
The Game

There was never a time that I could actually help you. I only stood in the darkness watching you linger in happiness. Watching you sway from happiness, to this deep overwhelming dark side. I watched you slowly become engulfed into the darkness. I watched him oppress you, and yet I couldn't do anything. I keep telling myself that I can't help you because I will endanger my own life, and your life too. But I know it's all because I am unable to gather the courage to actually save you.. To defend you from the dark shadows oppressing you.. I'm sorry, I swore my life to you. But I broke that oath.. Please, just wait.. I'll come riding in one day. I will save you.


*Note: The bolded words are the characters speaking English.

Kai's POV

"Kris! Kris!" I kept yelling but I failed to actually find the true Kris. There were a ton of student who were tall with blonde hair, that I had mistaken for Kris. I felt someone wrap their arms around me tightly.


"I'm never letting you go.." I could feel students rushing past us, as I was standing in front of the entrance to the gym. His broad, muscular chest curved exactly to the shape of my back. I could feel his sticky, wet sweat rub off onto my white shirt. I felt his chest heave, matching the pace of my pulse.


"Kris.." I turned and he was just standing there smiling, "you shouldn't hug me in public… People will think we are gay."


He shook his head, "I want to.. There are no more lies between us, which means I'm not going to lie to anyone else."




"Come on.. let's get out of this hole.. Please." I bit my lip, and nodded as he took my hand, dragging me away.






It was nightfall and Kris and I had travelled across Seoul to an underground club. I could feel his body grind up against mine, we both had changed out of our clothes from school, into nicer clothing. His hands were around my hips, leading them to sway side to side. I could feel the alcohol buzz within my body, and I let my head back as Kris started to bump into my body more closer. The dancing started to slow down, and I could hear Kris growl something into my ear, before dragging me out of the group of people dancing.

We both were pinned to the bar. I turned around to order a drink, and I saw at the corner of my eye Kris speaking with someone in English…It's her again.. Why the is she always with us?


"Kris, you don't understand.. She needs your help.." The girl sounded very agitated with Kris, who seemed to just smirk and try to neglect what she's saying, "Kris.. it's important.."


"What the could be so important that she doesn't come talk to me?" I tried to suppress the feeling of shock from Kris yelling at her. No one could hear them because the music was too loud, but I was close enough to be eavesdropping, while my back was against them. She? Could Kris have a girlfriend..


"Stop getting so angry, you are the one who's making me do this for you! Don't forget that.." I turned to find this girl getting completely angry. I went over by Kris' side, who in turn was not looking at her, as though he was trying to ignore her and push her away.


She smirked, "who the hell is he? Is this the kid from before?"


I didn't know whether or not to feel offended, but from the ways she had spoken it was very impolite, "my name is Kai, and I think you should leave now."


She chuckled lightly, "did you hear that Kris? Your little girlfriend is telling me to leave you alone!! Wae.. What do you want, do you even know what we are saying."


"Kai.. leave.. Go outside.." I heard Kris growl, as he tugged onto the end of my shirt.


"Go away.. Go." She rudely swatted me away, and I turned to Kris.


"I'm going home.. you and this girl.." I stormed out, and I could hear Kris call for my name but I didn't bother turning back.


"Kai!! Kai! Goddamnit!" I could hear Kris stumble on the ground as he tried to catch up to with me. I didn't bother looking where I was going, instead I just stared down at my feet. Making sure I did not fall or trip. I felt him pull me back, and pin me against the wall.


"Do you know how dangerous it is at night to be around here!" He growled through his clenched teeth.


"What do you want? Why are you so worried about me anyways! Just leave me the alone." I said bitterly, and he could only shake his head.


"Kai, stop this. Stop trying to push me away–"


"I thought there weren't going to be anymore 'secrets' between us. Who the hell is that girl? And why do we always see her? What are you trying to hide.. Do you really have a girlfriend?" I blurted all my thoughts out without thinking of anything. I felt a bit spontaneous to have revealed my feelings in the spur of the moment. Kris bit down on his lip and looked away.


"Do you really want to know the truth.." He stared deeply into my eyes, and leaned closer… any closer and you could kiss me. "My sister has been getting into trouble.."


"What kind of trouble.." This grey shadow cast over Kris's face, and he started to look very tiresome. Kris' legs started to shake, and I noticed him crumple before my eyes.


"It started when I was a kid.. My father left my mother and I when I was four…" I sat beside him, unable to comfort him. This awkward tension grew, but Kris seemed to keep going on, "She was so cute, and so sweet.. But then suddenly she got into drugs, I don't know why. I feel like kids are pressuring her into doing it.." I know how it feels.. To see someone you love, and know that you can't save them.


"Kris.." I shook my head, and he placed his face against my chest. I want to tell you everything. I want to tell you the truth. I want to tell you, I know how you feel. I know how weak you must feel, unable to protect the one you swore you love.


"I found out.. One day, that my sister had hung out with this boy. Shaun.. He was terrible, I know he's the one pushing her to do these things.. But I can't seem to catch him in the middle of the act. That girl back at the club.. That was his sister. Step-sister to be exact, she's been trying to help me. We both know he's been doing something wrong, and we just want to help him. I just want to help her.. I just want my sister back.." He started to soaked my shirt with his tears. I patted his back unable to bring myself to say anything. My eyes started to sting, as I continued to linger in my thoughts. I want her back to herself too.. I want can't ignore her pain, but yet I can't even save her..


"Listen.. It's okay.. You just have to be patient, and one day you'll be able to save her from her misery." Kris continued to softly cry, but my thoughts kept jumping off onto other topics. Jieun-sshi.. I'll save you one day, I'll save you from the mess I made. I've always been here for you, I won't let you get hurt. Not again.. never.. I will never let you get your heart broken. Please, wait for me Jieun-sshi.. I felt Kris shuffle around and he started to push me away. He wiped away the tears off his face, and looked into my eyes. He smiled, and wrapped his arms around me.. Pulling my face so close to his..


"I'm sorry.." A tear trickled down his cheek, and he pulled me in for a kiss..


@sayuriNami: I'm sorry if this is not the .. way you wanted Kai to be T^T!

I am going to admit. This was one difficult chapter to right.. There is so much I want to reveal, but I don't want to reveal too much and make it overwhelming. So many drafts for this chapter @_@.. I'm also not to pleased with how I wrote this, aha.. Gosh it was so bad, I want to go bury myself in a hole now~ There will be an update soon, later.. and I'll hint that there will be Byun Baekhyun in the next chapter.. Todaloo~


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Hey guys, I might upload Chapter 3 early, since I might not be able to upload it on Friday. So stay tuned ^^!


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I agree with @exoplanetarium.
Chanyeol~ Why so nice? Is it bcuz he wants Jieun to be happy? Poor guy willing to neglect his own feelings for the sake of someone he loves.
Yes, you are happy virus Park Chanyeol. But it's painful to know that words are just a facade to cover your broken heart T~T
It tears at my heart how Chanyeol keeps repeating the word "I'm happy virus Park Chanyeol", as determining not to make himself cry. Can Jieun just fall in love with Yeol, no matter how long it takes?
Pheww... So Kris is still alive. We think too much. Haha
Chanyeol was being inconsiderate with Kai sobbing at one corner while he complained over tv program. But it's kinda funny. XD
Chanyeol is so sweet I wont mind Jieun to be with him.
Wait... So not only Jieun, Kai & Baekhyun circle have 'internal' problem, Kris, D.O. & Chanyeol too?
Now I cant help but feel like I as a reader might be involved in these problems too *shrinks* jk ;D haha
ayemwhyyyy #4
I think Ji Eun should fall in love with Chanyeol. ^_^
What in the world has actually happened.....? Did Baek pick a fight with Chanyeol? Kris's dead? My guess.. from overdosed?
I still dont get the part of why everyone wants to take revenge to Jieun tho. Was it true or she's just overthinking?
Well.. Eunhyee is surely a b*tch for all the nasty things she did to Jieun. I mean, out of jealousy? Like really...? Wow.. how low can she be? idk how she resolved to be Baek's gf but she agreed to it, meaning that she should foresee it coming if from what Jieun said was true that Eunhyee had known their feelings.
ayemwhyyyy #6
sayuriNami #7
Sh*t Kai's gay... I was convinced that he had a thing for Jieun.
So it's true. Kai & Kris, they are more than just friend.
Love me some Chanyeol. He's like the savior for Jieun atm. She really needs someone like him to lean on judging from her situation after all these chapters.
So my guess, that Eunhyee holds a grudge or did wtv to Jieun & she got Baek involved, but Baek seemed regretful somehow.