18. Reminiscing

Spontaneously Falling in Love

Haerin paced back and forth in front of the library door, her hands holding the notebook which the polaroid is slipped into. Kyuhyun was inside as usual, studying. Haerin wanted to see him, to give the polaroid to him, but she's still in doubt. She calmed herself, took a deep breath and stepped inside.

The library was pretty crowded that day, but it's not hard to find Kyuhyun there. He was sitting in the reading room, at the table in the middle. He had his ears plugged by white earbuds from his iPod, his pencil stuck between his ear. Sometimes his head would move to the song playing from the iPod, or he would tap his pencil rhythmically against the table.

Haerin spied on him from behind the book shelves. This library scene took Haerin back to the time when they first meet. Kyuhyun was spying on him just like what she's doing now. She remembered that since she dated Muhyon, she hadn't been to library for quite some time. Once again, Haerin took a deep breath and approached Kyuhyun.

"Hi, Kyuhyun-ah," she greeted.

Kyuhyun looked up and saw Haerin. "Hey, Haerinsshi. What brought you here?" he asked, smiling.

"Am I bothering you?"

"Not at all, come here," Kyuhyun gestured Haerin to come sit next him.

"Wow, you seem very busy," Haerin said as she flipped through the pages of the book Kyuhyun was reading. "I envy you to death, Kyu! How could you be so smart?"

"Years of reinforcements and fun to balance it," Kyuhyun nudged Haerin. "Hey, if you wanna graduate fast, take a break on dating and study hard!"

Haerin stuck his tongue out at Kyuhyun. "Ouch, Kyu. You hurt my feelings," she said, faking a mad tone.

"I was just kidding," Kyuhyun retorted.

"Not funny."

"Well, if it's not funny, then why are you smiling?"

Haerin realized that she had been smiling, even though she tried to sound mad. Kyuhyun always managed to make her smile whenever he's around. It's a feeling she can't deny.

"Haesang's right. I am a bad liar," Haerin laughed, so did Kyuhyun.

Haerin was glad that Kyuhyun acted very casually like the way they used to be, she began to feel relieved. "Hey, Kyu. I wanted to give you this.." Haerin opened up the page of her notebook where she slipped the polaroid and gave it to Kyuhyun. "Here. I had a really great time with you. Gomawo."

Kyuhyun took the photo from Haerin's hand and looked at it, reminiscing its every moment captured. He turned the photo and saw a message there.

Mianheyo, best friend. I love you, but not the way you want me to. Thank you for everything. 

Kyuhyun could felt his heart slightly crushed again to pieces. Why do you have to bring it up again? he sighed in frustration. He looked at Haerin and pulled her into a hug. "Gomawo, Haerinsshi," he said.

"Cheonmaneyo," Haerin replied and broke the hug. "Kyu, I gotta go."

"Where?" Kyuhyun asked as Haerin got up.

"Home, with Muhyon oppa."

"Oh, yea. Forgot."

"Thanks, Kyu. You're the best," Haerin smiled at him.

"Best of the best," Kyuhyun returned the gesture. "Be safe, okay?"


Haerin bid Kyuhyun farewell and left. Kyuhyun closed his books and put his head on the table, staring at the photo. He grabbed a pen and put a caption under the photo: Me and everything I want in life.

Kyuhyun sighed. This is the first time I've ever felt this way towards a girl. But Haerin is not just a girl, she's like an angel sent from the Heavens. She's perfect. She's kind and smart, and cute, not to mention really, really beautiful. Sadly, that Devil had to snatch her away from me. I don't know if I've gone crazy over her, but I just can't stop thinking about her. The way she looks at me, her eyes, her face, her touch, her lips.. her kiss.. He bit his lips, remembering the first time she kissed the girl of his dreams. I love her so much. Maybe too much. I'm going crazy for her.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

The sound of a phone ringing, followed by shushes from people around him woke Kyuhyun up from his thoughts. A text message came in. It was from Donghae, asking him to come by Hyesang's house. Kyuhyun weakly smiled reading the message from his hyung. He could tell that both Donghae and Hyesang are worried about him. He replied a short 'okay' and locked his phone. After packing his things, Kyuhyun left.


© hellopsr's stories, 2011 


Mianheyo if it's short everybody. Originally there were more dialogs but I accidentally deleted the original chapter!! TT_TT well, here goes nothing! Comment and subscribe :D

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more updates to come ^^
cheers for that! >:D
I like this so much :""""><br />
<br />
please do update soon!^^
unii_soeul #3
so sweet >,<
unii_soeul #4
so sweet >,<
twinklestardust #5
Please update more! ^^
aww.Kyu left. I hope he'll be back soon<br />
Haerin will be sad but I know Donghae and Hyesanf will be there for her:)<br />
update soon^^<br />
I love this very much:]
HAI. Busy me is back. I am super sorry if I haven't been updating, I have like chapters to post, but my home internet is broken (I'm even posting this from my phone.. T^T), so ARGH.<br />
I'm sorry, but I'm done with some chapters, so all I have to do is post double, triple updates? Well, wait for me though. And thank you so much~ <3<br />
In the mean time, tweet me at @nadyrafz. ;-) x
kaka13elieve #8
oh my! oh my! i hear wedding bells... but kyuhyun's leaving!! aaaah! i can tell there's still so much to watch out for!! :)<br />
this is so good... just be sure that you won't make it too long.. that way, it's gonna be boring.. :D
TiHae4ever #9
Waaaah~ Kyu just proposed and Haerin said yes!! A major KyuRin moment~ <br />
Update when you can chingu!<br />
Hwaiting!<br />
unii_soeul #10
nado saranghae kyu >,<<br />