Choi Siwon in America?!

Celebrity Romance

Ami's POV:

Oh! I’m so glad that I went shopping today! But it’s so cold outside! I definitely don’t wanna go outside!

I shivered.

I was walking on the first floor of the mall when I heard a voice.

“Does anee-one speaku Korean?” asked a guy.

I looked at him.  He was Asian and with a really, I mean really bad accent. No one could understand him. I felt sorry for him. But it wasn’t until he took off those sunglasses that I really recognized who he was—Choi Siwon. The Choi Siwon, was here, in Paradise Mall, asking for help, with no one knowing who he is. I was so peeved. So he was sent here! Good thing I watched Super Junior M Secret Mission Game that day!

Then he started to speak in Korean. "Does anyone speak Korean?" he called out.

He looked so desperate that I couldn’t help but help him. But first, he mustn’t know that I know that he’s the Choi Siwon.

"Yes, a little," I said to him as I walked up.

His eyes lit up.

"Are you Korean?"

"Ehehe... I'm not, but I do understand," I replied, thinking hopefully that my words made sense.

He smiled. "Gwenchanayo. I--"

I held up my hand interrupting him. "Hold on a moment please." I took out my cellphone and called my Korean best friend, Andy.


"Hey Oppa, I have a giant favor to ask of you, so don't fool around please, k? It's really important."

"Arraso. What's up?"

“There’s this guy who’s Korean and needs help. Can you translate for me?”

“Aw man! Why?!”

“Just do it please?! C’mon!”


“Thank you so much!! Ok. First of all, ask him what happened to him. He can’t be in shorts and a t-shirt in this weather! It’s freezing!”

“Ok,” Andy replied.

I handed the phone to Siwon.

“Listen,” I said, and cupped my ear as a sign for listening.

“Oh! Ok!” he exclaimed.

I heard Andy talk to Siwon in Korean. Siwon handed the phone back to me.


“He said something like he was robbed and his friend was like kidnapped or somethin’ like that,” Andy told me.

“Ok… ask him what his name is.” I handed the phone back. I waited intently, knowing that of course Siwon would have to "disguise" himself. I giggled to myself.

Siwon replied with a really long name that I didn’t understand. He handed the phone back.

“He said it was—“

“Nope, I don’t wanna hear it. Too long. Ask him if he has an English name and he can give me a name in Korean to make it easier for him.


The process went over again.

"He wants to call you Hye Rin."

"It's a nice name..." I said thoughtfully.

Siwon smiled at me.

"And his name is Andrew by the way," Andy added.

"Gomawoyo, Oppa. I'll call you again for help later, k? Thanks so much~" I said with aegyo. Even though he was a trouble maker, I loved teasing him with aegyo. It's funny cuz he gets embarrassed.

"Ah... Arrasso. Bye," he ended the call.

I turned to Siwon.

“Buy clothes,” I said slowly, pointing to our clothes.

He seemed to get the message.

“You too cold,” I said again, pointed at him, and pretended to shiver, indicating how it was cold.

 Siwon was still soaking wet! And I could see his hot and y abs, but he had to change or else he would've gotten a cold! Now I didn't want my Siwon to get a cold, didn't I?

“Mmh!” he grinned.

“Money?” I asked slowly and took out a $20.

“Yes,” he replied and showed $100.

“Holy shiz!”

Siwon gave me a confused look.

"Nothing," shaking my head. "Kaja?" holding out my hand to him.

He grasped my hand with a large smile and we set off on our mini adventure.


To my one and only subscriber and commenter, I am terribly sorry for not updating. I've been more focused on my other story that I completely forgot. And the original story was written more so in Japanese than Korean. I will work on this story and try to distribute my time equally amongst my stories.

New chapter coming up soon! Thank you~

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Chapter 28: awwww another cliffie whyyyyyyyy
Chapter 27: Finallly I wanted to see where this was going please continue!!!!!!!!!!!!
danvinguyen24 #3
LOL thanks for the comment! Haha I'll try to update as soon as I can :) Thanks for your support!
danvinguyen24 #4
Aww I just logged back on after a long time! Thanks for commenting! I'll try to update >__<
Chapter 26: U left it at a cliffie i need more!!!!!!!!
Arashi93 #6
Chapter 26: Cute :) hope you'll update it soon :)
Chapter 23: wait what the heak happed to them?? gettig suspensful i like it, update soonn
SuNia_ #8
Chapter 23: OMO where did she know that he is on a mission. ?? :O moo hanging baby what are they doing to you?? AND SIWONIE??
SuNia_ #9
Chapter 22: OMG HE PUNSHED SIWON...... honestly I would kill this daehyun I mean he is... ARGH I just can't describe it man >.< ARRGHH buy you know what I mean and feel right now x'DD
sunshinexgirl #10
Sorry for not commenting before, I haven't been on asianfanfics for ages and I was so happy when I saw so many chapter updates!
I feel bad for Geng...but Siwon is so cute I would most likely cry if Ami chose Geng over Siwon because he's so innocent and fjkslfj hehe
I laughed when Ami pushed him off the bed bahaha that was funny~~