The Cultural Festival

The Game

I knew this was going to happen. I loved you so much, I loved you since the beginning of time. Why didn't I stop it? I had all my power, to stop it.. To stop you from getting hurt. To stop you from crying, from digging your own grave. Instead, I watched.. Neither laughing, nor crying. I just watched in silence. I wanted to help you, I wanted to talk to you. But you ignored me, you just kept walking. I wasn't able to help you, because I was the monster.. How was I to save you when I did all this harm? How was I to save you from the monster within me? I was able to save you and your friends.. But even then you still don't love me, do you?


Jieun's POV

It was the day of the festival. It was one of the biggest events that occurred throughout the school. Each class had already selected their events, and students from middle school, and even other "rival high schools" had come to attend and be involved in the activities. I was sitting on a bench in the middle of the "time-square" the school has. They had flipped the time-square to look much like a market, with different stands of food set up, and small games.


I sighed heavily, as I looked around everyone was happily smiling and eating sukiyaki. But I, couldn't help but weakly smile, as I noticed Chen was trying to catch a fish with the fragile poi (Kingyo-sukui). I shook my head, why am I not so happy? Why on a day like this? I could feel the strange stares of many students as they looked at me. I met some eye-to-eye, and all of them couldn't help but look at me with sorrow, like some abandoned puppy.


"Jieun-sshi.." I looked up and I saw Chanyeol, and his frizzy orange hair.


"Pabo!" He smiled, and lightly jogged up to me. Chanyeol was representing wearing a charcoal sweater, over a clean dress shirt. However he had ed three of the buttons on his shirt, and he had undid his tie, letting it loosely hang around his neck.


"I just finished school, and jumped on the subway line to get here! I did not want to miss out!" He said with his large smile, and I couldn't help but smile as well. I looked around, at this point Chen was able to capture the fish on his sixth try. He held up the bag to me, and I smiled, pumping my fist lightly into the air. Chen smiled, and resumed back to walking and playing another game.


"Wah!! Chinchae, there is so much stuff! Taiyaki! Games! You guys went all out, you should be proud!" I flushed slightly as I heard him compliment us.


"It was more like a last minute pull together. It took a while for us to set everything up, but we were lucky everything was able to arrive on time." Chanyeol nodded, and continued to point out the things he was observing. Chanyeol decided to walk over and buy a small box of takiyaki. I waiting for him from afar distance, trying not to interfere the large line ups for the other events.


"Chinchae.. This is so good! Try some!" He pushed the small fish with red bean paste inside towards my face. I shrugged, and took a small nibble of it, "isn't it good?"


"Ahh, where is Kris and Kai?" Chanyeol asked, and I took out the pamphlet to look for their classroom numbers.


"Kai is in my homeroom classroom doing a cafe, and I think Kris should be in the gym setting up some small basketball games. I know later Kris has to play an alumni basketball game with teachers as well.." Chanyeol nodded, and we directed ourselves to the café.




We both made our way down the hallway, and took a series of steps before reaching A5, the classroom that was now called Sweet Café. There were a couple of girls out in aprons, handing out pamphlets to encourage people to come by. Many were looking at Chanyeol, not just because he was tall, but because he was wearing a Mapo-gu uniform. Chanyeol and I looked at one another, and shrugged before entering A5.


"Take a seat anywhere you like!" Suho, the class representative, said motioning to some of the available tables. The class had emptied out the desks and chairs, replacing them with small rounded tables, and wooden chairs. The room was decorated with flowers, and many of the students had strung up lights, and even Polaroids were seen around the classroom.


Chanyeol and I took the seat closes to the window, and we were presented with a menu by Suho.


"Suho, where is Kai?"


"He just left, I think he will be back.." I nodded and smiled, before Suho departed to entertain the other tables of girls. A lot of the girls were taking secret photos of Suho, who just simply neglected them. We all know you secretly love it.. Suho, was seen as the perfect role model in our class. He and I had used to study together, and he didn't seem the type to actually be very athletic, but he quite the perfect built. However, some people were lucky enough to come across him play sports, and he was very good at them.


"Wahh! So much food! I should have told D.O about this!" Chanyeol giggled as he pointed out different dishes on the menu. Chanyeol placed the menu down, seeming as though he had made up his mind, while I still buried my face into the menu.


"Could I get you anything?" I looked up to find his brown bangs swept to a side. And I noticed his long, slender figures twirling a pen around. I felt a small shiver as he looked at me. His eyes fell onto Chanyeol, and I could see the ends of his lips turn to a slight frown.


"Can I have coffee and a strawberry turnover?" Chanyeol said with a smile, handing the menu over to Baekhyun.


"I would like some milk coffee please." I said coldly. I placed my hands into my lap, unable to pick up the menu and give it to Baekhyun. Baekhyun had to bend over and pick it up from the table. He looked into my eyes, and I could see a plea of guilt. What is it that you want from me? Do you not remember.. you were the one that hurt me. I could see this feeling of lust, the want .. or need to talk to me. I shook my head, and avoided his eye contact, before he was called away by Suho.


Chanyeol looked at me, and I could feel myself lose the colour in my cheeks. I could feel myself turn slightly cold at this point. As though Baekhyun was some ghost, who had the life away from me. Chanyeol took his foot and nudged mine. He bent over, and whispered, only allowing me to hear.


"Is everything okay? Do you not like him?" I bit my lip, and just nodded. Please.. I need to get out of here Chanyeol. I can't deal with him. I despise him, and everything that I used to love about him, has become pure hatred.


Chanyeol went back and sat straight up in his seat. This time someone came by and placed what we ordered onto the table. I didn't want to look up. Please, leave me alone.. I heard a someone roughly, clear their voices. And I noticed a murmur settle on the other tables, some were pointing and staring. I looked up and I saw Kai.


"Kai.." I whispered weakly. He returned it with a smile. You know don't you.. You know Baekhyun was here, you saved me from seeing him again, didn't you? He just nodded, as though he had read my thoughts.


"I'll be back, and then we can go out and see the other things.." He gave a small wink, only I had caught it, and he proceeded to help clean the other tables, and serve them.





"So what have you guys seen so far?" I was wedged in between Chanyeol and Kai on a bench. We were now on the opposite side of the entrance of the campus. We were on the quiet side, sitting on a bench looking at a fountain. No one was around, many were all at the front of the campus, busy being involved in the games.


"We ate a bit, and did some games at the market. And we went to your café of course.." I said in between bites of my ice cream, that Chanyeol had brought for me.


"Did you see Kris yet?" We both shook our heads, and asked if Kai had saw him.


"Yeah.. I went twice, he was busy setting up. And by the second time, a lot of middle school students had poured in! I think he's getting ready for the basketball game tonight."


"Is he playing? I thought he had injured his foot.." Chanyeol asked with his eyes just as wide as D.O's eyes.


"I don't know.. I saw him wear a band on his ankle, but I don't know if he will play or not.." I dug for my phone inside my backpack. And I flipped it open to see the time gleam, 5:30 P.M.


"Maybe we should go now before the bleachers get filled up.." The game was to commence at about 6:30 P.M., but if it was crowded enough they might started early at around 6:00. Assuming the amount of kids that we saw passing by the gym, I could only imaging them wanting to get the game started quickly, before having to end it and clean up the large mess.




We were in the hallway walking towards the gym, when I had to stop and tell Chanyeol to save me a seat, "I need to go to the washroom, okay? Just wait for me.."


Both Kai and Chanyeol nodded, making their way towards the gym, when I was pulled in the opposite direction towards the women's washroom. Once I was finished with my lady business, I was walking out and I could hear the loud cheers of the students. I could hear the clock make a large buzz, and many more loud roars in the crowd. Someone must have scored.


I went in, and I found Kai slumped against the wall.


"Ah there you are.. I waited here so I could guide you to Chanyeol.." There was a large group of kids blocking the view of the court. Many were surrounding the court, as there was no more room on the bleachers.


"Jieun-sshi?" I heard someone call my name, but I could feel Kai holding tightly onto my hand pulling me deeper into the crowd. I felt someone tug onto my shirt, and continue to call out my name. At this point, I could feel the person from behind rip my hand out from Kai's. Kai's hand had slipped away from my hold.


"Kai! Kai!!" I noticed Kai keep walking towards the bleachers, disappearing into the large crowd of kids. Fully unaware that I was not behind him anymore.. I turned to find a boy bent over panting.




"Chen? What is it?" He looked up at me and I could see his eyes full of tears.


"Someone sabotaged the café, it's a mess. Some of the other class events are destroyed.."


"What! What are you talking about.." I could feel kids push us around as we were in the middle of them, trying to talk. I could barely make out the words he was saying, as many were cheering loudly. Did I heart that right? Sabotage?


"Someone sabotaged the whole festival! There's a mess everywhere­–"


"What do you mean! What did they do? Where is everyone!!" I demanded furiously trying to piece together who in their right mind would want to ruin the event.


"There are large red paint marks everywhere, things are destroyed!" Chen's eyes started to water, and I could only figure it out at that moment. Every student was probably in the gym now trying to watch the game.. or even in the lounges, where they had set up TV's to record the game live. Someone purposely waited to strike the events when no one was there..


"Jieun-sshi! Someone is trying to ruin the event!" I heard Chen scream loudly with his eyes watering, and then the lights went out in the gym. I could only hear the large sounds of student screaming, and the noises of sneakers squeaking against the floor. Many were trying to get out like a large stampede, as the gym was completely pitch black. I curled up, squatting on the ground trying not to get hurt. I felt someone grab a hold of me, and lift me up trying to get me out of the gym.


"There you are.." I heard a dark, husky voice. I felt myself be lifted up, I could only lean onto the person as my legs were starting to give out.

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Hey guys, I might upload Chapter 3 early, since I might not be able to upload it on Friday. So stay tuned ^^!


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I agree with @exoplanetarium.
Chanyeol~ Why so nice? Is it bcuz he wants Jieun to be happy? Poor guy willing to neglect his own feelings for the sake of someone he loves.
Yes, you are happy virus Park Chanyeol. But it's painful to know that words are just a facade to cover your broken heart T~T
It tears at my heart how Chanyeol keeps repeating the word "I'm happy virus Park Chanyeol", as determining not to make himself cry. Can Jieun just fall in love with Yeol, no matter how long it takes?
Pheww... So Kris is still alive. We think too much. Haha
Chanyeol was being inconsiderate with Kai sobbing at one corner while he complained over tv program. But it's kinda funny. XD
Chanyeol is so sweet I wont mind Jieun to be with him.
Wait... So not only Jieun, Kai & Baekhyun circle have 'internal' problem, Kris, D.O. & Chanyeol too?
Now I cant help but feel like I as a reader might be involved in these problems too *shrinks* jk ;D haha
ayemwhyyyy #4
I think Ji Eun should fall in love with Chanyeol. ^_^
What in the world has actually happened.....? Did Baek pick a fight with Chanyeol? Kris's dead? My guess.. from overdosed?
I still dont get the part of why everyone wants to take revenge to Jieun tho. Was it true or she's just overthinking?
Well.. Eunhyee is surely a b*tch for all the nasty things she did to Jieun. I mean, out of jealousy? Like really...? Wow.. how low can she be? idk how she resolved to be Baek's gf but she agreed to it, meaning that she should foresee it coming if from what Jieun said was true that Eunhyee had known their feelings.
ayemwhyyyy #6
sayuriNami #7
Sh*t Kai's gay... I was convinced that he had a thing for Jieun.
So it's true. Kai & Kris, they are more than just friend.
Love me some Chanyeol. He's like the savior for Jieun atm. She really needs someone like him to lean on judging from her situation after all these chapters.
So my guess, that Eunhyee holds a grudge or did wtv to Jieun & she got Baek involved, but Baek seemed regretful somehow.