
Celebrity Romance

To my beloved subscribers, I AM SO VERY SORRY. I AM TRULY DEEPLY SORRY for not updating for the past 3-4 (?) months. God I can't even count anymore. School has been a pain for me. I've been staying up late, waking up early, and my weekends are taken up by competitions and studying for tests. I hope you guys forgive me. To make it up, I have written this chapter for you guys. I hope you enjoy this chapter. I won't be sad if you guys don't want to comment, I understand. But, I hope that you guys will always wait for me!

I love you all very much! Thank you for always giving me your support!


Han Geng's POV:

Although Ami slept fitfully, I was having a hard time sleeping... Mostly because of her. I loved her cute little face when she slept. It was just soo adorable! And it was hard for me to control myself from kissing her still. Jeez, do guys ever get over their hormones?! However, I finally succumbed to the exhaustion and sleepiness I felt, with Ami comfortably encircled in my arms.

i woke up early the next morning. Stretching slowly and carefully, I yawned and looked down at Ami. She was still it the same position as yesterday night: burying her small head into my chest with her delicate hands clinging to my shirt. I gently plucked off her fingers one by one and moved her head to the pillow. I got up quietly, getting ready to leave. It was about 5 in the morning. I knew she had school and I didnt want to bother her. She has enough trouble with Siwon and me already. Leaving for now is the best.

"See you later, MiMi," I softly kissed her forehead.


Ami's POV:

Beep beep beep beep!

I smacked my alarm clock. God let me sleep some more! I groaned. Turning over to my side, the clock read 6:00 am. Aish!

I tumbled out and prepared to go to school. Sitting down at the dining table eating my breakfast, I realized one thing I had forgotten. My car.

"Fudge!!!" I shouted. "I have to take the bus?!" Stuffing cereal into my mouth, I tossed on my shoes and my backpack and sprinted to the front door. After locking the door, I spun around and came face-to-face with Siwon.

"Morning! Need a ride?" he smiled, holding up his keys.

"OMG Oppa! I love you!" I cried happily.

He laughed, his ears turning red.

"Palli before I'm late!" And I blasted off to his car.


Siwon's POV:

"OMG Oppa! I love you!" 

Her sweet words rang in my ears. My heart leaped, but only for a brief moment. I knew that her meaning of the love she just said to me was different from mine. But all the same, I still felt that warm feeling in my heart. 

I the engine.

"What time does class start?"

"7:10 and it's already 6:55!!!"

"Arasso! Just chill, we'll get there in no time," I replied, casually driving with one hand on the wheel.

"Aish! Jinjja! You drive as slow as a turtle!"

I smirked. "You want me to drive faster? I'll show you what fast is."

I pressed the gas and zoomed down the street with Ami screaming.

"Yah! You're gonna kill someone! No! You're gonna kill us!"

"You wanted me to go fast, so I'm going fast~"

"Not to the point of speeding like a psycho!"

"I'm hurt," I pouted. "You're calling me a psycho? Shall I go as 'slow as a turtle' then?"

She glanced at the clock. "Ani! Just drive carefully please!"

I chuckled. "Arasso," I ruffled her head.

"Aish, cramping my style Andrew!" she said in annoyance.

I took off my foot from the gas pedal and the car slowed.

"Er.. I mean thank you, Oppa!" she muttered and looked out the window.

Peering over at her through the corner of my eyes, I smiled to myself, satisfied with the last fleeting moments that I've spent with her.


Ami's POV:

Aish, jinjja this pabo I thought in annoyance. But a small smile flitted across my lips. Just riding in the car together and talking was already making my day. Wait! Aish! What the heck am I thinking!? How many times do I have to remind myself? This is not possible. It's only Han Geng, not Siwon. Siwon's an idol; it's forbidden for me.

We arrived at school and I hopped out of the car, calling out a goodbye to Siwon and then sprinting to class.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

I barely made it to my seat.

"Someone's late, again~" whispered Char. "Oohh some steaminess happen last night?"

"Omg, Char, shut up. And there was nothing last night," I stuck my tongue out at her.

"Hey, you gotta tell me what's been happening. And especially that one jerk."

"Whoa there, calm down horsey. It's ok. Don't kill him."

"Ami and Charlotte!! Stop talking!!" yelled our teacher.

"Ok!" we chimed together.

"You're telling me everything later," Char mouthed.

I just did a face-palm and shook my head.

We were quiet for the rest of the period until the bell rang.


"Later, Char! At lunch!" I shouted as I headed towards my next class.

I slowly trudged through all my classes. Sigh.. I wish I could be at home instead. Lunch came and I went to our lunch tree. Char waited under the cool shade of the tree branches, impatient for me to spill all the juicy details.

"Spill now!"

"Ok ok!" I grumbled and plopped down onto the grass next to her.

"I'm only giving an outline of this cuz I'm tired, k?"

"Aww whyyy?!?" she moaned.

"BEecause... Aish, if you don't wanna hear then I won't tell you."

"No! I"l llisten!! Tell me!!"

"So last night, I spent time with Han Geng. He knocked on my window last night and scared the crap outta me. And he gave me a star necklace," I smiled, showing it to her. "Then he carried me outside to the backyard. We cuddled together, looking at the stars.. and we danced too. And..." my voice trailed off and a faint blush crept up my cheeks.

"And what?!" she asked her eyes b with excitement and curiosity.

"No, it's too embarrassing!"

"Whut, he kissed you or something?"

"Yah!" I smacked her.

"So it was," she smiled in satisfaction, but then her face turned dark. "Wait.. this is HAN GENG were talking about. The stupid, idiot, bastard---"

"No no no!" I waved my hands back and forth, stopping Char from releasing any more profanities about him. "He didn't kiss me! He was gonna give me an eskimo kiss and I totally misunderstood it!!


"Char, calm down. It's ok. It's ok. Calm, calm," I peeped trying to pacify her anger.


"CHAR! Listen to me for a sec!" I shouted, interrupting her.

"Sorry.. I'll calm down. I'll listen..." she sat down, she didn't even realize that she was standing up while she was screaming at me.

"Thank you," I sighed and laid down on the grass. 

"What's wrong?"

"It's just that.. I don't know what to do with myself. I'm confused. I'm not exactly sure if I love Han Geng anymore. When I'm with Siwon, I feel butterflies in my stomach and there's a warmth that I can't explain. The emotions I feel with Siwon are stronger than Han Geng. And with Han Geng, I don't even get butterflies, but I feel the warmth but not so strongly. But I know that I can't fall in love with Siwon cuz he's an idol and if he found out that I KNOW that he's an idol... Well.. The world is going to fall into pieces and he'll hate me forever! And then I'll be betraying Han Geng in some way! And then both of them will hate me, which I don't want!!" I panted, exhausted from ranting to her... But I felt better now, like a weight taken off my chest. Wait.. I admitted that I LOVE SIWON?! But not in a fangirl way, but as an actual person?!

"Wow, Ami... I never.. knew... But hey girl, it's good that you let this out."

"Thank you.. and sorry for yelling," I said sheepishly.

"No, it's ok. All I have to say to you is that:

1. You love Siwon, and it's good that you finally admitted to yourself and that you recognize it.

2. You won't be betraying Han Geng. And what I'm about to say has nothing to do with me hating him; it's because you haven't seen him in so long, so how could you keep on holding onto those feelings? Those feelings have been keeping you down; people change you know. But you can't lead him on. I know that he probably doesn't know that you love him, and that your actions around him have more skinship and it's more intimate because you've known each other for so long, but you can't lead him on. You can love both of them, but you'll love them in different ways. Han Geng is like your brother, a best friend. Siwon is your love, your man; a protector, a safety harbor; a man who'll give you anything to make you happy. Those are two completely different things.

And 3. Tell Siwon that you know. If you keep lying to him, it's not good and he'll feel more betrayed."

My face fell at her last statement. "TELL SIWON? How?! I don't want him to hate me!" a half sob uttered from my lips.

"Ami," she looked at me straight in the face, "You have to tell him. At least telling him honestly and not lying to him and keeping in the dark is better. He'll feel more hurt after you've lied to him for a long time."

"But there'll be consequences to this though."

"Yes, that's right."

"Then I'd rather not tell him," I declared. "I'll go somewhere far away where he won't see me again and that he'll find a better person than a deceptive person like me."

"Ami! You--"

"I'd rather live with the guilt and go with Han Geng. I can't do this to Siwon."

"So you'd rather go with Han Geng AND hurt him too!? With time it will heal! Don't be a stupid idiot!!! It's not worth it!! You'll be hurting everyone like that!! Be smart!! WAKE UP!!" she shook me violently.

"I know that it'll hurt, but it's better than seeing Siwon's face crushed with his image of me shattered. I will love Han Geng. I'll love him like I used to, when I was a naiive young girl in love with the one shining knight in armor."

"Ami!" she pleaded. "Don't do this to yourself! Nothing good will come out of it!"


A long moment of silence passed between us. During that time, a question surfaced from the deep depths of my heart.

Siwon, will you still accept my love even if I've lied to you?

Little did I know, that throughout this exchange of words, secrets, and lies, my cell phone called the one person, that one person whom I did not want him to hear this entire conversation. That one person, whose response to this will change everything.

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Sniffles* No comments from my subscribers?! Ouch... That hurts T.T


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Chapter 28: awwww another cliffie whyyyyyyyy
Chapter 27: Finallly I wanted to see where this was going please continue!!!!!!!!!!!!
danvinguyen24 #3
LOL thanks for the comment! Haha I'll try to update as soon as I can :) Thanks for your support!
danvinguyen24 #4
Aww I just logged back on after a long time! Thanks for commenting! I'll try to update >__<
Chapter 26: U left it at a cliffie i need more!!!!!!!!
Arashi93 #6
Chapter 26: Cute :) hope you'll update it soon :)
Chapter 23: wait what the heak happed to them?? gettig suspensful i like it, update soonn
SuNia_ #8
Chapter 23: OMO where did she know that he is on a mission. ?? :O moo hanging baby what are they doing to you?? AND SIWONIE??
SuNia_ #9
Chapter 22: OMG HE PUNSHED SIWON...... honestly I would kill this daehyun I mean he is... ARGH I just can't describe it man >.< ARRGHH buy you know what I mean and feel right now x'DD
sunshinexgirl #10
Sorry for not commenting before, I haven't been on asianfanfics for ages and I was so happy when I saw so many chapter updates!
I feel bad for Geng...but Siwon is so cute I would most likely cry if Ami chose Geng over Siwon because he's so innocent and fjkslfj hehe
I laughed when Ami pushed him off the bed bahaha that was funny~~