Wet Kisses

The Game

Kai's POV

I continued to shake uncontrollably, burying my faces into my hands. We were in a building full of death, it loomed from room to room. It's my fault you are here.. I came to late, I ran to the party and there you were.. Gone, out my sight. Knocked out completely. I don't even know if I can say you are going to die.. Please don't leave me, you promised you would stay by my side.. I thought the rumour were false, about you getting a girl pregnant. About you even being a player..I became completely attracted to you, I needed to know more.. Had I dug to deep? I couldn't stop myself, I finally realized you weren't that type of person. You were so much more than that.. I felt the bed ruffle, and I looked up. I saw his eyes flitter a bit, he's waking up!


"Kris? Kris! Are you okay?!" His eyes slowly fluttered open, "nurse!! Nurse!"


"Kai.. where am I?" I went over and pressed the button a number of time, hoping the nurse would rush in, "Kai.. you're so loud, please.."


"I'm sorry.." I whispered, and I noticed the nurse come in. She looked extremely annoyed at me, due to the number of times I had pressed the button.


"I will go get the doctor.." I nodded, and the nurse quickly dashed out after checking on Kris, making sure the IV system he was hooked to was giving him proper nutrients, and supplements he was missing. I looked over to find him asleep again, and I shook my head. Please.. you promised you wouldn't leave me.. Don't leave me so early..




"Kai.." I felt someone poke at me lightly, and I opened my eyes to find Kris awake again. I looked over to find the clock blinking 4:00 A.M. The nurse had allowed me to stay in his room, after having his mother grant permission for my visit. Kris had aroused a number of times this past week, barely staying awake. The nurse had told me to let him be, and told me not to call for the doctor, since he was going to slip in an out of conscious. It was important that a person be by Kris, just so that he didn't fall into complete shock. They chose me to stand by his side, because they knew he would feel more comfortable waking up to my face..


"Kris.. I should get–"


"No.. it's okay, I just want to be here.." I felt him grab for my hand, and I laced my fingers in his. He smiled, and I saw a small tear trickle down his cheek. I wanted to go over and run my hand over his cheek.


"Kris.. you shouldn't have left.. not this early.." I buried my face into the blankets overlaying him, "I was so close to losing you.. You could have been gone forever…"


"Kai.. stop.. Stop crying.." I felt him use his loose hand to pull it through my tangled hair. I started to weep into his blanket, soaking my tears through to his clothes, "it's my fault.. I didn't mean to bring you in this.."


"Mei told me.. She told me everything.. You didn't need to do that! You shouldn't have tried to leave.. Kris, please don't leave me.." I could feel him stiffen from the moment he heard me say Mei. He continues to slowly pull his fingers through my hair.


"Kai.. I'm sorry.. I never meant for you to hear that.. I won't.. I won't leave you.."


"You won't. You can't.. You won't leave, unless I let you.." I looked up, and I saw his face.. His sweet pink lips stretched open, to reveal his white teeth. He smiled, and I notice a bit of colour in his cheeks now. His eyes were still very tiresome looking, and his blonde hair was wisped all over the place.


"I won't ever leave you.. I'm sorry that I almost did.." I tried to smile, but I felt weak. He took his hand out of my hair, and placed it under my chin. Tilting my face up to the light.


"You haven't sleep have you.." I shook my head, I haven't moved from this position in the last couple of weeks. I wanted to be by your side, I wanted to be by your side when you woke up..


"Kai.. you need to get sleep.. Please, go home. Come back when you are fully rested. I don't think I can bare–"


"No.. I am staying by your side.." I noticed him bit his lip, and then suddenly smile again. I won't leave you.. I'm not going to let you be alone.. I need you, and you need me.. I looked into his dark brown eyes, and my eyes travelled down to his nose. I then stared at his pink lips, they had tasted so sweet and like alcohol. I notice his lips turn into a smirk.


"You know.. I thought I knew everything about you–"


"I guess we both did.." I interjected him, and he chuckled.


"You're right, but we didn't at all.. You were much more than I could imagine.." He moved a bit closer to me, and I felt myself flush as his face was only an inch away.. just like it had been the night I had kissed him.


"You are so much more.. than I can put my finger on.." I whispered quietly, and he let out a small laugh. Our lips touched, and I could feel his moist lips on my dry, cracked lips. He let go, and I felt this sudden urge to gasp for air. Like he had the life out of me. I felt the colour and life return back into my cheek, and I felt the warmth within my heart travel through my body.


"No.. you are my stubborn little ice-princess.. You are all mine.." He rubbed his nose against mine, and I moved closer to let our lips touch again.


Sorry that was more of a filter chapter than anything else :S.. Don't worry that backstory to the evening with Kris is yet to be revealed! ^^ I will try to update more often, just because I won't be able to update very shortly with other activities running T^T! Thank you again for the comments and reading!~


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Hey guys, I might upload Chapter 3 early, since I might not be able to upload it on Friday. So stay tuned ^^!


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I agree with @exoplanetarium.
Chanyeol~ Why so nice? Is it bcuz he wants Jieun to be happy? Poor guy willing to neglect his own feelings for the sake of someone he loves.
Yes, you are happy virus Park Chanyeol. But it's painful to know that words are just a facade to cover your broken heart T~T
It tears at my heart how Chanyeol keeps repeating the word "I'm happy virus Park Chanyeol", as determining not to make himself cry. Can Jieun just fall in love with Yeol, no matter how long it takes?
Pheww... So Kris is still alive. We think too much. Haha
Chanyeol was being inconsiderate with Kai sobbing at one corner while he complained over tv program. But it's kinda funny. XD
Chanyeol is so sweet I wont mind Jieun to be with him.
Wait... So not only Jieun, Kai & Baekhyun circle have 'internal' problem, Kris, D.O. & Chanyeol too?
Now I cant help but feel like I as a reader might be involved in these problems too *shrinks* jk ;D haha
ayemwhyyyy #4
I think Ji Eun should fall in love with Chanyeol. ^_^
What in the world has actually happened.....? Did Baek pick a fight with Chanyeol? Kris's dead? My guess.. from overdosed?
I still dont get the part of why everyone wants to take revenge to Jieun tho. Was it true or she's just overthinking?
Well.. Eunhyee is surely a b*tch for all the nasty things she did to Jieun. I mean, out of jealousy? Like really...? Wow.. how low can she be? idk how she resolved to be Baek's gf but she agreed to it, meaning that she should foresee it coming if from what Jieun said was true that Eunhyee had known their feelings.
ayemwhyyyy #6
sayuriNami #7
Sh*t Kai's gay... I was convinced that he had a thing for Jieun.
So it's true. Kai & Kris, they are more than just friend.
Love me some Chanyeol. He's like the savior for Jieun atm. She really needs someone like him to lean on judging from her situation after all these chapters.
So my guess, that Eunhyee holds a grudge or did wtv to Jieun & she got Baek involved, but Baek seemed regretful somehow.