be sad but I know Donghae and Hyesanf will be there for her:)<br />
update soon^^<br />
I love this very much:]
HAI. Busy me is back. I am super sorry if I haven't been updating, I have like chapters to post, but my home internet is broken (I'm even posting this from my phone.. T^T), so ARGH.<br />
I'm sorry, but I'm done with some chapters, so all I have to do is post double, triple updates? Well, wait for me though. And thank you so much~ <3<br />
In the mean time, tweet me at @nadyrafz. ;-) x
kaka13elieve #8
oh my! oh my! i hear wedding bells... but kyuhyun's leaving!! aaaah! i can tell there's still so much to watch out for!! :)<br />
this is so good... just be sure that you won't make it too long.. that way, it's gonna be boring.. :D
TiHae4ever #9
Waaaah~ Kyu just proposed and Haerin said yes!! A major KyuRin moment~ <br />
Update when you can chingu!<br />
Hwaiting!<br />
unii_soeul #10
nado saranghae kyu >,<<br />