Unknown Caller

The Game

Was it lonely, oppa? Was I not good enough for you, as a dongsaeng? I showed you my love, but why didn't you see it. Why didn't I see the sign. How come you never told me? I thought you were my Oppa. Were you trying to protect me? Oppa.. Don't do this next time to me, it's hard for me to see you go through such grief. Don't blame yourself like this again. I didn't mean to get into that mess. I didn't know you were involved in it, I didn't want you to suffer my pain. I thought it would lead me to freedom.. to happiness.. I'm sorry, I love you Oppa, I hope you know that..


Jieun's POV


"You seem more happier than normal.." Tao commented, as I was humming helping him stack books onto the shelf.

"I guess so.."


"You must be in love with someone, am I right Noona?" I blushed, and waved my hands in his face frantically.


"No! No! Just. friends.."


"OH! So you have a friend! It's a Hyung isn't it!!" Tao squealed as I could only continue turning darker shades of red. It's been a couple of days since I've met Chanyeol. We've only had small conversations over our phone, but I still hadn't met him again. He still owed me a meal.


"So.. what's his name?" Tao pleaded, as I put my index finger to my lip, trying to make him quiet down.


"Park Chanyeol.." I whispered. Luckily, Tao didn't know who it was and just shrugged. But he was still smiling, a happy dongsaeng he is for his Noona.


"I'm happy that you seem more happier than usual.." Tao said with a large grin, "I hope that Noona stays happy like this.."


"Yah! You are so cute!" I cooed, pinching his cheeks as he continued to whine that it hurt. I felt my phone vibrate and it was from an unknown number.


[14.06.12 (1:45 P.M)] Unknown number: Hi, it's Kris from last time. I got your number through Chanyeol. I was wondering if you were free.

I stared at the text, and I felt Tao continue his job around me. Why would Kris want to see me? I added his number, just in case I came across any other text messages with him.

[14.06.12 (1:46 P.M.): Me: I'll have to see my schedule, but I'm busy after school because of the meeting. Will you be attending?

[14.06.12 (1:46 P.M): Kris: I wanted to know if you wanted to go to Lotte World with Kris, Chanyeol, and I. Tell me at the meeting your answer, okay?

So that's why.. Chanyeol must have asked him to bring me along. I giggled at the sight of Chanyeol pleading for Kris to do his dirty work for him. I closed my phone shut, contemplating on what would happen if I do say 'yes'. I noticed Tao staring at me strangely, wondering why I was smiling and acting so giddy.


"Was it.. Chanyeol-ssshi??" He cooed, and poked his tongue out at me.


"Yah! Are you making fun of me? Are you making fun of your sunbaeniem!" Tao put his index finger to his lip, trying to make me quiet down. I crumpled my hand into a fist, and lightly hit him. And suddenly we were in a playful fist fight.


"Yah! Stop. I yield Noona! Stop!" I started to take my hands and stretch out his face, "Nooona~"


I laughed, and then stopped. I could see the red stretch marks, from how long I had held onto his face. Tao continued to rub his checks, hoping the swore-numbing feeling go away.


"Merong!" I poked my tongue out, and checked the time, "oh! I have to go! Bye Tao-sshi!"


He smiled and bowed politely, "annyeong Noona! Please come back anytime you please, it's fun playing with you!"





I ran down the hallway as I noticed I would be late for the meeting. The room that the meeting was held was reschedule to the lecture hall, which was all the way across the campus. I continued to run, looking down at my feet making sure I wasn't going to trip over my foot, until I completely ran into something tough.


"Aigoo.." I heard his voice.. I was completely awestruck and didn't know what to do. I felt this numb sensation, and I couldn't turn my head up to look at his face.


"Jieun-sshi?" I looked up to see the owner of the face. He had a large smile on, and he brushed his bangs out using his long slender finger.


"Hi.. I'm sorry for bumping into you. I have to go." I said coldly, I suddenly heard someone's voice and I looked up to see a tall figure.


"Yah! Jieun-sshi!!" He was waving his long arms, and he walked over to me, "you're late! Shall we go together to the meeting?"


I found Kris by my side, while Baekhyun just stared at him curiously. I nodded, "of course. by the way. I am free for tomorrow."


Kris smiled as he heard my answer, "Perfect, it's a date then!"


We both walked off, and I noticed Baekhyun turn pale white as he heard me respond to Kris. I felt like I had left Baekhyun knocked down coldly, and I continued to stride alongside Kris. You don't even know what you are getting yourself into.. Kris continued to talk about how he was extremely excited to go to Lotte World.





By the time the two of us got to the lecture hall, it was already full and the whole student council executives was seated at the front, while the grade representatives, and team captains were sitting in the seated rows. All of them were clumped in groups, as they all were speaking to their friends in their little cliques. I made my way to the front, where the executives were sitting, and I looked over behind my shoulder to see Kris making his way to the soccer team captain.


"Yah! Kwanghee! Shut up! Everyone sit down!" I took a seat beside our student council treasurer, Chen, he smiled as he patted the empty seat beside me. Our student council President, Lee Jongmin, was trying to quiet the students down. I looked around to see the familiar faces, and I saw Kris staring at me with a large grin. Beside him was the captain of the soccer team, and one of the younger class representatives on the soccer team.


"We would like to speak about the upcoming events for this weeks agenda. I called a meeting with all those representatives, and team captains because we have to plan for the cultural festival! It's coming up in about three weeks, on November 3rd. I need to make sure we have to be prepared. By the end of this week, I need to make sure each class has decided on what their classroom will be transformed into. We need to get into contact with the drama and arts ministry to see if they are willing to perform." I notice Jongmin's eyes dart to some of the students in the back corner, who were considered the "art" geeks, as they are highly involved in theatrical performances, and band.




The meeting came to an end as Jongmin answered all the questions, and thoroughly directed each person to their specified job. I was talking to the treasurer Chen, planning out any general details of the financial aspect, when I felt a tall figure hover over me and looked up to find Kris.


"Hey, I'm going to go walk home, want to walk with me?" I nodded, and looked to Chen who had smiled and waved, bidding goodbye.


"Bye Chen, just make sure you contact me about the rentals."


"Okay, bye Jieun-sshi! Good work today!" I bowed politely, and Kris and I walked off. As we were walking down the hallway to the door, I noticed his soccer friends leaning against the wall waiting for him.


"Kris!" The two of them bowed in unison and instantly looked at me. They smiled, and bowed again politely.


"Hi Luhan, and Sehun." I bowed politely. I had already been well acquainted with the two. Luhan's small face was stretched into a smile. Sehun was laughing with Luhan, until his face hardened as he saw Kris and I approached. The ends of Sehun's lips curled into a small smile. They both were very well known around the school. Luhan was very well known to be a flower boy, he was the opposite of Kai. He had the Midas Touch, but minus the bad grades and bad boy image, and instead good grades and the perfect keener. Sehun however was a more quiet, and self reserved student. I had only known him because he too was a class representative, but he rarely spoke.


"Ahh, annyeonghaseyo Jieun-sshi" They both said in unison. It was quiet terrifying how on key the two were, as though they knew everything that ran through one another's minds. Like twins.


"Are you guys walking together?" Kris nodded in response to Luhan.


"Hyung, I heard you are going to go to Lotte World?" Luhan asked politely with a smile, and I noticed Sehun still look at me. His eyes darted away quickly, once I saw him starting at me.


"We'll be going to Lotte World together." Kris affirmed, and then tugged at my arm slightly. Luhan did not notice as he was busy smiling, and staring into outer space. Only Sehun, stiffened at the close skinship Kris was having with me. He looked away shyly, trying to block us out. What's wrong with him? He had a strange, eerie aura to him. Kris cleared his voice and broke the silence, "well, we will be heading out."


Kris and I made our way out, and I turned back to notice Sehun and Luhan going back to giggling quietly. I noticed Sehun push Luhan's hair out of his face, and Luhan make a cute pout. I turned away, and continued to follow Kris out the door.


"I'm just going to go walk to the station, since I have to jump on the subway." Kris nodded, as we turned the corner of the sidewalk. We were getting nearer to the station, and Kris didn't bother speaking. It wasn't very awkward, it was more calm and soothing. I felt quiet.. safe with Kris by my side. Often times I had walked home from school alone, until today..


"I guess, this is it.." Kris nodded and grinned. I bowed politely saying my goodbye's, and then proceeded to buy a ticket. I turned to find Kris still staring at me, with his small grin. I waved, "bye Kris!"


I walked down the stairs and into the terminal. I waited for the subway, and I heard the ringing of the subway. I could hear someone call my name.


"Jieun-sshi!! Jieun-sshi!" I turned to find this girl failing her arms around, and running towards me. Her brown hair was being whipped all over her face, I looked down and I noticed her shoelaces were untied.


"YAH! UNNIE WATCH OUT!" I saw her stumble, but luckily she had  not fallen onto her face as she placed her arms out onto the ground before she could fall. I walked over, and I felt some people push me as they rapidly boarded the subway.


"Yah! Are you okay?" I bent down to help Kyung Eun-mi up, D.O's sister.


"Did I make you miss your trip.. Mianhae!" I shook my head, and told her not to worry about it, as I would pick up the next subway.


"I saw you with Kris. Are you good friends with him?"


"Yee. I'm planning to go to Lotte World with Chanyeol and him.."


"Lotte World? It's very funny, trust me!"


"Unnie, would you like to come?" She looked at me with bewildered eyes, but shook her head, "no–No! I have to work!"


"Chinchae?" My thoughts drifted back to how D.O. hadn't done much work, while his sister was busying bussing tables, and serving.


"Ah, your subway is coming! Have fun!" Eunmi smiled, and I dipped my head doing a small bow before lining up to board on. I jumped onto the subway. I continued to wave at Eunmi as the doors slid closed. I can't wait to go.. I can't wait to get more closer with you, Park Chanyeol.


It's quite mind blowing to be writing to fics at one time.. Haven't done this in a while, I feel like my brain is stretched ahah! An interesting chapter, we get the cameo of one of my favourite pairings (Luhan + Sehun ^^). We also see Baekhyun, and we see Kris.. I will admit, I think after this it's going to be a very rushed story? I think I've wrote enough 'filter' chapters, to finally be able to dig a bit deeper in trying to reveal the secret's behind everyone. As well, the people who have narrated the first paragraph. Slowly but surely, I will reveal the hidden secrets behind each character. Also today is the airing of EXO-M Extraordinary Class, I'm completely excitied and I hope my Chinese is up to par to understand ^^! My feels, right now.. Anywho, hope you guys have a lovely day~

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Hey guys, I might upload Chapter 3 early, since I might not be able to upload it on Friday. So stay tuned ^^!


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I agree with @exoplanetarium.
Chanyeol~ Why so nice? Is it bcuz he wants Jieun to be happy? Poor guy willing to neglect his own feelings for the sake of someone he loves.
Yes, you are happy virus Park Chanyeol. But it's painful to know that words are just a facade to cover your broken heart T~T
It tears at my heart how Chanyeol keeps repeating the word "I'm happy virus Park Chanyeol", as determining not to make himself cry. Can Jieun just fall in love with Yeol, no matter how long it takes?
Pheww... So Kris is still alive. We think too much. Haha
Chanyeol was being inconsiderate with Kai sobbing at one corner while he complained over tv program. But it's kinda funny. XD
Chanyeol is so sweet I wont mind Jieun to be with him.
Wait... So not only Jieun, Kai & Baekhyun circle have 'internal' problem, Kris, D.O. & Chanyeol too?
Now I cant help but feel like I as a reader might be involved in these problems too *shrinks* jk ;D haha
ayemwhyyyy #4
I think Ji Eun should fall in love with Chanyeol. ^_^
What in the world has actually happened.....? Did Baek pick a fight with Chanyeol? Kris's dead? My guess.. from overdosed?
I still dont get the part of why everyone wants to take revenge to Jieun tho. Was it true or she's just overthinking?
Well.. Eunhyee is surely a b*tch for all the nasty things she did to Jieun. I mean, out of jealousy? Like really...? Wow.. how low can she be? idk how she resolved to be Baek's gf but she agreed to it, meaning that she should foresee it coming if from what Jieun said was true that Eunhyee had known their feelings.
ayemwhyyyy #6
sayuriNami #7
Sh*t Kai's gay... I was convinced that he had a thing for Jieun.
So it's true. Kai & Kris, they are more than just friend.
Love me some Chanyeol. He's like the savior for Jieun atm. She really needs someone like him to lean on judging from her situation after all these chapters.
So my guess, that Eunhyee holds a grudge or did wtv to Jieun & she got Baek involved, but Baek seemed regretful somehow.