
Celebrity Romance


My hand trembled as I held the phone and I clenched it to calm my shaking hand. Thoughts spiraled endlessly through my head. I felt my body grow numb and cold and the dark, cold world spun around me as I tried to grasp what I had just heard. The call ended and the phone slipped out of my hand, crashing down to the ground. I slumped to my knees and that's when I broke.

I screamed my heart out, asking Fate why it had to be like this, why it had to happen... I beat the floor  again and again, unleashing my anger, my frustration, my sadness. My head pounded, my blood boiled; no matter how hard I struck the floor to silence those words, it still rang like small waves through my head.

I laid on the floor, the life out of me. The blood stopped pulsing through my body and my heart ceased to be. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my wallet. I looked at the picture that I held onto endearingly. Through tearful eyes, I her hair, her face, her eyes, her nose, her lips... It was as if she really was there. I took one last, long glance, and then the world became black and swallowed me up in its dark depths.


Ami's POV:

I was faced  with the dire consequences of my actions; either way someone would be hurt in the end.

Sigh.. Eottoke... I trudged through the rest of my day, with only the thought of this in my mind.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

The bell sounded for end of the last class of the day. Immediate dread came upon me. I couldn't face Siwon. I couldn't face Han Geng either. My shoulders sagged and my head hung low as I walked out of the classroom. Once I was outside,  I was met with a ligth smack on the head. My head jerked up and I came face to face with a smiling Siwon.


"Yah, what's with the long face? Bad grade?"

"A-ani! Let's go somewhere else!"


I clutched his hand and led him out to the parking lot. As we were walking, he suddenly pulled my hand and twisted me around.

"Yah, Ami, what's this?" he asked, gently picking up the star necklace that dangled on my chest.

"It was a gift..."


I glanced up at him and for a moment, for one moment, he seemed like a different person. His eyes did not twinkle with the amusement as it had before. Instead, it was replaced with a bitter, cold, penetrating gaze. The soft eyes were now sharp and deep, not a hint of love. Was this directed towards me or was this about something else on his mind?

C'mon let's go," I dropped my eyes and tugged his hand.

"Ok.." he replied and followed after me. I swear I felt his hand tighten around mind for one moment, but it relaxed. The intense atmosphere disappeared as it had appeared.

What was up with him today? It was probably my imagination...

We continued walking and that's when I realized something. Wait. I don't even know where Siwon's car is. I stopped in my tracks.

"Exactly, Ami. I"ll be the one leading," he smirked and took the lead.

"Yah!!" I laughed, catching up to him, glad.

We arrived at his car and I settled myself in. Siwon started the engine and began to drive, but he took a different turn.

"Where are we going?"

"Somewhere," he murmured.

I restrained myself from asking anymore questions. I didn't want Siwon to act up again.

The radio became the only one blubbering in the car. The strained atmosphere between us was still slightly there.

I saw Siwon drive into Paradise Mall. Bewilderment filled my face.

"Oppa! Why are we here?!"


He parked the car and I opened the car door and stepped outside. 

"C'mon," he grasped my hand and started pulling me towards the entrance.

I silently followed in his steps. We weaved in and out of stores and to the place where we first met. My stomach dropped and my hands became damp with perspiration. 

"Wait here," he gently ordered and disappeared.

I sat on a nearby bench and worry was etched across my entire face. 


I flipped out my phone and received a text message from Siwon.

Put away your phone and close your eyes.

I did as he said and waited.

Within a few moments, I felt a nearby presence and warm hands take my hand. I resisted the urge to open my eyes.

"You can open your eyes now, Ami."

I opened my eyes and found a beautiful silver bracelet fastened around my wrist. It was endowed with one glittering heart engraved with an A. Tears formed in my eyes.

"It's only fair that I be represented too."

"Thank you, Andrew." I got up and hugged him tightly and he returned the embrace.

As I felt his warm, strong arms around me, I thought, I"ll miss them. I'll miss it a lot, Siwon.

"Hey, no crying," he whispered into my hair as small sobs escaped from my mouth. 

But I felt his breath become heavy too and he hugged me closer to his body. It felt like he didn't want me to leave from the confinement of his arms; he wanted this embrace to be a bittersweet eternity.

Siwon got a hold of himself and cleared his throat. Sniffling now, I released myself from the hug and wiped my eyes. I looked up at him and smiled. 

"I won't cry, so you better not cry too."

"Yah, do you see ME crying?" He chuckled and softly swiped the tears on my face. I closed my eyes, taking in that last sweet gesture from him.

He won't do that to me anymore either, huh?

"Andrew.. I have something to say to you.."

"Mm? What is it?"

I drew in a small breath. "I--"

"Yah dongsaeng! Ami!" a voice shouted.

I turned my head and saw Han Geng waving his arm. He quickly walked over toward us.

"What're you guys doing here?" he asked.

"Ah, some shopping that's all, Hyung," Siwon simply replied.

"Oh, really?"


"Let's go home now, then, yea?" interrupting the awkward silence.

"Arasso. Kaja," Siwon took my hand and began leading me away.

"O-Oppa!" I cried. I flipped my head back. "Bye, Anh Hai! I--I'll see you later! Whoaa! Wait, Andrew! Slow down!" I exclaimed as he dragged me away faster.

"Yah, Andrew."

Siwon ignored me.

"Yah, Andrew!" I said louder.

He still ignored me and kept on with fast, long strides.


He spun around, ready to explode, but I cupped his face in my hands. Surprise filled his face.

"Gwenchana? You've been acting strangely. Is there something wrong?" I searched his face looking for some possible answer.

He moved his hand and I squeezed my eyes shut and winced, my body reacting for some reason. He affectionately patted my head and I peered up at him. His eyes softened.

"Yes.. I'm okay, Mi. I'm okay," he whispered with a small smile. "C'mon let's go. We're making a scene here."

I looked around and saw people staring at us. My face grew hot with embarrassment. I continued following Siwon out the mall and to the car. It was yet another quiet ride on the way home, with the radio murmuring in the background again. Although it felt like hours, we reached home in a matter of minutes. I got out of the car and grabbed my bag. Siwon stayed in the car.

"I'll see you later," he waved.

"Yea, see you." I walked up the driveway to the front door.

Siwon waited until I opened the door. He waved and I waved back; then he drove away. I stood there until he was out of sight and then I crumpled to the ground crying. 

Siwon...Siwon... my heart cried out in pain...in love. Don't leave. Don't leave me alone. 



Hello dear followers!!! Seeing the results of the poll made me want to write another chapter so here it is~~ Ahahaha I feel kinda bad for neglecting my other story now.... But oh well! It seems like you guys love me more, seeing the comments and votes ^^

Oh! I left the first POV blank so that you guys can guess who it might be. Ahahha sorry for making you guys agitated XD

Comments, ideas?


Saranghae & Thx!! :))

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Sniffles* No comments from my subscribers?! Ouch... That hurts T.T


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Chapter 28: awwww another cliffie whyyyyyyyy
Chapter 27: Finallly I wanted to see where this was going please continue!!!!!!!!!!!!
danvinguyen24 #3
LOL thanks for the comment! Haha I'll try to update as soon as I can :) Thanks for your support!
danvinguyen24 #4
Aww I just logged back on after a long time! Thanks for commenting! I'll try to update >__<
Chapter 26: U left it at a cliffie i need more!!!!!!!!
Arashi93 #6
Chapter 26: Cute :) hope you'll update it soon :)
Chapter 23: wait what the heak happed to them?? gettig suspensful i like it, update soonn
SuNia_ #8
Chapter 23: OMO where did she know that he is on a mission. ?? :O moo hanging baby what are they doing to you?? AND SIWONIE??
SuNia_ #9
Chapter 22: OMG HE PUNSHED SIWON...... honestly I would kill this daehyun I mean he is... ARGH I just can't describe it man >.< ARRGHH buy you know what I mean and feel right now x'DD
sunshinexgirl #10
Sorry for not commenting before, I haven't been on asianfanfics for ages and I was so happy when I saw so many chapter updates!
I feel bad for Geng...but Siwon is so cute I would most likely cry if Ami chose Geng over Siwon because he's so innocent and fjkslfj hehe
I laughed when Ami pushed him off the bed bahaha that was funny~~