04. The Conversation

Spontaneously Falling in Love

Kyuhyun parked by the coffee shop he went to yesterday.

"I go here often you know, so our meeting yesterday was purely accident," Kyuhyun said, assuring Haerin with his half-lie.

"Oookay," Haerin was pretty weirded out of Kyuhyun's behavior but managed to calm down. "So?"

"Ah, yes. Come on, let's go," Kyuhyun got out of the car, Haerin following him.

After he locked the car, he and Haerin walked side by side entering the coffee shop. He ordered a cup of caramel cappuccino, his favorite, and a caramel chocolate for Haerin. Kyuhyun picked a table in the corner, the place he usually sits with Donghae or some other friends.

Kyuhyun sits across Haerin, who's demanding a conversation Kyuhyun wanted.

"So?" Haerin looked at Kyuhyun, expecting him to start the conversation.

"So? Kyuhyun cluelessly returned the question.

Haerin sighed in frustration. "What is that you wanted to walk about?"

Kyuhyun shrugged. "I don't know, just go with the flow."

Haerin was surprised and grows furious of Kyuhyun's answer. EEERGH, this guy! So annoying. Is he trying to make fun of me? Her questions exploded in her mind.

The waiter arrived with their orders and put the cups on the table. After the waiter left, Kyuhyun grabbed his drink and took a sip.

"Ah, good. So, Haerinsshi, I want to know about you," he said, putting the cup back on the table.

"What is it that you want to know about me? What do you know about me?" Haerin asked back, can't help the curiosity that flowed along the question.

Kyuhyun smirked. "Well, I know that your name is Park Haerin, 21, majoring on pharmacy in Kyung Hee University, Medical Faculty. Your dad is Park Hae Woo, that prestigious lawyer. You live in that big mansion in Jongno district. That's it. So tell me more," he said, demanding.

"Hmm. Why should I tell you? Exactly why do you find me interesting?" Haerin asked again, ignoring Kyuhyun's demands.

"Well, it seems that everybody in school knows you. The smart, rich and beautiful daughter of lawyer Park Hae Woo.." Kyuhyun explained. "... Yet, you don't seem to blend in with the populars like I thought you would. All you do is study and study. You don't seem to have any friends. Why, Haerinsshi?"

Haerin was startled by Kyuhyun's question. He seemed to pay close attention to her. She let out a weak smile and looked away. "Nice question. The answer is.. I don't really know."

"Bouya? How come you don't know?" Kyuhyun asked. He seems as if he's really curious.

"See, my parents are highly respected people. A lawyer and a doctor. I know they love me, but they were very strict about my future. I'm pushed to finish my study, approximately next year, so I could continue abroad. I'm always focused on their dreams for me, I didn't have time to have fun. I don't have time for parties, go on dates, all of that," she explained. "And it's probably because I am shy and nerdy from the start, so.. yeah."

Kyuhyun nodded in understanding. Haerin's parents are different from his, who dotes on him a lot and lets him do what he want as long as he get good grades. "Oh, I see. I feel sorry for you, Haerinsshi. Must be hard," he said, his voice was soft and sincere.

"Yeah," Haerin smiled in frustration, but that smile was replaced by a pout. "Wait, wait. Remind me why I'm telling you this?"

"Well, I asked you," Kyuhyun answered innocently.

"Aish, this kid. Well, is that all you want to know?" Haerin laid back, and cast loose her hair that was tied up in a bun. She shook her head, those shiny brown locks falls gently down her shoulder.

Kyuhyun for one second was entranced by her beauty, but quickly snaps out of it. His eyes locked with Haerin's, making both of them flustered and blush.

"So, Kyuhyunsshi. Would you like to tell anything about yourself?" Haerin asked a question to kill the awkward silence between the two.

"Hmm, me?" Kyuhyun points to himself. "Well, the usual. 22, majoring on Psychiatry, will be taking Post Modern Music once finished. I have a lot of friends, I love music, I love gaming, well, there's nothing that special about me, other than my angel face and super hotness, so they say."

"Wow, despite your innocence, you're pretty narcissistic about yourself," Haerin nodded. "And?"

"Well, I'm close to Donghae hyung, one of the kingkas in school. He's probably muttering in campus right now since I left him."

"Oh, Lee Donghae?" Haerin couldn't help with the obnoxious tone.

"Eh? Yeah, why?" Kyuhyun looked at her with a questioning look.

"Nothing," Haerin shrugged. "Must be nice having a lot of friends by your side, going on parties every night, sitting on the courtyard.. Yeah, right."

Kyuhyun noticed the look on Haerin's face. Jealousy. He bit his lips because he felt bad, and said, "Haerinsshi, don't be like that.. I promise, I'd teach you how to have fun!"

"Wae?" Haerin was surprised.

"I promise I'll be your bestfriend. I'll teach you how to have fun, to make your college years more exciting! And don't worry, I'm not a bad guy," he continued, and smiled sincerely. "What do you think?"

"I don't know, Kyuhyunsshi. We'll do this spontaneously," Haerin answered. "What will I give you in return? Your smart, you don't need me to tutor you."

"Nothing, just have fun with me, and make me your best friend," Kyuhyun shrugged.

"Okay, then..."

Kyuhyun and Haerin finished their drink. Kyuhyun looked at his watch and realized that it's 15.20, almost time for Haerin to leave. He picked up his bags and stood up. "Come on, Haerinsshi. It's almost four, we have to go back to campus. You left your car there."

"Ah, yes," Haerin picked up her bag as well, and they walked back to the car.

On the way to campus, between Haerin and Kyuhyun was silence, only music from the tape playing.

"Um, Kyuhyunsshi, kamsa," Haerin said softly, almost seemed like she was whispering.

"Pleasure's on me, Haerinsshi," Kyuhyun gave a warm smile to the girl. "Don't be so formal, just call me Kyuhyun. We're friends now, right?"

"... Yeah. Right."

Although she was in doubt, she didn't want to turn down Kyuhyun who was being this nice to her. Just.. dance to music, Haerin. Who knows, the music might make you the dancing queen, she chuckled to herself, and focused on the road.



© hellopsr's stories, 2011


Haerin and her new quirky, innocent best friend. The riotic days begins, now.

4th chapter! Comment and subscribe! :D

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more updates to come ^^
cheers for that! >:D
I like this so much :""""><br />
<br />
please do update soon!^^
unii_soeul #3
so sweet >,<
unii_soeul #4
so sweet >,<
twinklestardust #5
Please update more! ^^
aww.Kyu left. I hope he'll be back soon<br />
Haerin will be sad but I know Donghae and Hyesanf will be there for her:)<br />
update soon^^<br />
I love this very much:]
HAI. Busy me is back. I am super sorry if I haven't been updating, I have like chapters to post, but my home internet is broken (I'm even posting this from my phone.. T^T), so ARGH.<br />
I'm sorry, but I'm done with some chapters, so all I have to do is post double, triple updates? Well, wait for me though. And thank you so much~ <3<br />
In the mean time, tweet me at @nadyrafz. ;-) x
kaka13elieve #8
oh my! oh my! i hear wedding bells... but kyuhyun's leaving!! aaaah! i can tell there's still so much to watch out for!! :)<br />
this is so good... just be sure that you won't make it too long.. that way, it's gonna be boring.. :D
TiHae4ever #9
Waaaah~ Kyu just proposed and Haerin said yes!! A major KyuRin moment~ <br />
Update when you can chingu!<br />
Hwaiting!<br />
unii_soeul #10
nado saranghae kyu >,<<br />