
The Game

Gomawo and minhae were the two words you taught me. I only heard you say those words in desperate needs. I then started to hear you say those words more frequent. No matter how many times you smiled in front of me, I could only feel heartbroken. It was true, was it? I knew you wanted me to disregard all those rumours, all those lies from those rotten students.. But I wanted to know the truth, I wanted to know that I will stand by your side to protect you. That I will be here to listen to you, to give you advice. The day I saw Suho rushing to the office.. The day I heard those dirty students talk more lies, I ran.. I ran, where were you? I wanted to find you.. I needed to save you.. I asked Suho, and he could only shake his head. Was he afraid of me, was he afraid to tell me the truth? He told me.. He told me everything.. Is it true? I thought you didn't like those dirty students? Why did you associate yourself with them? I didn't understand, I never will be able to understand.. Love really makes you question yourself..


Jieun's POV

I had been like a mindless zombie for days. The café was torn apart when we had all reached there. The word "Sweet Café" was completely painted over with red paint. The word 'sweet' was replaced with '', and everything was smashed. I had ran out of there, and tried to gasp for air that day. I couldn't recall anything else afterwards, and came to wake up in bed, getting ready for school. Each day was like this, and it kept going on for weeks.


I was walking down the pathway by the tennis courts, making me way to class when I turned the corner. I heard a familiar voice..


"Just leave me alone!" Eunhyee barked loudly, and stormed off. I noticed Baekhyun was blushing completely, unable to go after her. I noticed him raise his hand up, and try to get her attention, but she was too angry to even notice him. I slowly continued walking down the path, I can't turn back.. There's no other way to get to class..


It wasn't until I was standing a few metres away from Baekhyun, that I couldn't move anymore. I felt as stiff as a statue, when he suddenly turned around. 


"Jieun.." He whispered, but shook his head. Baekhyun darted past me, but I called out his name and turned to find his back against me. He was embarrassed, he was unable to turn and look at me.. Don't be such a fool, face me..


"I don't want to know if you did it or not.. I don't want to even ask you, if Eunhyee did this.." I looked and saw Baekhyun crumple his hand into a fist, and he slowly turned around. You're crying.. He had tears running down his face, and his eyes were signifying how completely lost he was in his world. He looked to me as though he was calling for a saviour.. Some sort of help..


"I never did it.." I heard him weakly speak, I couldn't take my eyes off him and he couldn't look away either. I want to believe you.. But I feel like you had some part in it.


"But you must have had a hand in it!" He looked away, unable to object to what I had to say. I took one step closer, and we were now fairly close. I could hear him struggle to breathe, as the atmosphere seemed to tighten, "I will never forget you for what part you played in this devious scheme of yours. I will never forgive you or Eunhyee for ruining everything I have.."


I turned around and continued on my way. I didn't bother looking back, and I didn't want to. I don't care if you didn't have anything to do with it.. I want you to know I will never forget you, not what you did to ruin my entire life.. I wish never to see you and Eunhyee's face again.




I sat down with my back leaning against the book shelf. I closed my eyes trying to calm my mind. Who did this? Why did they want to harm everyone? Is it someone I know? When the cultural festival was over, school commenced the next day.. But nothing was the same. People had avoided my eye contact, people barely said a word near me. And even worse, they did it not only to me.. But many from the council. Even Chen.. No one would talk, we hadn't held a meeting in days now.. What were we to say to everyone? Sorry? For what! The council had no part in making this mess, we tried are hardest.. We didn’t know someone would sabotage it all..


"Jieun-sunbaniem?" I fluttered my eyes opened to find Tao bending down.


"Ah.. Tao-sshi.." I sighed, and motioned for him to sit beside me. He took the empty spot beside me, and I leaned my head against his shoulder.


"Jieun-sshi. Don't worry. Everything will be resolved. Besides, everyone still loved it.." Up until the lights went out, and someone broke all the hard work the students put into making the event happen..


"Tao.. What do I do now.. I feel the school hates me, like it's my fault.."


"Jieun-sunbaeniem. It wasn't your fault at all! Don't say that!!" I shook my head, I wanted to cry.. No.. Don't cry, not here.. Not now, not in front of Tao. You don't want to walk into class with a tear-stained face.. No, stop it. I bit down on my lip to keep the welding tears from pouring out. I could feel Tao affectionately pat me on the head before getting up. He smiled and held his hand out to help me get up. I grabbed for his hand, and he pulled me up.


"Besides.. I don't think everyone hates you–"

"Tao, you are the only one I have.. Besides, you don't count.. Who else even cares about me.." I shyed away from looking at his face, but he took his hand over my cheek and moved my face to stare at his. Tao often was seen with these cold-icy eyes, but they had melted away as I stared at him. He smiled and took his hand off my cheek.


"I don't think I'm the only one.. There was this boy.."


"A boy?"


"Neh. A tall boy, he had this orange-frizzy hair. He smiled and asked if I knew who you were.. He was the first kid I have ever seen approach me. I don't think I have seen him around before, but then again I don't talk to people.."


"Did he say his name?!" I exclaimed to loudly, as Tao had to put his index finger to his lip making a 'ssh' noise. I lowered my voice, "did he say who he was?"


"No.. He just asked for you. Why, was he important–"


"Where did you see him? When did you find him?"


"At the gate.. I don't know at the first break? Quite early in the afternoon.." I quickly wrapped my arms around Tao who stood their stiffly. I gave him a small hug.


"Gomawo Tao! I owe you!" I started to run. I didn't know why, but my limbs just kept going. It was this circular motion, no matter how tired I was. I get running, I didn't know why I was so excited. I knew I would have missed him. It’s been hours since Tao had last seen him, why would I expect him to still be there. It's not like he's this stone, cold ice figure. By the time I reached the entrance of the campus, I was huffing. I bent over completely tired, and dizzy. I sat down by the bench, darting my eyes from side to side.


"He's not here.." I whispered. Pabo.. Why would he be? He could be anywhere on campus by now.. I opened my phone and found no text message. Could it really be him? Why didn't he text me, that he was here? I felt the eyes of strangers fall on me, I felt completely and vulnerable.. Why did I leave the library? Everyone is just staring at me now. I felt something hard hit my head, like a crumpled up piece of paper. I felt my eyes sting, it's like the little ugly duckling.. I'm being bullied by my own kind. I felt someone's presence in front of me, I was unable to look up, afraid to show them that I was on the verge of crying. I looked up to find their happy expression washed off with grief.


"Ahh! I didn't mean to make you cry!!" He burst out, waving his hands. I smiled and went up and hugged him tightly. Burying my face into his chest, not giving a of who was staring at us.


"Chanyeol, why are you here?" I let go of him, and he stood their awkwardly. He shook his head and I started to realize he was wearing a uniform. A navy blue blazer, with a tie to match.




"I, Park Chanyeol. Am now a new student here at Kwangsan Academy!" He saluted me and I laughed a little at how dorky he looked.


"Why would you want to transfer, I thought you–" He put his index finger to my lips, and pulled me into a hug. It felt quite awkward as his lanky arms were laced around me body. He hugged my tightly, and whispered into my ear.


"After rescuing you from the chaos.. I–I.. wanted to be beside my little pabo.." I smiled, and I could feel my eyes sting as the tears started to lather my face.


"Gomawo.. Chanyeol-sshi.." I whispered burying my face into his hug.


Two more chapters to Ch.18, where there will be no beginning prologue, resulting in the story slowly tying itself up! Hopefully I'll have Ch. 17 up tonight, or so. I'm so excitied to reveal what's going to happen next, aha I have so much more left to write. Who do you think sabotaged the cafe? And why would they event want to? Hmm, so many mysteries still left unsolved! Thank you for reading~

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Hey guys, I might upload Chapter 3 early, since I might not be able to upload it on Friday. So stay tuned ^^!


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I agree with @exoplanetarium.
Chanyeol~ Why so nice? Is it bcuz he wants Jieun to be happy? Poor guy willing to neglect his own feelings for the sake of someone he loves.
Yes, you are happy virus Park Chanyeol. But it's painful to know that words are just a facade to cover your broken heart T~T
It tears at my heart how Chanyeol keeps repeating the word "I'm happy virus Park Chanyeol", as determining not to make himself cry. Can Jieun just fall in love with Yeol, no matter how long it takes?
Pheww... So Kris is still alive. We think too much. Haha
Chanyeol was being inconsiderate with Kai sobbing at one corner while he complained over tv program. But it's kinda funny. XD
Chanyeol is so sweet I wont mind Jieun to be with him.
Wait... So not only Jieun, Kai & Baekhyun circle have 'internal' problem, Kris, D.O. & Chanyeol too?
Now I cant help but feel like I as a reader might be involved in these problems too *shrinks* jk ;D haha
ayemwhyyyy #4
I think Ji Eun should fall in love with Chanyeol. ^_^
What in the world has actually happened.....? Did Baek pick a fight with Chanyeol? Kris's dead? My guess.. from overdosed?
I still dont get the part of why everyone wants to take revenge to Jieun tho. Was it true or she's just overthinking?
Well.. Eunhyee is surely a b*tch for all the nasty things she did to Jieun. I mean, out of jealousy? Like really...? Wow.. how low can she be? idk how she resolved to be Baek's gf but she agreed to it, meaning that she should foresee it coming if from what Jieun said was true that Eunhyee had known their feelings.
ayemwhyyyy #6
sayuriNami #7
Sh*t Kai's gay... I was convinced that he had a thing for Jieun.
So it's true. Kai & Kris, they are more than just friend.
Love me some Chanyeol. He's like the savior for Jieun atm. She really needs someone like him to lean on judging from her situation after all these chapters.
So my guess, that Eunhyee holds a grudge or did wtv to Jieun & she got Baek involved, but Baek seemed regretful somehow.