Mei Wu (Part II)

The Game

I hated you for it.. Should I forgive you, or shall we live on to our deaths? I'm never going to forget what you did, you unfathomable creature. No matter how many times Chanyeol told me the truth, it sounded like a lie. You conspired against me, like some monster trying to overthrow a king. I don't care how sorry you are, or how many times you can get down on your knees and beg. You betrayed me, as a friend.. and as a brother. You deserved what you got, no matter how much my conscience is eating away at me.. and no matter how hard it hurt when I heard the words of you almost being gone.. Not because of me, but by nature… I wanted you to be banished, you were such a stupid fool for dragging everyone into your mess!


Kai's POV

She looked at me questioningly, "Who are you–"


"Annyeonghaseyeo. I'm Kai.. The boy you met at Lotte World?" She looked at me up and down, then took a large sigh. She continued to walk with her bike in hand, and brushed right past me.


"Hey! Wait–" I took a couple jogs, and walked side by side. She didn't say anything, and it wasn't until I looked at her side profile as we walked she looked so much like Kris. She had the exact same pink lips as him, and her eyes were very similar. She had a much more milky complexion while Kris was slightly tanner than her. We continued to walk in silence, when we turned the corner we made ourselves to a small district parallel to Cheonggeycheon. There were a lot of shops, many signs both in Chinese and Korean.


"Are you just going to follow me all the way home? Like a stalker?" She halted, and looked at me with a deadly stare.


"No.. I need to talk with you.."


"Fine.. Let's go over there.." She pointed to a small alleyway, and we walked down to Cheonggeycheon. We walked over to the bridge, and we stood there staring down at the river.


"Listen I need to–"


"First off, how did you know what school I went? Did Kris tell you this? Or are you just that great at stalking people?" She cut me off, speaking in a bitter tone, dropping her formalities.


"Well… When I met you at Lotte World, you were wearing the exact same uniform that one of my best friend's little sister attends.. And I thought I would ask her if you went to the same school, fortunately enough I found you attending the same school." She shrugged and leaned turned around, leaning her back against the rail.


"Okay.. It's your turn now to ask me a question." My mind flickered from one thought to another. What should I ask her?


"Umm… Do you still remember me from Lotte World? Why did you storm off on us at Lotte World?"


"Could you ask anymore boring questions?" She yawned a bit, and stretched out her arms "obviously. You were on top of my brother for-God's-sake. It was quite clearly, I walked in on you two with a bad impression. And it was sickening, so I my heels and walked right out. What else is a sister supposed to do when she walks out in public to find her brother on top of another dude?"


"My turn.. What do you have to do with Kris?"


"What do you mean–"


"Do you like Kris?" I gulped as she asked me this question. My mind went back onto the night of when he kissed me. I shook my head, trying to shake off the terrible feelings that ate away at my stomach.


"I don't kno–"


"Whatever it is.. I don’t care that you hate him.. But know this, Kris loves you." She looked at me with a serious face. No sign of her was saying that she was lying, nor was she smiling to hide from any tricks. She's completely serious..


"I don't think you know what you are talking about.." She chuckled lightly.


"Are you kidding me? Did you just tell me that–"


"We are older than you!" I stammered, now I was completely flustered. This random sensation of feelings had completely overcome, "Love is different! You are to young to understand! Besides, Kris told me everything!"


"Everything, eh? Like what.."


"Like how you are doing drugs!" The colour within her face completely washed out, and her face became stone, hard cold.


"Drugs.. that's it?"


"Geudae! Why at an age–"


"He didn't tell you anything else?" She whispered lightly.


"No, why? Are you afraid, that he exposed everything about you!" She shook her head, and took a deep breathe. Mei turned to me.


"Kai.. There's much more to that story.." What does she mean? Is she doing much worse?


"Kai.. when he told you I was doing drugs.. At that point, it's not true. I'm not doing drugs, I might be hanging out with kids who are doing them. But I'm completely free of drugs.. It's Kris you should be worried about.."


"What do you mean?"


She took one deep breathe of air in again, "A long while ago Kris was a really hard party-student. He would come home drunk, and always with a hangover. I had to help him sober up on nights where I didn't want my mother to know. One day, he was caught in bed.."


"It's true.. the rumours.." I blurted out and she stared at me with eyes widened in horror.


"How did you know?" I shrugged.


"I only hear that he used to sleep with girls–"


"That's not true! Listen.. One day Kris.. he was in bed with a girl, and he had no shirt on.. But the girl was completely . She had taken photos of them together, and then she sent them to him. Kris, knew he hadn't slept with her, and so he confronted his friends, on how to deal with it. He doesn't remember a thing from that night.. His friends didn't take it well, especially one of them.." Friends? I only knew about Chanyeol, could Chanyeol know who Kris is? Is that why I never see Kris hangout with anyone else?


"One of them got really angry at Kris. That boy had a crush on the 'girl who had slept with Kris', but Kris had tried to reassure him he never slept with her. He didn't believe Kris, and they got into a terrible fight.. They stopped talking, and lost complete contact.. By then, I thought Kris was sad, until the next day he was completely happy.. It wasn't until two months later I caught him trying to hang himself.." I gasped, Kris.. The boy I kissed, the boy I knew.. He tried to commit suicide?


"He wanted to kill himself, and I was able to get him down. He was going to strangle himself in our apartment.. Our own home.. I stopped him, but even then my mother and I were still worried. He was under surveillance 24/7, until we made him transfer over to Kwangsan Academy. The principal was able to put him into the basketball team, so he could get stress of his mind.. The councillor's said he was making progress, but I didn't believe it. He came home, saying he was tired and just dip into bed falling asleep.. But it was until one day he completely turned around. He stared to smile, he started to talk.. He said 'hi' every time I came home. He helped out more often.. Something overcame of him.. I didn't understand.. Until I went to Lotte World." I noticed her knees start to tremble, and I took my hand out trying to support her.


"I saw you guys at Lotte World.. I saw him so happy with you." She lowered her voice, as it started to tremble. Mei was trying not to cry, "Kai.. It was you who saved him. He met you, and he fell in love with you. It was you that changed his heart. He completely changed. Kai.. please.. He loves you, and you are the only one who can protect him from giving up his life.." No.. No! Don't tell me this! I've already let him go!


"Then why did you do this.. Why are you hurting him even more?" She winced as I asked her.


"Because.. that girl is two years my seniors, meaning she's younger than you guys.." She is younger than us by three years.. "I want to help Kris.. This boy, Shaun, he knows her. He's helping me, get closer to her–"


"I don't understand.. Are you trying to exploit her or something? You are just making it worse for yourself!"


"No.. I want to meet her.. I want her to apologize. I don't want anything else–"


"And so you are risking everything.. Your own life, and reputation. Kris' love for you.. Just so she can apologize!" She shook her head, had I said too much? Why is it the heart of someone's is so hard to understand.. She seems so determined and dedicated to get this apology, when she could brush it off by now.


"Kai.. It's too late now, I've already got involved.. I'm too deep to be saved.. But I need you to promise me something.. You have to promise me you'll be there for him.. Promise me! You are the only one he looks to, I'm barely anything to him. I'm as close to a dead sister in his eyes.." She pleaded, and I suddenly snapped. I need to save you.. I need to save Kris.


"I promise..Is there any chance of it reoccuring?"

'Kris? Committing suicide.. I think there is a high rate still." Kris.. Please, please be okay..I'm coming, just wait!


Okay I'm pretty sure this part was confusing, and I tried to make it as clear as possible. So I'm going to re-summarize everything that happened so far.

1) Everyone went to the cultural festival, and it mysteriously got sabotaged by someone.

2) Chanyeol has transferred to Kwangsang Academy to be with Jieun

3) Kris and Kai aren't talking, because Kai is completely weirded out by the kiss, and it seems like Kris is 'gay' for Kai, but Kai doesn't know if he likes Kris back.

4) Kai decides to find Kris' sister and confront her about her 'wrong doings'

5) All is revealed, that Kris wasn't what he seemed and he 'supposedly slept with a girl three years his junior'. Revealing why he transferred to Kwangsan because he attempted to commit suicide.

6) Kai has this epiphany and needs to find Kris after pretty much stomping on Kris' heart a number of times now, afraid he might attempt suicide again, because of what he did to Kai.

That's the last prologue, so from here on out the next chapters are going to be showing you how to piece the certain prologues together with whom the characters are talking about.. Aha! So it seems that Kai is going to go find Kris, but what of Jieun? Hmm, the story is getting a bit more complicated (?) Aha, hope you guys enjoyed ^^!

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Hey guys, I might upload Chapter 3 early, since I might not be able to upload it on Friday. So stay tuned ^^!


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I agree with @exoplanetarium.
Chanyeol~ Why so nice? Is it bcuz he wants Jieun to be happy? Poor guy willing to neglect his own feelings for the sake of someone he loves.
Yes, you are happy virus Park Chanyeol. But it's painful to know that words are just a facade to cover your broken heart T~T
It tears at my heart how Chanyeol keeps repeating the word "I'm happy virus Park Chanyeol", as determining not to make himself cry. Can Jieun just fall in love with Yeol, no matter how long it takes?
Pheww... So Kris is still alive. We think too much. Haha
Chanyeol was being inconsiderate with Kai sobbing at one corner while he complained over tv program. But it's kinda funny. XD
Chanyeol is so sweet I wont mind Jieun to be with him.
Wait... So not only Jieun, Kai & Baekhyun circle have 'internal' problem, Kris, D.O. & Chanyeol too?
Now I cant help but feel like I as a reader might be involved in these problems too *shrinks* jk ;D haha
ayemwhyyyy #4
I think Ji Eun should fall in love with Chanyeol. ^_^
What in the world has actually happened.....? Did Baek pick a fight with Chanyeol? Kris's dead? My guess.. from overdosed?
I still dont get the part of why everyone wants to take revenge to Jieun tho. Was it true or she's just overthinking?
Well.. Eunhyee is surely a b*tch for all the nasty things she did to Jieun. I mean, out of jealousy? Like really...? Wow.. how low can she be? idk how she resolved to be Baek's gf but she agreed to it, meaning that she should foresee it coming if from what Jieun said was true that Eunhyee had known their feelings.
ayemwhyyyy #6
sayuriNami #7
Sh*t Kai's gay... I was convinced that he had a thing for Jieun.
So it's true. Kai & Kris, they are more than just friend.
Love me some Chanyeol. He's like the savior for Jieun atm. She really needs someone like him to lean on judging from her situation after all these chapters.
So my guess, that Eunhyee holds a grudge or did wtv to Jieun & she got Baek involved, but Baek seemed regretful somehow.