#26. Home

Spontaneously Falling in Love

Days turned to weeks, weeks turned to months, and it was almost a year after Kyuhyun left. Haerin was in the middle of preparing for her thesis. She kept her promise, to focus on her studies and nothing else. She has a lot of friends, and they would hang out every once in a while. Haerin now was different from the old Haerin. She was still at the top of the class, of course. She was more outgoing and fun, not meek and shy anymore. Many boys have asked her out, but the ring on her finger reminded her of the only man in her heart. And no matter how tiring it is, she'll always wait.

In German, Kyuhyun stayed in an apartment not too far from his campus. He adapted very well, and he had made friends with lots of different people going to his campus. Like he was in Korea, Kyuhyun too had outstanding achievements in his faculty in German. For him, living abroad is pretty swell, other than speaking a different language from what he used to, spending cash on his own necessities, taking care of his own living, and, being apart from the people he loves. On certain days he would stay in his apartment, reading, listening to music or just watching movies, while staring blankly at a polaroid sticked on his tack-board. He'd feel empty, sad, but the two people in the picture always reminded him, sooner or later, he'll be back.

Kyuhyun and Haerin rarely contact each other because of time difference. If Kyuhyun had the time to call, Haerin would be asleep, and vice versa. But both of them always tried to understand. Kyuhyun would stay up late so that he could talk to Haerin, at least once every week. Sometimes he would even fall asleep talking to her. On holidays like Valentine or Christmas, they sent each other gifts, and opened them while chatting via webcam. 

On certain days, when they both are very busy, they would only exchange texts or emails. But to them, it was all enough, because they know they're going to see each other again, soon.

Flight number GB9-16113, Asia Airlines, from Berlin to Seoul has arrived.

Hearing the announcement over speaker, Haerin stood up from her seat. It was eleven at noon, and she had no class for the day, not since what's left of her college days is graduation, which is coming in the next few days. She looked around the room, her fingers playing with the hem of her coat, anxious. Looking around the arrival lounge, she was trying to find someone she had been waiting for for the last hour.

And then she sees him.

Across the huge lounge, Haerin spotted a familiar figure in a blue t-shirt and jeans, wearing a black coat and aviator sunglasses. He was looking at her too, and without any further-ado, that figure quickly dragged his luggage towards Haerin. At that time, she knew, it was him.


Haerin can't help her excitement and happiness when she jumped into Kyuhyun's arms, who held her tight and gave her a spinning hug. He was laughing happily when he let her go, his gaze softening at the sight of her smiling face.

"I miss you."

Kyuhyun chuckled as he ruffled the girl's hair. "I miss you too," he said and kissed her forehead. "By the way, you're here alone?"

She nodded. "Why? You expected Donghae oppa and Hyesang noona to be here, didn't you?"

"I thought they'd be.."

"No, they said they had something to do," said Haerin, before breaking into a smile.

Kyuhyun quirked his brows. "Why are you suddenly smiling?"

"I.. I just can't believe you're home again," she says, almost whispering. "I mean, a year seem so long that seeing you again just seem like a dream."

"But we see each other every week through webcam, don't we?"

"It doesn't feel this upclose, Kyuhyun-ah."

He pinched her cheek, resulting in a painful ouch from her. "See? It's not a dream," smirked Kyuhyun. He let go of the pouting Haerin's cheek, and then grabbed her hand. "Come on, let's go home."


Cheers and whoops followed the exclamation and in a blur of confetti, flying ribbons and colorful paper, Kyuhyun saw a crowd of people that had been waiting for him – the people he too, had missed so much. His father, mother, his noona, Donghae, Hyesang, Haesang and even some of his college friends.

Donghae was the first one to come up to him and gave him a good old man hug. "Man, I've missed you!" he exclaimed, patting his back while they both laughed. "How have you been? – Not that I don't know, because Haerinnie talks about you all the time!"

"I'm fine, hyung. And god how I missed playing video games with you," Kyuhyun chuckled. "Haerin talks about you and noona all the time too! By the way, where's Hyesang noona?"

Before he could even search the crowd, Hyesang already had her arms around the younger man, giving him a warm, welcoming bear hug. "Baby Kyu! Oh, how I've missed you! Jesus, you've already grown this big?"

"Noona, you're overreacting.. but actually german friends are way taller than me, and you've always been beautiful, noona," he smiled and returned Hyesang's hug. And when he let go, Haesang was smirking in front of him.

"Oh hi, brother-in-law to-be," he said, before doing a guy handshake with Kyuhyun, followed by a man hug. "Good to have you back. I'll be seeing you in my house, anytime soon?"

The younger man chortled. "I bet you will."

After that, Kyuhyun greeted his parents, and his noona, and his friends and his acquaintances. Haerin stood by the dining table, hands crossed in front of her chest, smiling seeing her fiancée who was happy to be back. She shook her head and took a glass of juice from the table, when she felt a pair of arms hugging her by the waist from behind.

"Having fun, Kyu?" she noticed the sweet scent of his perfume, and pried his arms off of her waist, before turning to face him. "Wait, don't answer that – I know you are, because you've been ignoring your fiancée, letting her wait on the sidelines watching you have fun.."

Kyuhyun smirked. "Jealous much?"

"I know you weren't the type to be bugged by that, you're too confident," she chortled. "I was just kidding anyway. But I'm glad you're having fun with your friends here. Oh, you don't know how many of them that asked about you every day!"

"But I do know, you mention them on your messages and our webcams, duh," he shrugged, and put his arms around his shoulder. "But yeah, you're right, I am happy to see them again. But I'm way happier about the fact that I'm here again with you. I can put my arms around you, I can hug, I can pinch, I can kiss you–"

"I know. I'm happy too," Haerin smiled up at him, and Kyuhyun returned the gesture. She laughed. "It's nice to see you smiling instead of smirking, Kyuhyun-ah."

"I've been smiling the whole time, Haerin!" he nudged her. "Though, I don't understand why you guys had to go through all this for me, throwing a welcoming party and all.."

"Donghae oppa and Hyesang unnie planned it – well, actually, unnie did, Donghae oppa agreed, and we all helped. I don't know, they just kind of miss you a lot."

He smiled. "That's nice.. although I was kind of hoping to have the whole night to spend alone with you."

Kyuhyun and Haerin sighed when they settled down in front of her room's windowsill, snuggled in warm blankets and pillows. Outside, the night sky was a clear blue-ish dark, with the moon adorning it. He's playing with her hair, twirling it around his forefinger while humming tunes to a popular ballad song, while she was staring out the window. It was silent – a nice silence.

"I'm amazed, honestly," he suddenly said, a chuckle between his words. "I'm amazed to see how much you've changed within a year."

Haerin turned to him. "How did I change? Is it a good change, or a bad change?"

"Good, of course. My Haerin is now more grown up – more straightforward, more easygoing, more outgoing, not to mention more amazing and beautiful," he said, running his fingers through her hair. "It's good to see those qualities in you, in fact, it makes me love you more."

Haerin giggled feeling Kyuhyun's soft lips on her head. "I don't know.. some people say that love makes a girl more beautiful," she said, and then poked his cheek. "I can't say I've seen much changes in you.. other than you being somehow resembling a foreigner.."

Kyuhyun laughed. "Really?"

"I don't know, you kind of do. Tell me something in Germany!"

He thought for a while, before smirking and said, "Ich liebe dich sehr und ich möchte mein ganzes leben mit dir verbringen. Yes?"

She quirked her eyebrows, confused. "Wait, what were you even talking about?"

"My fiancée loves me too much because I'm awesome."

Haerin pouted and hit Kyuhyun's arms softly, before turning away to hide a smile. Because she knew that he was lying – she heard the ich liebe dich and she definitely knew what that meant.

"But that's okay, you're still the same old you – the Kyuhyun who's addicted to online games, smirks a lot, annoying and super over-confident – and that's completely fine because that's the Kyuhyun I fell in love with, and will always love forever and ever and ever."

"Aw, I hate you because you're the only person who can make my heart flutter and tingle like this," he smirked and then leaned closer to plant a kiss on her lips who then giggled.

"Ah, sarcastic. I forgot to mention that."

Kyuhyun and Haerin leaned against each other in comfort. Her thoughts raced a hundred different directions, her mind filled with matters of her, him and their life.

"Hey, we're getting married soon, Kyu."

"I know – and I can't wait. My parents and your parents have already sort most things out, haven't they?"

Haerin nodded. "Yep. Now we just have to wait for me to finish my thesis and graduate."

"Well, then finish your thesis and graduate fast!"

"Well, even if I do finish my thesis in a blink of an eye, the graduation date is already set."


Haerin laughed and got up to grab her laptop. "Fine, I'm going to continue my thesis now. Just wish me luck and hope that I can turn it in by the end of this week."

Kyuhyun gave her a thumb up. "Good luck, yeobo~ Haerinnie fighting!"

"How cute," she scoffed, before going back to her thesis, while drowning herself in Kyuhyun's beautiful voice for the rest of the night.

© hellopsr stories, 2012



I'm glad that I can finish this chapter earlier than expected, and I'm happy with the new atmosphere that Kyuhyun and Haerin give out. SFL is no longer a sappy yet tragic love story between best friends, YAY! Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy the new update and continue to support SFL until the very end! Thank you for waiting long. I love you guys.


Spontaneously Falling In LoveLittle Sister | SHINee and The Bongcheondong Ghost | Sketches | Morbid 

One Year Later | Collide | Summer, 2011 Love Is In The Air: Valentine's Day Special | Warmth

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more updates to come ^^
cheers for that! >:D
I like this so much :""""><br />
<br />
please do update soon!^^
unii_soeul #3
so sweet >,<
unii_soeul #4
so sweet >,<
twinklestardust #5
Please update more! ^^
aww.Kyu left. I hope he'll be back soon<br />
Haerin will be sad but I know Donghae and Hyesanf will be there for her:)<br />
update soon^^<br />
I love this very much:]
HAI. Busy me is back. I am super sorry if I haven't been updating, I have like chapters to post, but my home internet is broken (I'm even posting this from my phone.. T^T), so ARGH.<br />
I'm sorry, but I'm done with some chapters, so all I have to do is post double, triple updates? Well, wait for me though. And thank you so much~ <3<br />
In the mean time, tweet me at @nadyrafz. ;-) x
kaka13elieve #8
oh my! oh my! i hear wedding bells... but kyuhyun's leaving!! aaaah! i can tell there's still so much to watch out for!! :)<br />
this is so good... just be sure that you won't make it too long.. that way, it's gonna be boring.. :D
TiHae4ever #9
Waaaah~ Kyu just proposed and Haerin said yes!! A major KyuRin moment~ <br />
Update when you can chingu!<br />
Hwaiting!<br />
unii_soeul #10
nado saranghae kyu >,<<br />