17. A Brotherly Advice

Spontaneously Falling in Love

Haerin threw her slingbag and her jacket to her bed. She sat on the edge of her bed and grabbed a remote to turn on the air conditioner. She took off her shoes and put it back in her closet. She changed her jeans to a pajama pants and tied her hair up into a ponytail. Haerin sat back on her bed, and let out a big sigh.

"What the hell should I do?" she asked herself in despair.

Haerin walked to her desk and saw piles of her polaroids with Kyuhyun two days ago, when they were strolling around town. She remembered that she took some photos of her best friend secretly, like when Kyuhyun's yawning, sipping coffees, but what caught her eye the most are the picture where Kyuhyun was staring up the fluorescent violet and orange-colored sky, his face were serious, relieved, and bliss at the same time. Priceless.

She kept looking through the photos until she looked at the last one. The picture was taken by a shopkeeper, where she and Kyuhyun made silly faces with a clown who's holding a big bunch of blue balloons. Haerin ran her finger on the photo, tracing a heart, framing her and her best friend.


"Kamsahamnida, ahjusshi," Haerin said to the shopkeeper and took the camera and the photo from his hands.

"Cheonmaneyo, little miss," the shopkeeper replied, smiling to her and Kyuhyun. "Newly weds, hm?"

Kyuhyun and Haerin looked at each other. "Anniyo!" they denied in unison, making the shopkeeper took a few steps backwards.

"We're just friends," said Kyuhyun. "Right, Haerinsshi?"

Haerin nodded.

Kyuhyun took her hand and they both bowed once again to the shopkeeper. "Kamsahamnida, ahjusshi," they said and left.

[end of flashback]

Haerin smiled remembering that moment with Kyuhyun.

Newly weds? she thought to herself. Do I and Kyuhyun look like we're married? Come on.. I don't even have feelings for him..

Knock knock!

Two rapid knock on her door snapped her out of her thoughts. Haerin quickly wiped the tears that's starting to form in her eyes. "Come in!" she said.

The door opened and her older brother showed up behind it. "What are you doing?" Haesang asked curiously, watching Haerin still wiping the tears off her eyes.

"Nothing, my eye just hurts," Haerin made up an excuse.

Haesang sighed and closed the door behind him. He walked towards his sister and sat besides her. "Hey, don't lie to me. What's wrong?" he asked again. Before Haerin could answer, Haesang saw the picture she was holding in her hands. He noticed Kyuhyun in it. "Kyuhyun?" he said, turning to his sister. "Don't tell me your crying because of Kyuhyun?"

"I'm not crying.." Haerin still denied it, even though tears are streaming down her cheeks.

"Haerinnie, you're a bad liar, even I know that," Haesang sighed and pulled her sister into a hug. "Tell me what's wrong."

"Oppa, I.. I don't know what to do.." Haerin sobbed in her brother's arms. "I don't wanna hurt him.."

"Hurt who?"


"Oh, so Kyuhyun finally confessed to you," Haesang nodded calmly.

Haerin struggled out of his brothers arms and stared at him. "You knew?" she asked, surprised.

"Well, yeah. Kyuhyun is not the obvious kind of guy, but when you've known him for years, it's pretty easy to know," Haesang answered. His sister pouted, so he only chuckled and patted her head. "So what is it? You don't like him back?"

"Anni.." Haerin shook her head. "I like Kyu. I really, really like Kyu.. well, I think I used to.."

Haerin opened up to her brother that instant. She told him that she used to like Kyuhyun, shortly after the first time they met. She likes being around him, his dorky personality, his glib tongue every time they argue, his evil personality, they way he talked Haerin into doing something he wants, the way he cares for her even though he doesn't show it, not to mention his good looks.

Haerin used to like everything about him, except that Kyuhyun showed no sign of loving her back. She didn't give up on him, but then Muhyon came along and when he told her that he loves her, all of her feelings for Kyuhyun was suddenly gone. And now that Kyuhyun told her that he's the one who always loved her, and that Muhyon is playing her, she's starting to doubt herself.

"What should I do, oppa?" Haerin asked desperately. "I don't want to hurt them."

Haesang nodded. "Listen here, yeodongsaeng. Love has no mercy. Love is not all fairytale. Sometimes love makes you face choices, either you want it or not, you gotta choose. Even when you decide not to choose, you already choose right? Whichever you choose, it will hurt somebody. Not all solution's a win-win. You may feel bad about them, it's fine, when you don't feel bad about yourself, you know you made the right choice." Haesang grabbed Haerin's hand and put it on her chest. "Follow your heart. Choose what's best for you, you're old enough to know. Araso?"

"Araso.." Haerin nodded and hugged her brother. "Gomawo oppa. Thank God I have a brother like you. I love you to death!"

"Hahaha, I love you too," Haesang laughed. "But you know, sis?"

Haerin broke the hug and faced her brother. "Hm?"

"I like you better when you're with Kyuhyun-ah."

Her brother's words made Haerin realized one thing. She nodded and said, "I know. Almost everybody has been telling me so."

"So? Did epiphany hit you yet?" Haesang asked.

"Not yet," Haerin shrugged.

"Okay then. I'm gonna leave you alone with your thoughts. If you still need to talk, I'll be in my room," Haesang got up and once again patted his sister's head. He walked out and closed the door, leaving Haerin alone.

Haerin sighed. Even after hearing her brother's advice, she's still not sure of what to do. Haerin grabbed a marker from her desk and wrote a message at the back of the polaroid with Kyuhyun. After putting the marker back, she slipped the photo in her notebook.

I hope it's the right thing to do.


© hellopsr's stories, 2011 


Haesang is the best brother ever! But what did Haerin wrote for Kyu? Will she choose him?

17th chapter, is it? I've finished the whole story, just needs a few more editing. Meanwhile, enjoy my story up to this chapter :) Gomawo subscribers, for subscribing and commenting on my story, I love you guys lots! xD

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more updates to come ^^
cheers for that! >:D
I like this so much :""""><br />
<br />
please do update soon!^^
unii_soeul #3
so sweet >,<
unii_soeul #4
so sweet >,<
twinklestardust #5
Please update more! ^^
aww.Kyu left. I hope he'll be back soon<br />
Haerin will be sad but I know Donghae and Hyesanf will be there for her:)<br />
update soon^^<br />
I love this very much:]
HAI. Busy me is back. I am super sorry if I haven't been updating, I have like chapters to post, but my home internet is broken (I'm even posting this from my phone.. T^T), so ARGH.<br />
I'm sorry, but I'm done with some chapters, so all I have to do is post double, triple updates? Well, wait for me though. And thank you so much~ <3<br />
In the mean time, tweet me at @nadyrafz. ;-) x
kaka13elieve #8
oh my! oh my! i hear wedding bells... but kyuhyun's leaving!! aaaah! i can tell there's still so much to watch out for!! :)<br />
this is so good... just be sure that you won't make it too long.. that way, it's gonna be boring.. :D
TiHae4ever #9
Waaaah~ Kyu just proposed and Haerin said yes!! A major KyuRin moment~ <br />
Update when you can chingu!<br />
Hwaiting!<br />
unii_soeul #10
nado saranghae kyu >,<<br />